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How To Get To Heaven When You Die

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  • #76
    Originally posted by grandmama View Post
    OK fadeboy, if the world was 12,000 years old what about dinosaurs? Don't you think there would be someone in there that mentions it..."and jesus was walking to Nazareth, but a giant Trex stood in his way, but Jesus heald the trex, and turned him into a tree. THE EARTH IS BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD! The bible is a book of stories, some original, and some taken from ancient civilizations. JC, there is no God.... Trust me, if you want to debate something let me know...Your pitiful little mind has never questioned anything in your miserable life. Did your mommy tell you there's no tooth fairy...Sorry to break it to you JC. Be sure to post your plays tomorrow, I love to "follow" people that believe the world is 12,000 years old...
    Why is it you always like to rub in the fact that you "fade" people when you disagree with them? Keep your answer simple for me please. (High school graduate)
    You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


    • #77
      Originally posted by xfrodobagginsx View Post
      The bible is God's word. Do you believe that? Why or why not?

      You have 10 posts here at a site called "Bettors" chat and they are all about your prayer and religion. Do you even watch or bet on sports or are you just another one of those FORCING the gospel on others??????


      • #78
        Originally posted by Spark View Post
        This is a typical statement from a bible reader ... they think they can say or do anything they want and it is ok because they know and read the bible .. just watch any show regarding prisoners .. they are all into the bible .. they will be saved

        jc, guess what ... I also think you are a hypocrite .. you speak about women on this forum like they are dirt .. I think your words at times are disgusting when it comes to that ... you know what I mean .. just go back and read some of your posts .. not too Christian buddy .. I understand that you want to be funny but it really isn't .. unless you are 13 yrs old ... to me it makes you sound like an immature kid ..

        John you know I like you but if we were face to face I would be telling you the exact same thing .. do not preach God to me on one side of your face and then tell me what you what to do to the girl sitting next to you out of the other side ...

        And as far as what you said to Kaz you are way out of line .. maybe he was just trying to help you like I am right now ... and I think that is why you got so upset at him ... you know he is right and he hit a nerve ...

        God Bless You John .. I wish the best for you as always
        I am not permitted to defend myself on some matters here, so I Wont commit on them. I will email you on those, as far as being a hypocrite, Joe there is no man on this earth that isnt. Are you kidding me, really, are you not one????

        You find me a man that walks withouth sin, I dont claim to be him, nor do i give a flying fuck what you think of me. I dont give two fucks what anyone here thinks of me, i am not judged by you or any man here.
        Questions, comments, complaints:


        • #79
          I knew were this thread was going to go before it was on page 10, i came at certain members here and I will pay the price for that.

          I took a stand, I did it for a reason, God ask us to choose our friends and to do so carefully. I am not sure I have always chosen my friends according to Gods Will, well now I am.

          To Joe who calls me a hypocrite, well Joe to a point you are correct, to lose being a hypocrite I have to lose those who are not Christians who edify the Lord. Gambling for me does not edify the Lord for me, so I bid you farewell along with many other friends that I have met here.

          I will stay on for just a bit longer to debate Grandmama. Grandmama, i apologize for the name calling, I honestly do. I completely understand your view points, I understand Joes thoughts on the hypocrites in the church, i feel very poorly for the fact that i along with many other Christians have fed into that very thinking.

          Grandmama, i will look at all your post and i promise i will respond, please allow me time as i have a job and kids to tend too. And i need time to prepare against a man who has an educatiion and is not an idiot.

          To all others, I thank you for your support in my 5 years here, this will be the only thread i participate in from now on, and when me and Grandmama are done, I am done.

          To Wayne, Monte, and Joe, you guys are amazing, thank you for the oppurtunity to participate in your forum
          Questions, comments, complaints:


          • #80
            Where are you going jc and why???


            • #81
              Jc, I saw it coming a couple weeks ago, I said it in "Urgent" awhile back when I told Monte the Service section should go. Promote the members. Hope you don't leave, but I believe the "Service Section" and now this religion and rant will drive off some of the best members. I'm about done too. (No smiley) You are and always will be a great friend, and I really don't know you. But I would consider it a great priviledge to get to know you. Take care buddy, thanks for all you do, you and KB, Dimer, Vols, Longnex, Spark, Mavs, 8pole, yes Chado too, well I can't name em all, but even Kaptain came out to wish good luck on me and Vols play last week. Great people here, but yadda yadda, Would like to meet up some day, and have a beer. Please reconsider and stick around!


              • #82
                Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                Jc, I saw it coming a couple weeks ago, I said it in "Urgent" awhile back when I told Monte the Service section should go. Promote the members. Hope you don't leave, but I believe the "Service Section" and now this religion and rant will drive off some of the best members. I'm about done too. (No smiley) You are and always will be a great friend, and I really don't know you. But I would consider it a great priviledge to get to know you. Take care buddy, thanks for all you do, you and KB, Dimer, Vols, Longnex, Spark, Mavs, 8pole, yes Chado too, well I can't name em all, but even Kaptain came out to wish good luck on me and Vols play last week. Great people here, but yadda yadda, Would like to meet up some day, and have a beer. Please reconsider and stick around!


