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  • #91
    Originally posted by flarendep1
    Hey Kaz,

    Since you think your so smart and above JC, where would you rather be held prisoner? Gitmo or somewhere in Iran's hands?

    Don't equate America as torturer's on the same level as these uncivilized nations. That is the liberal mistake, this is not Republican or Democrat, its Good vs Evil. Unfortunately, many liberals think we are the evil ones.

    No one here wants torture, only as a last resort and if justified to gain info to save American lives. Radical Islam wants to destroy all who do not believe in their ways.

    Saddam tortured and killed thousands of his own people, he got what he deserved. I bet you would not have survived to well in one of his prisons.

    The media will never admit to the good things that have transpired since Iraqis were freed from their thug dictator. It does not fit there destroy Bush at all cost agenda.
    Me being held prisoner has nothing to do with whether torturing people is right or wrong. It's wrong and uncivilized, whether it's done there or here. PERIOD! For you to justify any torture here, whether it's against a terrorist or a prisoner of war, is flat out ignorant.

    Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. We have had a heavy hand in dealing with the middle east for a very long time. They consider us evil. Torturing and abusing prisoners only helps put fire on that thinking.

    You said...."Don't equate America as torturer's on the same level as these uncivilized nations. That is the liberal mistake, this is not Republican or Democrat, its Good vs Evil."

    You calling Iraq uncivilized is just as ignorant.

    And don't equate our torturing on the same level? Are you serious?

    So what level of torture is acceptable to you? Just curious? Bamboo chutes in their finger nails maybe? No food? How about keeping them in a dark box in the heat of the afternoon? Maybe some slow dripping water on their forehead for hours. Maybe just some good old fashioned electrical shocks.....
    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #92
      Originally posted by vols fan
      JC,lets just say a person molested one of your daughters or one of mine,wouldn't you want to kill him with your own hands or attach his balls to a battery.Terrorist are just as big a threat.I agree with you buddy,hang em,fry em,slice em, dice em just get rid of them SOBs
      That's good thinking there.....I wonder how many fathers of the innocent children that have been killed by US bombings and military raids in Iraq, and there have been plenty, feel the EXACT same way you do? Ask yourself that the next time a bomb explodes and kills some more Americans.
      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #93
        Originally posted by jcindaville
        i dont bitch when they do it, i want them hunted down and the same done to them.

        you cant be civilized with those that are not Kaz, are you insane
        You want them hunted down? They are doing it so we do it and then they do it. You think hunting them down is going to stop them? You think if we do it to their prisoners that's a justification? If you don't believe that we need to lead the rest of the world by setting a good example at how to be a civilized nation, then I have nothing to say to you.......Two wrongs do make a right I guess.
        [email protected]

        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


        • #94
          Originally posted by KazDog
          That's good thinking there.....I wonder how many fathers of the innocent children that have been killed by US bombings and military raids in Iraq, and there have been plenty, feel the EXACT same way you do? Ask yourself that the next time a bomb explodes and kills some more Americans.
          Jesus Christ you people.It's WAR,innocent people are going to die.It sucks and I feel for those people.But if the war was here in America,I wouldn't be living beside the white house.I would get the hell out of the big city and kick it to the midwest.Alot of parents from New York who lost there children in 9/11 probably feel the same way I do


          • #95
            Originally posted by vols fan
            Jesus Christ you people.It's WAR,innocent people are going to die.It sucks and I feel for those people.But if the war was here in America,I wouldn't be living beside the white house.I would get the hell out of the big city and kick it to the midwest.Alot of parents from New York who lost there children in 9/11 probably feel the same way I do

            Save your breath buddy, he hugs trees. I like the tool, we just diagree on politics. He's a good guy, he cant help being an asshole
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • #96
              Originally posted by vols fan
              Jesus Christ you people.It's WAR,innocent people are going to die.It sucks and I feel for those people.But if the war was here in America,I wouldn't be living beside the white house.I would get the hell out of the big city and kick it to the midwest.Alot of parents from New York who lost there children in 9/11 probably feel the same way I do

