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Montana Bear Tragedy

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  • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
    And i'll agree with others in saying i didn't think "Racial intent" once when i saw it. I don't think he could be that picky when looking for a bear sitting at a picnic table kaz that he "Chose" a black one. Most bears are black in this country. It is what "You" make it and it was nothing more than HILARIOUS to me!
    Fine. It was a hilarious joke to you. But I guarantee you for most people on welfare or most black people who see it, their first thought is going to be it's just another racial slur. Nothing new.....

    There's a half dozen white guys on here who see no racial overtones. They rarely see racial overtones in any posts. None of the obvious racially motivated posts about Obama either. And they probably never will.
    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • Originally posted by KazDog View Post
      I showed the post to 3 white guys where I worked and asked what conclusion they drew from it. To a man they commented, obviously racial and the hidden intent that it's a fat black person getting handouts from the gov't.

      There was no mistaking how they read it....

      For people that don't get that, you're obviously rolling with blinders on.
      Well i guess those 3 people mean ... what again? WHO CARES!!!!!

      I'll go show it to 4 people and i bet all 4 laugh their ass off when they see it and don't give 2 shits beyond that. Jesus kaz, you need a fuckin hobby or something if that really made you think that much.


      • Originally posted by KazDog View Post
        Fine. It was a hilarious joke to you. But I guarantee you for most people on welfare or most black people who see it, their first thought is going to be it's just another racial slur. Nothing new.....

        That's 99% of the people's on welfare mentality though Kaz. Ask anyone of them, someone is always out to get them, they're always the victim, etc, etc. That's why they live the lives they do. Always blaming someone else for their problems instead of trying to take some self responsibility and fix their problems themselves.


        • Originally posted by KazDog View Post
          Fine. It was a hilarious joke to you. But I guarantee you for most people on welfare or most black people who see it, their first thought is going to be it's just another racial slur. Nothing new.....

          There's a half dozen white guys on here who see no racial overtones. They rarely see racial overtones in any posts. None of the obvious racially motivated posts about Obama either. And they probably never will.

          I don't give a flying fuck about what the people on welfare think because they are the ones TAKING from this Country and not giving jack shit in return kaz.


          • MM will probably take up for the DEMS but I would love to get his unbiased opinion on this matter.


            • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
              Well i guess those 3 people mean ... what again? WHO CARES!!!!!

              I'll go show it to 4 people and i bet all 4 laugh their ass off when they see it and don't give 2 shits beyond that. Jesus kaz, you need a fuckin hobby or something if that really made you think that much.
              No, I really don't need a hobby. I said very clearly early on that what bothered me was people coming in here saying, "I don't get what is wrong with a bear sitting at a picnic table?"

              To me, there was a clear racial message. To others I've shown it to, said the same thing. The fact that a bunch of white guys on a gambling site can't see the racial overtones of it, doesn't mean much to me.

              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                I don't give a flying fuck about what the people on welfare think because they are the ones TAKING from this Country and not giving jack shit in return kaz.

                4-6 months and that should be it.Welfare is a way of life for folks these days.We have all probably struggled at one time or another and worked a second job to make bills each month.It's called PRIDE IN MAKING IT ON YOUR OWN and half the people out there don't know what that is.


                • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                  MM will probably take up for the DEMS but I would love to get his unbiased opinion on this matter.

                  a black bear

                  who lazy and sits on his ass waiting for handouts???????

                  Its not in the least funny and is fucked up. I can see why certain people thinks its funny but if you showed it to any minorities you might get your ass beat. If that makes me sensitive i guess i am.

                  Just opinion guys dont beat me over the head about it, not worth the energy getting worked up about it. ESPECIALLY 70 SOMETHING POSTS ABOUT IT GUYS................

                  SOX WIN SOX WIN SOX WIN 1-0

                  THATS MORE IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                    No, I really don't need a hobby. I said very clearly early on that what bothered me was people coming in here saying, "I don't get what is wrong with a bear sitting at a picnic table?"

                    To me, there was a clear racial message. To others I've shown it to, said the same thing. The fact that a bunch of white guys on a gambling site can't see the racial overtones of it, doesn't mean much to me.

                    I don't get this. Why does anyone HAVE to see the racial overtones that you do? Just b/c posters DON'T see racial overtones is not a statement to their beliefs or views on race like you and your 3 WHITE friends are trying to make it.


                    • Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                      I'll post it for the fourth time, no one is crying, and I'm not debating that it was meant as a joke, but to say there wasn't any racial intent or that it WASN'T OFFENSIVE, or wouldn't be offensive to someone who is black or a minority, is just plain ridiculous....

                      You believe what you want ... I told you what I thought of you and your comments via text


                      • Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                        That's 99% of the people's on welfare mentality though Kaz. Ask anyone of them, someone is always out to get them, they're always the victim, etc, etc. That's why they live the lives they do. Always blaming someone else for their problems instead of trying to take some self responsibility and fix their problems themselves.
                        Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                        I don't give a flying fuck about what the people on welfare think because they are the ones TAKING from this Country and not giving jack shit in return kaz.
                        99%. Really? Come on man. You and I both know that's pure opinion....

                        I've dealt and seen many people who are on welfare. There are some abuses to it. There ALWAYS has been. There are many who can barely afford to feed their family or live on whatever little gov't assistance they get. They are NOT getting rich from it.

                        But rest assured, there are many corporations who are bilking the gov't out of millions of dollars every year. There are trillions being spent on a useless war. That is the outrage. Go walk in the shoes of someone who gets a few bucks a month from the gov't. Go and get turned down for jobs because of your skin color. See what it's like to be raised in the ghetto and not have any of the benefits that people with money have. Not being able to get your head above water at any time in your life. See what that makes you become.

                        You chose to worry about the poor bastard getting a few bucks of gov't assistance. I chose to see greedy corporations outsourcing jobs for AMERICAN's to China and India. Getting tax breaks and not paying their fair share that the rest of businesses do. That's the injustice. If the wealthiest 5% in this country paid anywhere near the tax that the rest of us do, there would be more money than we'd know what to do with.....

                        [email protected]

                        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                        • Originally posted by KazDog View Post

                          And this was my exact point. It shouldn't be acceptable if it is about a black person or a white person. The post was racially offensive.

                          my point had nothing to do with race. it was about beating up a woman.
                          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                          Gerald Ford


                          • Originally posted by Spark View Post
                            You believe what you want ... I told you what I thought of you and your comments via text
                            Yeah. And I'm still laughing that you think I'm sick and hopeless because I found that post racially offensive. It is what it is. Any person of color that reads that post would make the same observation. It's pretty clear. It didn't bother me enough to say anything until everyone couldn't understand why it would be offensive to certain people. Obviously, I'm NOT the only one who felt that way. MM, Efaw both saw it the same way I did....
                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                              Go walk in the shoes of someone who gets a few bucks a month from the gov't. Go and get turned down for jobs because of your skin color. See what it's like to be raised in the ghetto and not have any of the benefits that people with money have. Not being able to get your head above water at any time in your life. See what that makes you become.

                              You sound like someone who is running for Mayor or something.Did someone write that speech for you? I know many people from the ghetto by living here in Atlanta and guess what? Most of them made good grades in school,stayed in school and pretty much went to college for free cause they busted there ass and now have great jobs.The other people in the ghetto chose to stay and drop out of school and now have there hand stuck out and you expect me to fell sorry for them.HELL NO.


                              • Originally posted by husker View Post
                                my point had nothing to do with race. it was about beating up a woman.
                                It was an analogy. Ever heard of that?
                                [email protected]

                                I'm just here so I won't get fined....

