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You Would Vote For This Guy

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  • [QUOTE=flarendep1]
    Originally posted by KazDog
    We started that war. Don't you see that?

    ** Its not a war against Iraq, just the terrorist regime that continues to be supported by countries outside of Iraq we are not against the good people there.

    We are just as evil in their eyes if not more. Maybe a lot more.

    *** Trouble here is most liberals think we Americans, Bush, Cheney are the devil.

    They don't want our religion, they don't want our way of life,

    *** Good for them and we dont want their's either.
    Flare,let me break it down for Kaz,non CNN style:
    Kaz,one of you cats is out in the yard.A big dog(we will call him Bin Laden)is walking down the street.He has a couple of dogs behind him(we will call them terrorist).You look out the window and Bin Laden and terrorist are gang banging your cat and fixing to cut her head off.You run out and they run off,you jump in your car to chase after them and you ACCIDENTLEY run over Mrs Jones cat while chasing the dogs.Do you:
    A.Stop and go tell Mrs Jones your sorry and go back home to your cat
    B.Keep driving and carry out the mission of killing those dogs so you and your little cat never have to worry about them again.If B is your answer your done in this thread cause you feel like us.


    • Originally posted by jcindaville
      you like arguing with a door knob
      See post 106 and I'm done. I swear.


      • Vols,

        I checked with Kaz on that, he added his own answer which would be, C:
        Try and bring together all the neighbors to find out why the dogs feel this way about our cats.

        I think you know how I really feel brother, I am proud of my country and thankful that I live in America!
        NBA is a joke


        • [QUOTE=vols fan]
          Originally posted by flarendep1
          Flare,let me break it down for Kaz,non CNN style:
          Kaz,one of you cats is out in the yard.A big dog(we will call him Bin Laden)is walking down the street.He has a couple of dogs behind him(we will call them terrorist).You look out the window and Bin Laden and terrorist are gang banging your cat and fixing to cut her head off.You run out and they run off,you jump in your car to chase after them and you ACCIDENTLEY run over Mrs Jones cat while chasing the dogs.Do you:
          A.Stop and go tell Mrs Jones your sorry and go back home to your cat
          B.Keep driving and carry out the mission of killing those dogs so you and your little cat never have to worry about them again.If B is your answer your done in this thread cause you feel like us.
          If, as you say, Bin Laden with his dogs kills or rapes my cat, then yes I will want to find him and bring him to justice. But, if in the process, I torture my neighbors animals, kill their children, destroy their homes and uproot them from their lives, take electric charged wires and attatch them to their animals nuts and then wonder why they hate me, all in the name of catching Mr Bin Laden and his two dogs, THEN I'M AS GUILTY IF NOT MORE GUILTY OF DOING WRONG. Get it? Jesus Christ......

          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • [QUOTE=KazDog]
            Originally posted by vols fan

            If, as you say, Bin Laden with his dogs kills or rapes my cat, then yes I will want to find him and bring him to justice. But, if in the process, I torture my neighbors animals, kill their children, destroy their homes and uproot them from their lives, take electric charged wires and attatch them to their animals nuts and then wonder why they hate me, all in the name of catching Mr Bin Laden and his two dogs, THEN I'M AS GUILTY IF NOT MORE GUILTY OF DOING WRONG. Get it? Jesus Christ......

            Damn you are evil.I just said you RAN OVER the cat,those other ideas are your sick inventions


            • Originally posted by flarendep1

              I checked with Kaz on that, he added his own answer which would be, C:
              Try and bring together all the neighbors to find out why the dogs feel this way about our cats.

              I think you know how I really feel brother, I am proud of my country and thankful that I live in America!
              Who wants you or your flared up hemorrhoid? You're a complete idiot. You, like Jordantool, have nothing to add to any debate, other than worthless shit that I could give a rat's ass about. You want to throw stones at me you fucking moron? Get an education first.

              You are the same piece of shit that wanted to see Clinton impeached for getting a blowjob, and yet back this piece of garbage president for getting us into a war that has cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. YOU ARE A SHEEP. YOU DESERVE TO BE LED TO THE SLAUGHTER....
              Last edited by KazDog; 03-19-2008, 04:59 PM.
              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • [QUOTE=vols fan]
                Originally posted by KazDog
                Damn you are evil.I just said you RAN OVER the cat,those other ideas are your sick inventions
                If you are trying to create an analogy, then it's only proper to add the complete analogy and not leave out the facts. Saying that I ran over the cat is an analogy to what we've done since 911. So it's not complete like that. It be like saying, that in order to find Bin Laden, all we've done is killed a few Iraqi's.....

                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • Originally posted by KazDog
                  Who wants you or your flared up hemorrhoid? You're a complete idiot. You, like Jordantool, have nothing to add to any debate, other than worthless shit that I could give a rat's ass about. You want to throw stones at me you fucking moron? Get an education first.

                  You are the same piece of shit that wanted to see Clinton impeached for getting a blowjob, and yet back this piece of garbage president for getting us into a war that has cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. YOU ARE A SHEEP. YOU DESERVE TO BE LED TO THE SLAUGHTER....
                  I just tried to edit this post Flare after thinking about it and I'm too late.