              In war only the bad people should get hurt
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #97
                Originally posted by KazDog
                You want them hunted down? They are doing it so we do it and then they do it. You think hunting them down is going to stop them? You think if we do it to their prisoners that's a justification? If you don't believe that we need to lead the rest of the world by setting a good example at how to be a civilized nation, then I have nothing to say to you.......Two wrongs do make a right I guess.

                the best part of this is you saying nothing to me, cause what your selling, im not buying
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #98
                  Questions, comments, complaints:
                  [email protected]


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by vols fan
                    Jesus Christ you people.It's WAR,innocent people are going to die.It sucks and I feel for those people.But if the war was here in America,I wouldn't be living beside the white house.I would get the hell out of the big city and kick it to the midwest.Alot of parents from New York who lost there children in 9/11 probably feel the same way I do
                    We started that war. Don't you see that? We are just as evil in their eyes if not more. Maybe a lot more. They don't want our religion, they don't want our way of life, and maybe they are happy that Saddam is out, but at what expense? Sure people are upset about 911 here. We all were. But it wasn't the country of Iraq wagering war on US soil, it was the act of a few or even many trained terrorists from Bin Laden. Put it in perspective....We, as a country, wagered war on Iraq under the suspicion of WMD that were never found. Who's to say that we are not more evil in their eyes than they are to us??? Many innocent people have been killed by our actions there. Isn't it time for you who believe that everything Bush does is right, to say that he has done us a great disservice?

                    [email protected]

                    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                    • Originally posted by KazDog
                      We started that war. Don't you see that? We are just as evil in their eyes if not more. Maybe a lot more. They don't want our religion, they don't want our way of life, and maybe they are happy that Saddam is out, but at what expense? Sure people are upset about 911 here. We all were. But it wasn't the country of Iraq wagering war on US soil, it was the act of a few or even many trained terrorists from Bin Laden. Put it in perspective....We, as a country, wagered war on Iraq under the suspicion of WMD that were never found. Who's to say that we are not more evil in their eyes than they are to us??? Many innocent people have been killed by our actions there. Isn't it time for you who believe that everything Bush does is right, to say that he has done us a great disservice?

                      Bush has not done everything right,I agree.If we get bombed on 9/11 and don't do shit and then they bomb us again we would be bashing him for not doing shit about it.No one wins in a war IMO.We might come out on top and there country might be a little better but in the end we all lose.But we should have just bombed the areas we thought they were training terrorist,searched for WMD and when we found none started bringing home troops.We still need to have some troops over there but we shouldn't have lost as many soldiers in the process.


                      • Originally posted by KazDog
                        We started that war. Don't you see that? We are just as evil in their eyes if not more. Maybe a lot more. They don't want our religion, they don't want our way of life, and maybe they are happy that Saddam is out, but at what expense? Sure people are upset about 911 here. We all were. But it wasn't the country of Iraq wagering war on US soil, it was the act of a few or even many trained terrorists from Bin Laden. Put it in perspective....We, as a country, wagered war on Iraq under the suspicion of WMD that were never found. Who's to say that we are not more evil in their eyes than they are to us??? Many innocent people have been killed by our actions there. Isn't it time for you who believe that everything Bush does is right, to say that he has done us a great disservice?

                        And as far as us being as evil as them,go strap a bomb to yourself,get in a car and go drive it into a populated place in your city.Thats right,if you can't do something like that,were not as evil as them. They do this all the time.Big difference


                        • [QUOTE=KazDog]We started that war. Don't you see that?

                          ** Its not a war against Iraq, just the terrorist regime that continues to be supported by countries outside of Iraq we are not against the good people there.

                          We are just as evil in their eyes if not more. Maybe a lot more.

                          *** Trouble here is most liberals think we Americans, Bush, Cheney are the devil.

                          They don't want our religion, they don't want our way of life,

                          *** Good for them and we dont want their's either.
                          NBA is a joke


                          • Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • Originally posted by vols fan
                              And as far as us being as evil as them,go strap a bomb to yourself,get in a car and go drive it into a populated place in your city.Thats right,if you can't do something like that,were not as evil as them. They do this all the time.Big difference

                              you like arguing with a door knob
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • I love trees more than people.
                                signed KAZ
                                NBA is a joke

