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How To Get To Heaven When You Die

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  • where is Eugen Bleuler when you need him?.....


    • Originally posted by tash View Post
      some poeple here have some real too funny!

      I hear ya man sometimes when feeling down about myself if you come here and see these types of things really makes u feel better about yourself.o
      MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
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      AS of 6/3/12


      • Anyone who has ever witnessed a woman giving birth I just don't see how u can not believe in. God.For a baby to be made out of something coming from you and growing and having 10 fingers 10 toes lungs a heartbeat how can anyone just think its science.
        MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
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        AS of 6/3/12


        • A lot of educated people are atheist.They don't trust anything unless they see it and can talk to it.I understand from a science standpoint that some question just does not have a reasonable answer.But you know what everyone needs oxygen to breathe you can't see it but its there.Same as God.Like Bryce said I respect everyone's opinion but something just upset you.
          MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
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          AS of 6/3/12


          • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
            If might always makes right, does this apply to individuals also as well as nations?
            I ask this because if what you say is true, then it is be inference ok for someone to rob a bank if he thinks he can get away with it, lie about anything, and on and on and on as long as he can get away with it and advance his own cause.
            In an instance like this if I understand you correctly, would there not be a conflict with societal values?
            The logical conclusion in the example cited would be that any individual has a right to do anything as he pleases even it it infringes on the rights of others as long,as he gets away with it(or thinks he can get away with it)-however the nation or the other person or persons upon whom he in infringing in so doing also has the right and might to go after him and bring him to justice under the rules set by that society.
            Is that what you are in essence saying, and if so, is this not in a sense a related to Darwin's survival of the fittest?
            Yes. You understand it. Need fulfillment and adaptive success is the criteria for validity in personality processing. We fulfill our own needs as well as others, in order to adapt. Successful adaptation serves to continue our genes in the gene pool - such genetic inclusion is the goal as programmed in us.

            We serve our own needs to survive. We serve our kin to promote their genetic continuance - thereby promoting our own (since our kin have some of our genes and their genetic continuance is also ours). We serve the needs of friends and nation since the group assists us in achieving our genetic continuance.

            Our evaluations (morality) must be consistent with our genetic nature (and Darwin) to maximally promote our genetic continuance. Unconditional or universal love is genetically valid only for caring for infants. Love in adult relationships should always be conditional - love made contingent on past or expected reciprocation.

            If we can rob banks and get away with it then that is right, though society would disagree. Bank robbers seem to eventually get caught which is why this path is not adaptive (and thus immoral or wrong). If robbing banks were easy, enough people would get away with it and the nation would be destroyed by it so there would be no more banks to rob. Immoral acts are self-limiting - parasitic behavior often kills the host so no more parasites exist.

            Now, we need to exploit other nations to the extent we can but often mutual exploitation, in trade and security agreements, make this fair to all concerned. Nations outside of such allies should be fair game for invasion, colonization, and plundering. A foreigner is an enemy if not an ally or potential ally.

            Mexico has been invading this nation for many years - many parts of the country have been taken over by such illegal immigrants. We should shoot and kill such illegals as they cross the border since many are criminals, unhealthy, needy of welfare, or lacking in skills and abilities. Illegals are largely parasites in taking more from the nation than they contribute to the nation. Our prisons and jails are full of illegal immigrants - illegal immigrants are about 16 times more likely to be incarcerated for crimes unrelated to being here illegally, than our own citizens. We have enough domestic parasites that are growing in number to degrade the nation. We should accept legal immigrants that are young, intelligent, skilled, healthy and educated - the cream of the crop. These immigrants can contribute most to us.

            The idea of shooting anyone, even women and children, as they cross illegally, elicits a knee-jerk emotional reaction of horror. Death is not pleasant. However, evaluations made on an emotional basis are often invalid. What real, valid and substantive objections can anyone make against the idea of shooting illegals who hurt the country and take jobs away from our own people? A real reason and not just an emotional reaction?


            • The only thing in life tuat is 100% yours is your own life.That is the problem I have with what you said lastly.We all have that right to do whatever and whenever we want.Even when it comes to taking our own life the final decision belongs to you.That is why In my opinion murder is worse than anything you could do.I understand what u are saying but you can't justify killing someone just because u disagree with them or have different beliefs.
              MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
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              GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

              AS of 6/3/12


              • Originally posted by Art View Post
                Yes. You understand it. Need fulfillment and adaptive success is the criteria for validity in personality processing. We fulfill our own needs as well as others, in order to adapt. Successful adaptation serves to continue our genes in the gene pool - such genetic inclusion is the goal as programmed in us.

                We serve our own needs to survive. We serve our kin to promote their genetic continuance - thereby promoting our own (since our kin have some of our genes and their genetic continuance is also ours). We serve the needs of friends and nation since the group assists us in achieving our genetic continuance.

                Our evaluations (morality) must be consistent with our genetic nature (and Darwin) to maximally promote our genetic continuance. Unconditional or universal love is genetically valid only for caring for infants. Love in adult relationships should always be conditional - love made contingent on past or expected reciprocation.

                If we can rob banks and get away with it then that is right, though society would disagree. Bank robbers seem to eventually get caught which is why this path is not adaptive (and thus immoral or wrong). If robbing banks were easy, enough people would get away with it and the nation would be destroyed by it so there would be no more banks to rob. Immoral acts are self-limiting - parasitic behavior often kills the host so no more parasites exist.

                Now, we need to exploit other nations to the extent we can but often mutual exploitation, in trade and security agreements, make this fair to all concerned. Nations outside of such allies should be fair game for invasion, colonization, and plundering. A foreigner is an enemy if not an ally or potential ally.

