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Bring Back The Kaptain

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  • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
    Who's my friend?

    The only one i know of is your left hand
    Questions, comments, complaints:
    [email protected]


    • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
      Who's my friend?

      i'm your BFF


      2013 NCAA POD Record

      8-3ATS +3.80 units

      2013 NFL POD Record

      1-2 ATS -4.50 units


      • KB Sooner

        these were your words in POST #57........

        There's no doubt CoverBoy and Kapt can capgames, But IMO, those 2 guys have bigger EGOS than CL.........The ARROGANCE rolls off their tongue is SICKENINGat times, and for them to leqve the site cause of Lazar is just absolutely CHILDISH......

        Yes, Lazar has been given more rope than a lot of other posters, but I don't think anyone is keeping him around on purpose like you all think. He was given this last ultimatum and he hasn't broken the rules again. Will he?? Only time will tell. I don't think it's fair for any member to point the blame at Spark or Monte here. Everyone is saying they know CL's antics by now. Then why continue to get caught up in his bs? As a mature adult, I would think that one would avoid him instead of going into his threads and leaving comments that just continue to stir the pot. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but that's the way I feel. Those who argue with Chuck are just as much as a child as he is sometimes.

        And no, I can't back up my opinion with a doctorate degree of any kind, but if everyone needed that to back up your opinions, the world would be a pretty quiet place.

        KB----Why would you have the effrontery to treat me as you just did..........

        I'm arrogant and egostistical..........can you do me the honor of showing where and how you derived at that opinion.....when I'm one of the first to call people down for arrogance and egotism............

        and your statemnet, re CoverBoy and Kapt leaving the site due to CL----where did you derive yet another magnificently erroneous statement.....CL had nothing to do with CoverBoy leaving.............CL is not the major reason I left, it's BS statements like this is one of the reasons I left......

        You don't usually come out that strong at someone, so maybe this has been bopthering you for a while, or maybe the simple ass JOKE of Being BC PRESIDENT has indeed gone to your head....

        I logged in for the opportunity to have you and the few that agreed with you, show me where, I portrayed suck egotism and arrogance..........

        I'm not gonna get in a debate over this with you, nor anyone, else, the only way I could ask the question is to log back in......Just think I have a right to know how you derived at that....

        And the reference to the Doctrtae degree, is that a shot at the fact that I used my Sons opinion, who has a Masters, PHD, on a certain subject as prove a point of view.....

        Do you go to the Dr., and diagnose your own illnesses, and then prescribe your own medicines.....No you don't, you go to the professional with the Degree, and pay him, cause he's a speciallist.........

        Look at what you wrote, and tell me that's not a direct derogatory slam at a person who always tried to be fair, get along, and be total opposie of egotism....You can truthfully tell me you really sincerely believe that statement, or did you get caught up in the Drama........

        Read it carefully.......If I fit that mold, then I'm not the CALIBER (my words in other threads) of person you want here....You may have really done this Forum a good favor with that statement........Thats the epitome of unwarranted, unjustifed, un verified statemnts, that do piss off, and run off, what I consider a good member (ME) that's factual, and maybe a lil egotistical, but not sickening.......

        GL to ya PRES, keep that total unknowing opinion coming out there, I'm sure others will be looking for em in the future.....

        KB----make sure your weapon is loaded with facts, before you start hunting heads like mine............kapt

        I will now log out, enjoy the reading, and I'm sure a very professional and accurate response from the Prez regarding the above.....

        I'm out of here, and the above BS is probably the biggest reason why..........

        Those that agree with him, enjoy one another, those that don't, best to ya.........

        Some of you guys are great, some are the Greatest, some don't have a clue, ahh, isn't life just full of those kind of things......we'll (I'll) survive. with or without the Forum.....

        There just no way In HELL, I warranted that statement, and the Lil Chimers who agreed with him.......Shoe fits, waer it.....