                Dont let the haters drive you off JC
                NBA is a joke


                • #83
                  [QUOTE=Spark;1735722]This is a typical statement from a bible reader ... they think they can say or do anything they want and it is ok because they know and read the bible .. just watch any show regarding prisoners .. they are all into the bible .. they will be saved

                  Spark, are you saying that if you go to jail you can't be saved?
                  I'm guessing not, but JMO we shouldn't judge. Some are making a show to get out of jail, and some do make a change and see the light.

                  I believe the only unforgivable sin is the rejection of Jesus, and his offer of eternal life.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post

                    I believe the only unforgivable sin is the rejection of Jesus, and his offer of eternal life.

                    i hate getting involved in these discussions with religion and/or politics, but I truly believe this statement by ToDaClub.
                    jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                    • #85
                      and i will also say this - I was wrong in voting for this section to be reopened. Too many people here cannot handle when others disagree or don't share their beliefs, whether it involves religion or politics. It has caused many problems since it has been opened again.

                      Now this is my opinion and I am sure I will be blasted for saying this, but then, that proves my point.
                      jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                        and i will also say this - I was wrong in voting for this section to be reopened. Too many people here cannot handle when others disagree or don't share their beliefs, whether it involves religion or politics. It has caused many problems since it has been opened again.

                        Now this is my opinion and I am sure I will be blasted for saying this, but then, that proves my point.
                        No blast here dave, you are correct!!! And very sad you are correct!


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                          I am not permitted to defend myself on some matters here, so I Wont commit on them. I will email you on those, as far as being a hypocrite, Joe there is no man on this earth that isnt. Are you kidding me, really, are you not one????

                          You find me a man that walks withouth sin, I dont claim to be him, nor do i give a flying fuck what you think of me. I dont give two fucks what anyone here thinks of me, i am not judged by you or any man here.
                          I think the point is that one should really try everyday to be the best person they can be and at least don't blatantly sin just because you "believe" you will be forgiven for anything .


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                            I knew were this thread was going to go before it was on page 10, i came at certain members here and I will pay the price for that.

                            I took a stand, I did it for a reason, God ask us to choose our friends and to do so carefully. I am not sure I have always chosen my friends according to Gods Will, well now I am.

                            To Joe who calls me a hypocrite, well Joe to a point you are correct, to lose being a hypocrite I have to lose those who are not Christians who edify the Lord. Gambling for me does not edify the Lord for me, so I bid you farewell along with many other friends that I have met here.

                            I will stay on for just a bit longer to debate Grandmama. Grandmama, i apologize for the name calling, I honestly do. I completely understand your view points, I understand Joes thoughts on the hypocrites in the church, i feel very poorly for the fact that i along with many other Christians have fed into that very thinking.

                            Grandmama, i will look at all your post and i promise i will respond, please allow me time as i have a job and kids to tend too. And i need time to prepare against a man who has an educatiion and is not an idiot.

                            To all others, I thank you for your support in my 5 years here, this will be the only thread i participate in from now on, and when me and Grandmama are done, I am done.

                            To Wayne, Monte, and Joe, you guys are amazing, thank you for the oppurtunity to participate in your forum
                            Don't go yet, if you make it to 40,000 posts there will be 10,000 vestal virgins waiting in Heaven for you to give them ASS TO MOUTH, or A2M, as you like to say.


                            • #89
                              I go to a non denomination church.... Tons of hot chicks!!


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                                I knew were this thread was going to go before it was on page 10, i came at certain members here and I will pay the price for that.

                                I took a stand, I did it for a reason, God ask us to choose our friends and to do so carefully. I am not sure I have always chosen my friends according to Gods Will, well now I am.

                                To Joe who calls me a hypocrite, well Joe to a point you are correct, to lose being a hypocrite I have to lose those who are not Christians who edify the Lord. Gambling for me does not edify the Lord for me, so I bid you farewell along with many other friends that I have met here.

                                I will stay on for just a bit longer to debate Grandmama. Grandmama, i apologize for the name calling, I honestly do. I completely understand your view points, I understand Joes thoughts on the hypocrites in the church, i feel very poorly for the fact that i along with many other Christians have fed into that very thinking.

                                Grandmama, i will look at all your post and i promise i will respond, please allow me time as i have a job and kids to tend too. And i need time to prepare against a man who has an educatiion and is not an idiot.

                                To all others, I thank you for your support in my 5 years here, this will be the only thread i participate in from now on, and when me and Grandmama are done, I am done.

                                To Wayne, Monte, and Joe, you guys are amazing, thank you for the oppurtunity to participate in your forum

                                John,this is the last thing I want is for you to leave this forum .. I just do not understand why people can not talk, discuss, disagree with each other and even argue without saying they are leaving the forum ...I just do not understand that ...

                                And John not so much for me or anyone else on this forum .. I mean it mainly for you ... I will still be here laughing and joking with the guys if you are here or not ... But I know how much you enjoy this forum and to run away from it because of something someone said is ridiculous .. IMO ...

                                Like I said to you earlier and you know I mean it .. I think you are a down to earth good guy ... If I needed a favor from you I would not hesitate to ask .. so I am asking for one ... don't leave ... be mature enough to over-come what-ever anyone has said to you on this forum ...

                                Please do not be like others ... Be a leader .. Not a follower ...

                                You tcare John ...

