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Montana Bear Tragedy

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  • #61
    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
    I'm not surprised by a bunch of white guys not finding anything offensive about it.

    What does a bunch of white guys have anything to do with?

    Hell man, I have one of my own family fucking members, lazy sack of shit, who is on disability, but could work if he wanted to. We were at a family gathering and were talking about it a couple years back. I asked why he didn't get off disability and get a job now that he was able to work. His response, "Why should I?" I basically told him he was a lazy worthless fuck and he responds back with "just keep on working Kyle, keep on working for me" and then just laughs his ass off. Lucky I didn't put his ass 6 feet under...


    • #62
      Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
      Hey efaw, I told you once and ill tell you again since you seem to ignore posts that don't fit your motives. I hate the money spent in the middle east and the corporate scammers too but you know what, it still doesnt excuse all the lazy mother fuckers sitting on their fat asses and ripping off the working man for his money to support them. It isn't a black or white thing, it is unfortunately becoming a American thing. We are becoming the laziest country in the world because we continue to have guys like you that defend and enable all the lazy fucks in this country!
      The welfare system is there for people who need it. We are in this position of many needing it because of the complete blunders of the past administration. Are there going to be some abuses to it? absolutely. there is no way to avoid it. Either you have it in place for people or you do not. There is no way to police who is being lazy and who is not. They are already very judicious in how they monitor it and will NOT just accept people staying on it forever. Where do you draw a line at who is being lazy and who is not? There arre abuses in every govt assisted program. I would rather see abuse of the welfare system as long as we keep it place. than trillions spent on a war or billions in taxes not being paid by the wealthy few, who are outsourcing fucking jobs to China or India.
      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #63
        Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
        What does a bunch of white guys have anything to do with?

        Hell man, I have one of my own family fucking members, lazy sack of shit, who is on disability, but could work if he wanted to. We were at a family gathering and were talking about it a couple years back. I asked why he didn't get off disability and get a job now that he was able to work. His response, "Why should I?" I basically told him he was a lazy worthless fuck and he responds back with "just keep on working Kyle, keep on working for me" and then just laughs his ass off. Lucky I didn't put his ass 6 feet under...
        You miss the point....

        A. I know that a bunch of you posting that it's not offensive are white.
        B. I'm not surprised that white guys on gambling forum don't find it offensive.

        If I was black man and I posted a photo of a big black guy bitch slapping a naked white girl as a joke, would you find it offensive as a white person?

        To me, there's not much difference.

        I'm NOT debating on whether it was a joke or not. I KNOW it was a joke.

        The debate is whether or not it was racially offensive, and it is clear as day that it was.......
        [email protected]

        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


        • #64
          No I personally wouldn't find it offensive. But my skin is thicker than a sheet of paper and am not easily offended


          • #65
            WOuld it not been offensive if it was a polar bear?


            • #66
              Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
              No I personally wouldn't find it offensive. But my skin is thicker than a sheet of paper and am not easily offended
              Like i've already stated TWICE, i get that it was a joke and moved on, but those in here who are saying "why is a fat black bear sitting on a park bench considered offensive?" are seeing with blinders on. It's offensive. Bottom line.
              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #67
                Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                If I was black man and I posted a photo of a big black guy bitch slapping a naked white girl as a joke, would you find it offensive as a white person?
                As long as the girl in the pic was Pelosi(not naKed) I would be all for it


                • #68
                  Originally posted by efaw23 View Post
                  Once again im still in awe how people with above average intelligence cant figure why calling a lazy black bear and referring to a minority president is offensive. Its like the post with 4 different colored dogs that are lazy non working and welfare recipients is offensive too. The attitudes of people like this is bewildering. Hey why not send the email with watermelons in the white house lawn while your at it because its the same type of material. I was fortunate to grow up in a middle class home in naperville, had both of my parents at home who pushed me into academics and sports. My dad was a fulltime dad who instilled in me to be fair and not judge people based on there skin color. One time during my junior year in high school my dad found an off color email that i was sending to my friends on the football team and not only did he make apologize to my team mates but he made me sit out an important game. That was the end to the career of offensive off color jokes because not only did let myself down but also my team.
                  I have went own to raise my son in the same fashion, anyone who says im too sensitive has some very screwed up psychological issues especially in adult hood and should probably seek counseling because those same ideas can get passed on to your kids thats the problem.