        I certainly hope things work out for the better for this Foprum, cause, hands down, it's the best, despite what some would call insurmountable problems....Go look at some of the others, you'll see this one is # 1, and has the best Members, as long as you don't lose em by dumbass statements as the one KB made.....IMO

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • Welcome back Kaptain!!!!!!


          • Glad to see you post Kapt and I am sure KB will elaborate on what he really meant......
            SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


            • Originally posted by buddyluv1968
              Welcome back Kaptain!!!!!!
              did you read his post?


              • Originally posted by Gookis
                did you read his post?
                Apparently not and why he didnt read it I dont know...
                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                • Originally posted by Kaptain
                  I'm arrogant and egostistical..........can you do me the honor of showing where and how you derived at that opinion.....when I'm one of the first to call people down for arrogance and egotism............
                  Do you truly believe you are not egotistical? Come on Kapt. you're smarter than that. The difference between you and I is, I can admit I'm an egotistical SOB at times. I can also be your closest friend. Just like you to the many around you.

                  You definitely have NEVER been an egotist when it comes to capping games. However, quite often when you comment to someone in a hostile environment or when it becomes a hostile situation, you bring up your job title, your education or your son's education. No doubt things to be proud of, but you often use it as a means of showing someone up. It wreaks of egotism whether you think it does or not....

                  I will only speak about mostly responses to me. And I will paraphrase my comments. You have always been the first to wish me well on my games and I have NEVER had a problem with you. Your response to me the other day did not bother me to the extent of continuing a verbal sparring match with you.

                  But when you say things like......

                  "That's where we disagree...........and you're still saying if he's ignored, he'll be gone, well kaz, I think you need to travel a bit more, live a lil longer, see more people around the world, get a feel for what an egotistical/dual personality is, before you say, Ignore, and he'll go away...."

                  "Notice, I backed up my opinion, with a pretty good analysis from a Professional......Didnt just throw mine out there...."

                  "Now in your mighty wisdom, do you still think, the Ignore strategy, is the way to go....."

                  "I'm 65, been in 46 states and 19 foreign countries.....Was the head man on many a Nuclear project, generally 4-6 thousand people per site, and in 2 cases, 10,000 people worked there.....Management constantly goes through Physical and Mental hygiene, Dr's and shrinks, on a monthly basis, and I've had my share.....They teach you how to read people, things to look for, corrective remedies for findings, etc...."

                  "And BC is not my life....I have such a busy life outside of BC, it would rattle your brain to try and keep the pace with me........."

                  "And I never said he affected my life, my life goes on, and will continue to do so for a while, till I die.....But being a Hi ranking Manager, and a Teacher all my life, I still feel compeled to try and alert others to falling into well hidden traps, muck like a Parent trying to teach a kid to not run in the streets........."

                  "Best to ya Chuck, and by the way, gl on reaching my plateau which is in Reality land (Already happened), not a dream or made up story........kapt"

                  all these statements by you can be perceived as egotism to one extent or another. Directly or indirectly....

                  You have said this is like a family here. Well families disagree quite often and I had often called my dad out for being an egotist. It used to piss him off, but I was right. You're like the old dad around here. And you have an air of egotism at times. You can also be thin skinned. I am too. But in no way do I agree with you about leaving the site because of Chuck or anyone else for that matter. It also wreaks of taking my ball and going home or better yet, I'll just leave so everyone can throw a pity party for me. And please, spare me the opinion that you are in no way egotistical to a certain extent.

                  You're obviously liked and respected around here. Who cares what people perceive one to be on an internet gambling forum? Say your piece and move on. I think the BS with CL is moving on. Why don't you?

                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • Kaz

                    Thank you for your honest response........however; you conveniently failed to show what preceded my statement.that's fine with me.....My statement was a comparisopn to yours........You gave your lmighty opinion as if you were a Professor.....That's fine......I gave mine as a well trveled person, who had as much or more responsibility as one can possibly imagine in a lifetime........

