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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?

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  • Originally posted by wayne1218
    HUH??? lmao

    I would probably take a prescribed medicine from a doctor before crack from a buddy, YES!!!!!

    NO wayne your still not putting it all together. In no way am i saying i would do crack over a DR prescribed medicine. what I am saying is you can get an addiction worse or just as worse as crack from taking a prescribed medicine without having a choice.

    taking valium for more than a year because every neurologist you have seen has said you should be taking it, then a year later another nuerologist says you should not be taking it, you should be taking something else, well now you have to deal with the illness, the valium withdrawls, which are equal to heroin withdrawls, and the side effects of your new medicine. AND the only reason your taking anything at all in the first place is because you felt sick and went to the DR.

    What i am trying to say is in that situation you have no choice, your taking medicine that a DR said you should take,he doesn't care if you get addicted, just like he doesn't care if you feel better. you didn't know it was going to give you a horrible disease and make you sicker than you ever were. Because if you did you wouldn't have taken it.
    Last edited by MR Pain; 07-17-2008, 06:12 PM.


    • Originally posted by harold_bush
      I'll tell you who heroes are to me, people like my parents. People who sacrificed and worked their ass off their entire lives to do everything they could to help put me and my siblings in a position to prosper.

      Unlike half of our TMZ possessed world, I don't look up to the scumbags in Hollyweird. I don't look at professional athletes just b/c the can hit a ball or catch a pass. Plenty of them are good people, but not heroes to me. Heroes are the everyday people that work hard, do the right thing, help others, and have a positive contribution to this world.
      Heroes are not everyday people, I'll applaud your parents for working there ass off and sacrificing to provide a better life for you but they're heroes to you and no one else. You don't look up to josh hamilton because he can hit a ball 500ft. You look up to him because he worked to be the very BEST, achieved that, watched it slip through his fingers, and worked his ass off twice as hard to achieve it once again...only this time when no one thought he would

      Alex Rodriguez is not my hero

      Josh Hamilton is


      • Originally posted by MR Pain
        NO wayne your still not putting it all together. In no way am i saying i would do crack over a DR prescribed medicine. what I am saying is you can get an addiction worse or just as worse as crack from taking a prescribed medicine without having a choice.

        taking valium for more than a year because every neurologist you have seen has said you should be taking it, then a year later another nuerologist says you should not be taking it, you should be taking something else, well now you have to deal with the illness, the valium withdrawls, which are equal to heroin withdrawls, and the side effects of your new medicine. AND the only reason your taking anything at all in the first place is because you felt sick and went to the DR.

        What i am trying to say is in that situation you have no choice, your taking medicine that a DR said you should take, you didn't know it was going to give you a horrible disease.
        I disagree Pain, cause I am in that boat.

        I am disabled with back problems, and have been for almost 5 years. I can get Lortab anytime I want. Matter of fact I get 60 at a time, and currently have 4 bottles backed up in my dresser drawer. Why? Cause I CHOOSE not to take them every time I have pain. I use them only when I will be active or in extreme pain. Why? Cause I KNOW that Lortab is one of the most addicting drugs in the ************ market today.

        But to take this one step further, and hypothetical, I probably could take the Lortab as often as I like and would get addicted. Why? Because I know I have a strong enough mind to not to.
        "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
        is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


        • I'm just trying to help answer your question "What am I missing on Josh Hamilton" But apparently it wasn't really a question to begin with. You keep looking up to Tom and Joe working at the local gas station, I have no problem with who you chooose to look up too....maybe one day there will be a harold_bush liquor store and you can work hard, help others and tell your children how much of a hero you are


          • Originally posted by MR Pain
            NO wayne your still not putting it all together. In no way am i saying i would do crack over a DR prescribed medicine. what I am saying is you can get an addiction worse or just as worse as crack from taking a prescribed medicine without having a choice.

            taking valium for more than a year because every neurologist you have seen has said you should be taking it, then a year later another nuerologist says you should not be taking it, you should be taking something else, well now you have to deal with the illness, the valium withdrawls, which are equal to heroin withdrawls, and the side effects of your new medicine. AND the only reason your taking anything at all in the first place is because you felt sick and went to the DR.

