Originally posted by wayne1218
NO wayne your still not putting it all together. In no way am i saying i would do crack over a DR prescribed medicine. what I am saying is you can get an addiction worse or just as worse as crack from taking a prescribed medicine without having a choice.
taking valium for more than a year because every neurologist you have seen has said you should be taking it, then a year later another nuerologist says you should not be taking it, you should be taking something else, well now you have to deal with the illness, the valium withdrawls, which are equal to heroin withdrawls, and the side effects of your new medicine. AND the only reason your taking anything at all in the first place is because you felt sick and went to the DR.
What i am trying to say is in that situation you have no choice, your taking medicine that a DR said you should take,he doesn't care if you get addicted, just like he doesn't care if you feel better. you didn't know it was going to give you a horrible disease and make you sicker than you ever were. Because if you did you wouldn't have taken it.