                    Then I had a Professional, My Son who happened to be here, to analyze some comment here.....He did.....He's a Professional...Degreed....and as I stated I wouldn't question you on proper ways to take a you are the professional in that field.....

                    I guess you too, would go to the Degreed Dr, tell him you disagree with him, he's wrong, and here's what I want you to prescribe for me.....

                    If you misconstrued my elaboration on what I have done in my life, as egotism, when actuality, it was my way of saying that you're not talking to someone that hasn't been there....

                    and for the Record Mr Kaz, on each Nuclear Site, Certain Managers, always me being one of em, go to Monthly classes conducted by DEGREED personnel, and they try and teach us signs to look for....I can't even attempt to tell you how many that is.....But, I ceertainly think that alone, would make me a hair more qualified than you, to judge egotism, or one who has it, and what one can do to correct it.....Now compound that with a degreed Professionals opinion, I'll stand my ground....

                    I wish my Son could of been as smart as you are today, so I could have saved a ton of $, and 9 years of his young life getting that worthless degree, when all one has to do is go on line, Google Search Photography, click on Kaz, and woila, you've got the answer.....

                    If that's you're definition of egotism, then you don't have the slighest clue as to what egotism really is, how it's developed, what are the symptoms, and what will an egotist do to prove his point....

                    But I guess, you and KB, being as wise as you 2 are, have it figured out.....I'm the wrong one here, I'm the Cancer, therefore, I'll take your Advice, and I will move on....

                    Let the know it all's run this in your PHOTO endeavors, and may you be a successfull person in your should be successfull, as to the fact your insight is so accurate.....

                    But you did give your opinion, for whatever that's worth......thanks

                    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                    • Originally posted by Kaptain
                      Thank you for your honest response........however; you conveniently failed to show what preceded my statement.that's fine with me.....My statement was a comparisopn to yours........You gave your lmighty opinion as if you were a Professor.....That's fine......I gave mine as a well trveled person, who had as much or more responsibility as one can possibly imagine in a lifetime........

                      Then I had a Professional, My Son who happened to be here, to analyze some comment here.....He did.....He's a Professional...Degreed....and as I stated I wouldn't question you on proper ways to take a you are the professional in that field.....

                      I guess you too, would go to the Degreed Dr, tell him you disagree with him, he's wrong, and here's what I want you to prescribe for me.....

                      If you misconstrued my elaboration on what I have done in my life, as egotism, when actuality, it was my way of saying that you're not talking to someone that hasn't been there....

                      and for the Record Mr Kaz, on each Nuclear Site, Certain Managers, always me being one of em, go to Monthly classes conducted by DEGREED personnel, and they try and teach us signs to look for....I can't even attempt to tell you how many that is.....But, I ceertainly think that alone, would make me a hair more qualified than you, to judge egotism, or one who has it, and what one can do to correct it.....Now compound that with a degreed Professionals opinion, I'll stand my ground....

                      I wish my Son could of been as smart as you are today, so I could have saved a ton of $, and 9 years of his young life getting that worthless degree, when all one has to do is go on line, Google Search Photography, click on Kaz, and woila, you've got the answer.....

                      If that's you're definition of egotism, then you don't have the slighest clue as to what egotism really is, how it's developed, what are the symptoms, and what will an egotist do to prove his point....

                      But I guess, you and KB, being as wise as you 2 are, have it figured out.....I'm the wrong one here, I'm the Cancer, therefore, I'll take your Advice, and I will move on....

                      Let the know it all's run this in your PHOTO endeavors, and may you be a successfull person in your should be successfull, as to the fact your insight is so accurate.....

                      But you did give your opinion, for whatever that's worth......thanks

                      How bout an MLB 5* play to sooth things over?
                      1 = $25

                      MLB Posted (as of 4/15) - 20-11 +21.86

                      God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of


                      • Listen up fellas, this is a gambling forum. A tight one, almost family like, its close and sometimes to much of anyone can eventually get on someones nerves.