            What i am trying to say is in that situation you have no choice, your taking medicine that a DR said you should take,he doesn't care if you get addicted, just like he doesn't care if you feel better. you didn't know it was going to give you a horrible disease and make you sicker than you ever were. Because if you did you wouldn't have taken it.

            I agree but i'm not sure what relevance it has. We are talking about crack. Was it prescribed to him with a pipe? I understand the whole addiction issue. What i was looking for from chad was a simple admission of how he started that process by "Trying it" for the 1st time. He sees/has no guilt in that choice i guess and to me, that is very sad.


            • Wayne what you fail to realize is - Chad did not take crack thinking he was going to get addicted. Was it stupid of him to try it in the first place? YES! And I bet he would be the first to admit it. But he didn't choose or hope to get addicted.

              Wayne - have you ever driven a car after having to much to drink? If you are like the majority of us on here - I would bet you have. Why did you drive knowing full well the possible consequences? Because you thought you could handle being behind the wheel. Fortunately for you everything has worked out when you or I have done that. But if you relate that to trying crack - it is fairly similar. The person who tries crack doesn't think he/she will get addicted (although most all of us know that it is very likely to happen). The person who drives after drinking to much doesn't think they will get into an accident and kill themselves or someone else. (although there is a decent chance this will happen) I am sure the guy who killed my cousin never wanted or thought it would happen.

              Even if you think that trying coke/crack/hard drugs is stupid (and I agree 100%) you have to concede the fact that Chad/Josh Hamilton/whoever was not trying to get addicted and they thought that they NEVER would get addicted.

              As far as crack being as readily available as alcohol???? That is stupid. I wouldn't even know the first place to begin looking. I could go to my fridge and get a beer.


              • 291 replies 1800 views

                Certainly everyone has weighed in and read up by now.
                You can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you might find, you get what you need.


                • Originally posted by kim61299
                  Wayne what you fail to realize is - Chad did not take crack thinking he was going to get addicted. Was it stupid of him to try it in the first place? YES! And I bet he would be the first to admit it. But he didn't choose or hope to get addicted.

                  Unless you are still in your mother's womb, you've heard about crack and it's addictive traits. Thinking it won't hook you is utter ignorance and arrogance.


                  • The man that drove drunk and killed my cousin had heard about the dangers of drunk driving. Didn't stop him.

                    You have heard about the dangers of drunk driving. Have you ever done it? Why?


                    • Originally posted by kim61299
                      Wayne what you fail to realize is - Chad did not take crack thinking he was going to get addicted. Was it stupid of him to try it in the first place? YES! And I bet he would be the first to admit it. But he didn't choose or hope to get addicted.

                      Wayne (and many others) are not saying Chad chose to become addicted. They have been saying that he chose to try the drug in the first place. That is what Chad has failed to respond back to, but instead turn it into a "you're not an addict, so you have no idea what you're talking about" argument.


                      • Originally posted by kim61299

                        Wayne - have you ever driven a car after having to much to drink? If you are like the majority of us on here - I would bet you have. Why did you drive knowing full well the possible consequences? Because you thought you could handle being behind the wheel. Fortunately for you everything has worked out when you or I have done that. But if you relate that to trying crack - it is fairly similar. The person who tries crack doesn't think he/she will get addicted (although most all of us know that it is very likely to happen). The person who drives after drinking to much doesn't think they will get into an accident and kill themselves or someone else. (although there is a decent chance this will happen) I am sure the guy who killed my cousin never wanted or thought it would happen.

                        Even if you think that trying coke/crack/hard drugs is stupid (and I agree 100%) you have to concede the fact that Chad/Josh Hamilton/whoever was not trying to get addicted and they thought that they NEVER would get addicted.

                        As far as crack being as readily available as alcohol???? That is stupid. I wouldn't even know the first place to begin looking. I could go to my fridge and get a beer.
                        Once again, alcohol and crack is just not comparable to me. Many people who drive drunk, do it thinking "They are ok". Remember, drinking and driving is NOT Illegal in this country. Drinking and driving "Over the allowed limit" is. When people are drinking, they lose a sense of thought and they have trouble determing the right from wrong knowing the limits. Crack has no limits or allowances last i knew.