                Mexico has been invading this nation for many years - many parts of the country have been taken over by such illegal immigrants. We should shoot and kill such illegals as they cross the border since many are criminals, unhealthy, needy of welfare, or lacking in skills and abilities. Illegals are largely parasites in taking more from the nation than they contribute to the nation. Our prisons and jails are full of illegal immigrants - illegal immigrants are about 16 times more likely to be incarcerated for crimes unrelated to being here illegally, than our own citizens. We have enough domestic parasites that are growing in number to degrade the nation. We should accept legal immigrants that are young, intelligent, skilled, healthy and educated - the cream of the crop. These immigrants can contribute most to us.

                The idea of shooting anyone, even women and children, as they cross illegally, elicits a knee-jerk emotional reaction of horror. Death is not pleasant. However, evaluations made on an emotional basis are often invalid. What real, valid and substantive objections can anyone make against the idea of shooting illegals who hurt the country and take jobs away from our own people? A real reason and not just an emotional reaction?
                In all honesty, even though your arguments and points are well thought out, I think though that you will have a difficult time getting many people who believe in God and/or some kind of supernatural power whose centerpiece if goodness to change their minds.
                Most of us are emotional beings with human feelings and thoughts-we love life and all the good things which go with it-love for ourselves and other human beings including our families, etc., food, sex, nature, sports, gambling and on and on on.
                I think tech made some great points re: above.
                Even though our minds are finite, I find it personally hard to believe that all of what I describe above is just there by accident-no I can't prove it, but for that matter show me someone who can prove, not surmise, otherwise.
                I respect all views regarding life, god, religious views and the reason for our existence(or in the case of atheists the contention that there is no godly reason for our existence).
                Many of the things you mentioned and talked about I personally do not agee with because obviously we are starting from a different premise.
                Since I really do not know what lies beyond when we pass, I have chosen to try to live a good life and as stated ,have read several books by some devouted Christian folks to make myself a better person; while the advice given is religious in nature, in a practical sense it is also good.
                For me anyways some of the values which I was taught when I was a child remain as an adult because in earthly terms they are good-I can't comment on how they would be perceived in another dimension, civilization, etc. and I don't care-I am an earthly being.
                I also have my own set of adult values which were derived from my many experiences and years on this planet.
                Thus my philosophy is to try to lead a happy life and for the most part in my case this has been true-as stated I also want to be a good person in terms of society and myself also and thus the reason for reading books by persons who I feel offer good advice whether it be religious oriented or not.
                I have an inward feeling that there is a reason or being or force behind all of this and for this I am grateful, and that is what I go with as you do with yours.
                No I can't rationalize all of the evil and injustices in the world and don't pretend to be able to.
                You obviously view things differently and that is fine.
                I can't say that you are wrong and that I am right-if what you say makes sense to you and makes your boat float, in the long run that is all that matters.


                • I believe that the processes of causality (God), acting in concert to produce changes throughout the universe, is awesome and powerful, but natural and not supernatural. Non-material events are also processed, in what some may call an afterlife, but these too are natural and not supernatural.

                  Where you (and most others) and I disagree is my belief that morality is not embedded in causality - is not a part of the God process by which change occurs. God is amoral. Acts of God are not constructed to some moral standard - acts of humans do factor in morality evaluations.

                  You can't show me your God, much less your God's absolute morality, but I can show you my God, and my morality as relative and as determined in personality evaluations that often differ from person to person. My God and my morality are based in reality - yours in delusion.

                  Sharia law works well for Muslims, and though women suffer from it (stoned for adultery or killed for falling in love with someone their parents disapprove of), most Muslim women accept it. Western cultures reject it as invalid.

                  A morality system can work for you does not have to be valid, but it will be most adaptive if it is valid. The laws of nature by which species have survived promote maximal adaption. A morality divorced from nature is divorced from reality, and is invalid and not adaptable.

                  In the end, the nation that wins out in the continuing competition between nation, is that with the most valid views and most valid morality, and so far that looks like China.


                  • Originally posted by tech fan View Post
                    .....In my opinion murder is worse than anything you could do. I understand what u are saying but you can't justify killing someone just because u disagree with them or have different beliefs.
                    I personally would not kill for that reason though many Muslims would kill for that reason and argue that Allah justifies it.

                    You can cry over it and bemoan it but they could care less if you think it is unjustified.

                    Now, if you can get enough people to agree with you in regarding the murder as unjustified, and they can do something like kill all the Muslims, then the Muslims might care that you think the killing was not justified.

                    Might makes right, not any God. If people believe something is right, the might of their numbers, and the force they might apply to back up their morality, makes their morality right. People obey their personal morality because of the might it has in their personality, as ingrained by the moral brainwashing they have received.

                    Might, not God, makes right. God has nothing to do with morality.


                    • where is prophet Muhammad when you need him ? .....


                      • im waiting for miracles..and spells.....keep me updated


                        • Originally posted by tash View Post
                          im waiting for miracles..and spells.....keep me updated
                          While you wait why not be more secure.

                          As you know, the world is coming to an end in December of 2012.

                          For just one dollar you can buy my end-of-the-world insurance that pays you one million dollars if the world comes to an end at any time.

                          Those are a million to one odds.

                          PM me as to how to send me your money.


                          • On another note does every one believe that there is a hell?


                            • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                              On another note does every one believe that there is a hell?
                              Some say marriage.

                              Some say a losing streak.

                              I say hell is a state of mind, in either incarnate or disincarnate existence. We construct our own experience and accept it as reality.


                              • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                                On another note does every one believe that there is a hell?
                                I feel like if you believe in hell u have to believe in heaven
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