                        This fighting really needs to stop, it is disturbing to many members here myself included. I like this place cause its like home, and if my home were a constant battlefeild i wouldnt want to spend much time there.

                        No one here is perfect, we all have our faults and sometimes we say things that we shouldnt or before we think. But like most families and freindships we forgive and forget.

                        Karl, no matter what you ARE a valued member and an asset to the BC comunnity. You are obviously a well edeucated and well spoken man, that may come across to others as arrogant or egotistical. It never did to me but thats me. If i have said this once i have said it 100 times, a internet chat room is a easy place to be misunderstood.

                        As Spark has said many times, lets just move on. What do you say???
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • Do as you like Mr. Kapt. But please, have your Doctor, or son as it were, read some of your comments and see if he detects some egotism in those statements. You asked for them and you got them. I guess the truth hurts.

                          And you know absolutely nothing about me. I know much more about you because you use it to show people how intelligent you are. How do you know what I do for a living or who I am? Who do you think you are to say that you are more traveled or a hair bit more qualified? You don't know jack about me. You are assuming and we all know what that means.

                          BTW, your response to KB was chalked full of spelling errors. But that's fine because we're the dumb ones. You think I'm just a photographer, and that's fine by me. I don't need to list my accolades to prove how wise I am. You can list yours all you like, but bottom line, you're acting like a child by not staying and using CL or KB or me for that matter as a reason. Do you as you please, I'm sure there will be more ass kissing to follow to feed your ego.....

                          I will say this....People like you a lot here and for that reason, and that one alone, you should stay and contribute as you always have. Know what I mean Verne?

                          Last edited by KazDog; 08-24-2007, 04:04 PM.
                          [email protected]

                          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                          • Kaz, yahoo
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • Originally posted by KazDog
                              Do as you like Mr. Kapt. But please, have your Doctor, or son as it were, read some of your comments and see if he detects some egotism in those statements. You asked for them and you got them. I guess the truth hurts.

                              hahahaha, I had to schedule a doctors appointment today....I had to get my ego checked out.

                              Hi, DR? yes, I might have some egotism in my statements, would you like to detect it for me?

                              1 = $25

                              MLB Posted (as of 4/15) - 20-11 +21.86

                              God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of


                              • Originally posted by KazDog
                                Do as you like Mr. Kapt. But please, have your Doctor, or son as it were, read some of your comments and see if he detects some egotism in those statements. You asked for them and you got them. I guess the truth hurts.

                                And you know absolutely nothing about me. I know much more about you because you use it to show people how intelligent you are. How do you know what I do for a living or who I am? Who do you think you are to say that you are more traveled or a hair bit more qualified? You don't know jack about me. You are assuming and we all know what that means.

                                BTW, your response to KB was chalked full of spelling errors. But that's fine because we're the dumb ones. You think I'm just a photographer, and that's fine by me. I don't need to list my accolades to prove how wise I am. You can list yours all you like, but bottom line, you're acting like a child by not staying and using CL or KB or me for that matter as a reason. Do you as you please, I'm sure there will be more ass kissing to follow to feed your ego.....

                                I will say this....People like you a lot here and for that reason, and that one alone, you should stay and contribute as you always have. Know what I mean Verne?


                                Why the hardon for the guy......I mean you are splitting hairs about a definition while kind of throwing a pot shot at the guys son. Then a spelling error comment....I mean who used spellcheck.....

                                I have not read thw whole back and forth so i should just shut the fuck up, but you hold one hand out to shake his while throwing a few jabs.....Sounds like a real mixed message to me. JMHO

                                i just reread Kapts statments and i do not detect any egotism.....However i believe he is using his life experience as credentials to lend validity to his opinions......again JMHO
                                Last edited by TwoTonTony; 08-24-2007, 04:17 PM.