                        • Wow what a thread.

                          Chado you say Kapt's son cant relate even though he has a PHD. How do doctors who never had certain diseases treat patients with these diseases?


                          • Originally posted by shoeman530
                            Wayne (and many others) are not saying Chad chose to become addicted. They have been saying that he chose to try the drug in the first place. That is what Chad has failed to respond back to, but instead turn it into a "you're not an addict, so you have no idea what you're talking about" argument.
                            They are not listening. Chad didn't either.


                            • Originally posted by longnex
                              Wow what a thread.

                              Chado you say Kapt's son cant relate even though he has a PHD. How do doctors who never had certain diseases treat patients with these diseases?

                              Nex, He refuses to answer questions that he knows he is wrong about. I found that out on page 2.


                              • Originally posted by Lsufan
                                I disagree Pain, cause I am in that boat.

                                I am disabled with back problems, and have been for almost 5 years. I can get Lortab anytime I want. Matter of fact I get 60 at a time, and currently have 4 bottles backed up in my dresser drawer. Why? Cause I CHOOSE not to take them every time I have pain. I use them only when I will be active or in extreme pain. Why? Cause I KNOW that Lortab is one of the most addicting drugs in the ************ market today.

                                But to take this one step further, and hypothetical, I probably could take the Lortab as often as I like and would get addicted. Why? Because I know I have a strong enough mind to not to.
                                If you want to compare back problems OK, you said you have problems, that's nice well every single disc in my back is herniated, I have THE ONLY NUEROMUSCULAR DEGENERATIVE SPINAL AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE. There is only 1 and it is called STIFF MAN SYNDROME. yes there is actually a disease called stiff man syndrome. The chances are literally 1 in a million and i have been given 6 more years.

                                I'll explain the joys of it for you. Muscles, tendons, ligaments tear all the time and even rupture when i'm lucky. Bone density is so bad i can break my leg by trying to take a step, so imagine every step you take wondering, i hope i'm ok , i hope nothing breaks or tears. yea and it is also documented that most people who do get the disease actually die from one of those IMPORTANT MUSCLES FAILING. you know those things called organs, you know kidney's, liver, and oh yea your HEART. well the basis of stiff man syndrome is everything in your body gets so stiff like concrete that it starts to break or it actually turns to stone like concrete. As i'm typing this my heart could freeze and i could die right this second. The very best thing about it is there is NO CURE, and barely treatment. treatment is anti-anxiety, and pain pills. oh yea i also have a couple bottles in the drawer, but I choose not to take it just like you. my bottles are not lortab though, mine are a little more serious i have kadian and fentanyl patches to give you an idea of the pain i experience.

                                a little tip for you which i'm sure you figured out. Lortab as much as you think it relieves pain it doesn't, it actually puts you in more pain. Yes, it does, so it's good you don't take them. Lortab is just a basic narcotic pain killer (which are the worst ones for people actually in pain) The narcotic attaches itself to your opioid receptors in your brain and it just blocks about 1/3 of the pain signals sent out from your brain to your central nervous system, and that is why you have less pain.

                                I enjoy talking to people that have back problems so i would honestly like to hear what is wrong with your back. Trust me I did withdraw from lortab, as well as prednisone, percocet, baclofen, mestinon. None of those were even close to the valium, and the valium was given to me by a nuero-muscular sub-specialist at a very well known University for medicine.

                                you might have back problems that accumulated over the years but i was completeley healthy and i was given an antibiotic by a DR, 2 weeks later i'm on my way to being completely disabled.

                                I understand your point was directed straight at pain pills because you know you have pain, so take the pain pills right. It wasn't that simple for me, i was being tested for diseases some DR'S never even heard of. They would actually have to go in there office and look up the blood marker that they wanted pulled from the lab, because they had never sent anyone for that test before.
                                Last edited by MR Pain; 07-17-2008, 06:53 PM.

