Originally posted by wayne1218
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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?
Originally posted by MR PainI understand your point as well as a lot of others on here wayne, my post was just to show it's not always the persons choice.
I stopped reading right here. It isn't their choice once addicted but once again, we are not talking about that. Was it his choice the 1st time to try crack? That is the question we have for Chad and you i guess. He has never answered it because "Admission" is a stage i guess he hasn't reached yet.
Originally posted by DDP713I thought this was a Josh Hamilton thread ?
You know what I have a lot of respect for most of the BC community but I don't get why
wayne, kap and others continue to take shots at chad.
shots, or counter debating what he's saying....thats not a shot, that corrective surgery....go back and read what and how Chado speaks, contradicts himself.....makes himself appear to be the only one who could opossible understand this cause he was an addict....BS
I know he gets under a lot of peoples skin on here and its usually comical to me to read, but people on here are getting personal touching on sensitive subjects over a difference of opinion.
Chado isn't----he doesn't take shots at others....go back and read his threads carefully
For chad to quit a drug like crack and alcohol, living 100% sober for a year and 4 months is truly an accomplishment in my book, I dont care what anyone says.
no one has denied that....go back and read, and try to comprehend what you read.....we've struck on why not say NO from the beginning, and then try to say, you're better off cause you're a former drug addict.....FORMER, is only a very slim/thin line awa6y from falling back into it.....he keeps getting himself worked up, and he's goona have to fight haerder....no one has knocke that....read again
I agree that it was his choice to put the crack pipe to his mouth that first time, and obviously it wasn't the greatest thing to have happened to him at the time....but it happened, theres nothing you can do but accept it, learn from it and eventually embrace that time period because if you don't your only hurting yourself more.....
no one has disputed that statement----hell even Chado agreed with that one....what's your point....it's been said numerous times b4
and when he's talking about beer and crack obviously theres a mile difference between the two drugs but they are drugs no matter what is legal and illegal..
The point was, there's a law to be a certain age to drink....there is NO law for ages to OK the usage of drugs.........it is against the law....lets see now...lets say Chado picked up some drugs for his friend, and then got paid back for it...
Is that drug trafficking, or intent to sell....Chaodslucky, he could hav had much worse events happen to him....he could have got busted, charged. spent time, etc....
..I can do absolutely nothing with my life, legally drinking beer and alcohol everyday. What's socially accepted shouldn't be the standard here....
who said it was.....social acceptance of drinking, no problem, addicts, drinking or gewtting drunk and acting the bufoon.....addicts don't stay sober, thus they become dangers to society, that's what we're talking about, addicts, not social drinkers...
JOSH HAMILTON could've turned into an alcoholic just as easily as he turned into a crack addict. And today's Josh Hamilton story might be his continuing struggle trying to get to the big leagues, hitting .280 in A ball still trying to quit drinking.....
.im saying if he had chosen alcohol as his "crutch" while he was injured for that year, he might not be where he is today. because alcohol is legal and accepted in america, therefor many alcoholics don't accept that they have a problem.
we all know that.....what's your point here.....there are a lots of people that don't realize they are drinking addicts, also a tons of drug addicts that think they can control their usage.....
im sure there are many BC members sitting or standing at work right now fantasizing about the 18 pack there going to buy after work.
Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!
Originally posted by wayne1218Chad, How the hell do you know what has gone on in my life?
"From a non alcoholic and non addict"? What about me do you know off this forum Chad?
Is it straight fucken ignorance on your part to assume what has happened in my life??? Because i didn't post my fucken life story on an internet forum, i'm assumed a clean whistle. God Damn you are fucken ignorant ......
Bump for Chad. You keep making assumptions about my life chad and i'm fucken dying to hear what you know about it.
Originally posted by harold_bushI've alredy told Chado I'm glad he is in recovery, and I totally agree it is an accomplishment, a heck of an accomplishment, but that isn't the point at all. The point is that doesn't make him a hero. A role model for recovering addicts, sure, I can buy that, but he isn't someone who should be a looked at as a hero. A hero is someone that does things the right way.
According to you a hero is someone who does things the right way...welll we're talking about someone who has now done things the right way. he turned to his grandma when he was at his absolute lowest and promised her he would never touch crack again, and he continues to live up to that promise every single day.....this is not the lawrence taylor story alright,
hamilton made a mistake, which makes him human. hamilton then had to overcome a mountain of a mistake, to re-establish himself as a great baseball player. now a HERO to many other human beings who have made mistakes in life.
Originally posted by wayne1218Bump for Chad. You keep making assumptions about my life chad and i'm fucken dying to hear what you know about it.
I know you have a son, been divorced, just got remarried, love baked lobster
I think i remember you breaking it off with a chick who had drug addictions, i could be wrong, but seems i read that somewhere hereQuestions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Originally posted by Chado1Of addiction from a factual AND personal level your damn right I am...other aspects of life I DEFIANTELY AM NOT AN EXPERT! Thats the difference....
Ok .... I've watched movies before, so I'm and experrt cridict ... I've shot a gun before, so I'm and expert marksman, and I've counseled drug users and addicts so I guess that makes me an expert in that field.
So guess what Chado ... According to you, I know what I'm talking about, because, just like you, I did it already."Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
Originally posted by DDP713so who's your hero? batman? ironman ? this is ridiculous maybe my love of sports is outweighing the real issue here, but to say he's only a role model for recovering addicts is pretty closed minded....I'd say our entire country is made up of addicts; drugs & alcohol, gambling, money/power, sex etc,.
According to you a hero is someone who does things the right way...welll we're talking about someone who has now done things the right way. he turned to his grandma when he was at his absolute lowest and promised her he would never touch crack again, and he continues to live up to that promise every single day.....this is not the lawrence taylor story alright,
hamilton made a mistake, which makes him human. hamilton then had to overcome a mountain of a mistake, to re-establish himself as a great baseball player. now a HERO to many other human beings who have made mistakes in life.
Originally posted by jcindavilleI know you have a son, been divorced, just got remarried, love baked lobster
I think i remember you breaking it off with a chick who had drug addictions, i could be wrong, but seems i read that somewhere here
You know alot more than Chad does because he is beyond fucken ignorant right now.
Originally posted by jcindavilleI know you have a son, been divorced, just got remarried, love baked lobster
I think i remember you breaking it off with a chick who had drug addictions, i could be wrong, but seems i read that somewhere here
This is my 1st marriage. Never been divorced!
Originally posted by wayne1218P.S.
This is my 1st marriage. Never been divorced!
OK, wasnt sureQuestions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Originally posted by LsufanOMG ... Now you are an expert?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Ok .... I've watched movies before, so I'm and experrt cridict ... I've shot a gun before, so I'm and expert marksman, and I've counseled drug users and addicts so I guess that makes me an expert in that field.
So guess what Chado ... According to you, I know what I'm talking about, because, just like you, I did it already.
Am i an expert on sex since i've done it 1000 times???
Originally posted by Chado1This is true...its because it has become so widespread over the years in this world...what do you mean however?