                  You and I don't agree on many things and it's just best if I don't debate with you. You're not changing me and I'm not changing you. I apologize for my remarks, I shouldn't have even gone there.....Later
                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • [QUOTE=KazDog]
                    Originally posted by vols fan

                    If, as you say, Bin Laden with his dogs kills or rapes my cat, then yes I will want to find him and bring him to justice. But, if in the process, I torture my neighbors animals, kill their children, destroy their homes and uproot them from their lives, take electric charged wires and attatch them to their animals nuts and then wonder why they hate me, all in the name of catching Mr Bin Laden and his two dogs, THEN I'M AS GUILTY IF NOT MORE GUILTY OF DOING WRONG. Get it? Jesus Christ......

                    We, and I mean Americans are not doing that to civilians that are not involved in the war. I DO NOT believe that our soldiers are torturing who THEY BELIEVE are innocent people. Do I believe that our soldiers might torture those whom they feel are terrorists or those they feel are enemy soldiers - yes. Do I feel that is right - NO. BUT if it saves the life of one AMERICAN soldier or civilian, I say do what you have to do. I really feel that the councilman who made the comment about connecting a terrorists nuts to a battery was not talking about a civilian.
                    In war, innocent people die. I do not feel that the American soldiers or most of the American people want innocent people to die. I DO BELIEVE that guys like Bin Laden, etc. don't give a shit who dies. That is the difference.
                    jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                    • Damn, I started this thread because I really thought the councilmans response was funny and also thought it was true.
                      I didn't expect this to cause this much uproar.

                      This thread might get as many hits as Chados sex life !!
                      jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                      • [QUOTE=baseballdave]
                        Originally posted by KazDog

                        We, and I mean Americans are not doing that to civilians that are not involved in the war. I DO NOT believe that our soldiers are torturing who THEY BELIEVE are innocent people. Do I believe that our soldiers might torture those whom they feel are terrorists or those they feel are enemy soldiers - yes. Do I feel that is right - NO. BUT if it saves the life of one AMERICAN soldier or civilian, I say do what you have to do. I really feel that the councilman who made the comment about connecting a terrorists nuts to a battery was not talking about a civilian.
                        In war, innocent people die. I do not feel that the American soldiers or most of the American people want innocent people to die. I DO BELIEVE that guys like Bin Laden, etc. don't give a shit who dies. That is the difference.
                        It's a principle Dave. It's against the Geneva Convention to torture anyone. We signed that and we should abide by it. Because other countries may not abide by those rules, doesn't make it right for us to do it. I don't really think it's being done that much at all by our soldiers, to be honest with you. However, for people to think that what that councilman said is right, is rather screwed up in my opinion. We are the first ones to cause a complete uproar when we see it being done to our troops or American civilians.

                        [email protected]

                        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                        • Originally posted by flarendep1
                          Hey Kaz,

                          Since you think your so smart and above JC, where would you rather be held prisoner? Gitmo or somewhere in Iran's hands?

                          Don't equate America as torturer's on the same level as these uncivilized nations. That is the liberal mistake, this is not Republican or Democrat, its Good vs Evil. Unfortunately, many liberals think we are the evil ones.

                          No one here wants torture, only as a last resort and if justified to gain info to save American lives. Radical Islam wants to destroy all who do not believe in their ways.

                          Saddam tortured and killed thousands of his own people, he got what he deserved. I bet you would not have survived to well in one of his prisons.

                          The media will never admit to the good things that have transpired since Iraqis were freed from their thug dictator. It does not fit there destroy Bush at all cost agenda.
                          So why didn't Bush Sr. take out Saddam instead of making a peace treaty with him.

                          And why did the USA put him in power.

                          And I take it you believe Bin Laden was in Iraq when we went in there?


                          • Originally posted by flarendep1
                            WHY??? What are his qualifications and experience?? ZILCH.

                            Maybe he looks better in a turbin?
                            And what was the Governors qualifications? Zero! Unless if you want to talk about how he ran several companies in the ground.


                            • Originally posted by KazDog
                              We started that war. Don't you see that? We are just as evil in their eyes if not more. Maybe a lot more. They don't want our religion, they don't want our way of life, and maybe they are happy that Saddam is out, but at what expense? Sure people are upset about 911 here. We all were. But it wasn't the country of Iraq wagering war on US soil, it was the act of a few or even many trained terrorists from Bin Laden. Put it in perspective....We, as a country, wagered war on Iraq under the suspicion of WMD that were never found. Who's to say that we are not more evil in their eyes than they are to us??? Many innocent people have been killed by our actions there. Isn't it time for you who believe that everything Bush does is right, to say that he has done us a great disservice?

                              I just read a poll where 69% of Republicians approve Bush at this time. While only 9% of Democrats do.


                              • Originally posted by vols fan
                                Bush has not done everything right,I agree.If we get bombed on 9/11 and don't do shit and then they bomb us again we would be bashing him for not doing shit about it.No one wins in a war IMO.We might come out on top and there country might be a little better but in the end we all lose.But we should have just bombed the areas we thought they were training terrorist,searched for WMD and when we found none started bringing home troops.We still need to have some troops over there but we shouldn't have lost as many soldiers in the process.
                                Why didn't we send the majority of our troops after Bin Laden?