                  Have an awesome day guys and good luck on your plays today.
                  I haven't been on this forum in months but I had to respond. Your a fruitcake, take the stick out of your ass, and lighten up. You are far to serious. If that really bothers you how do you make it through life on a daily basis? I liked the use of a past experience that shined the light on you. You wear a nice red sweater to work everyday don't you? Toughen up your skin you pussy. People like you are exactly whats wrong with this country. Looking to sue left and right. Looking to complain, whine, and argue whenever possible. Your a faggot.
                  Last edited by weazel079; 07-08-2010, 12:33 PM.
                  MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                    WOuld it not been offensive if it was a polar bear?
                    If the intention was to point out that there are only fat lazy white people in this country looking for handouts, then yes I would find that offensive.....
                    [email protected]

                    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by efaw23 View Post
                      One time during my junior year in high school my dad found an off color email that i was sending to my friends on the football team and not only did he make apologize to my team mates but he made me sit out an important game.
                      You must have not made it on the field very much cause I heard more offensive stuff in the 1st qtr than I ever have on here.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                        You must have not made it on the field very much cause I heard more offensive stuff in the 1st qtr than I ever have on here.
                        I thought it was hysterical. He must be from Pleasantville.
                        When I played there would be stuff said on the line that would make him squeal like a school girl.
                        MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                          If the intention was to point out that there are only fat lazy white people in this country looking for handouts, then yes I would find that offensive.....
                          I am confused. You are saying it was offensive b/c it was "intentional"? So it's not offensive if there was no intent? I ask b/c your answer above sounds like this posts only offends you if the intent was to point out there are only fat, lazy black peope looking for handouts.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by weazel079 View Post
                            I haven't been on this forum in months but I had to respond. Your a fruitcake, take the stick out of your ass, and lighten up. You are far to serious. If that really bothers you how do you make it through life on a daily basis? I liked the use of a past experience that shined the light on you. You wear a nice red sweater to work everyday don't you? Toughen up your skin you pussy. People like you are exactly whats wrong with this country. Looking to sue left and right. Looking to complain, whine, and argue whenever possible. Your a faggot.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by weazel079 View Post
                              I haven't been on this forum in months but I had to respond. Your a fruitcake, take the stick out of your ass, and lighten up. You are far to serious. If that really bothers you how do you make it through life on a daily basis? I liked the use of a past experience that shined the light on you. You wear a nice red sweater to work everyday don't you? Toughen up your skin you pussy. People like you are exactly whats wrong with this country. Looking to sue left and right. Looking to complain, whine, and argue whenever possible. Your a faggot.
                              Wow I've been on here for 2 months and this guy calls me all kinds slur because I voice an opinion? Kind of proves my point I suppose. Have a good day if this makes me a pussy and a faggot that's what I am I suppose. Wow this intellect is mind boggling.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                                Hey efaw, I told you once and ill tell you again since you seem to ignore posts that don't fit your motives. I hate the money spent in the middle east and the corporate scammers too but you know what, it still doesnt excuse all the lazy mother fuckers sitting on their fat asses and ripping off the working man for his money to support them. It isn't a black or white thing, it is unfortunately becoming a American thing. We are becoming the laziest country in the world because we continue to have guys like you that defend and enable all the lazy fucks in this country!
                                Wayne we respectively disagree with each other and I can live with that a healthy disagreement. This guy comes in calls me all kind of names because we have different opinions. This isn't classy and I'm not going to participate in the name calling. I will leave you to handle this Wayne. Thank you.

