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NYY offer CC almost $140 million for 6 yrs

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  • #31
    Savy, all I asked for was who YOUR TOP 5 PITCHES ARE IN THE GAME RIGHT NOW. I appreciate you posting the Basdeball Encyclpedia but my question is in response to your statement that CC 'perhaps' is a top 5 pitcher...I am interested to hear who your top 5 are...and don't tell me Pedro is #2!
    Three Jack's Record


    • #32
      Originally posted by Three Jack View Post
      Savy, all I asked for was who YOUR TOP 5 PITCHES ARE IN THE GAME RIGHT NOW. I appreciate you posting the Basdeball Encyclpedia but my question is in response to your statement that CC 'perhaps' is a top 5 pitcher...I am interested to hear who your top 5 are...and don't tell me Pedro is #2!
      I think I answered this in in the post with the list except that I expanded the list to eight.

      Santana, Oswalt, Webb, Peavy, Halladay, Burnett, Sheets, Beckett(I am sure I left out a few, but I think you get my drift).
      ps I would of course include Sabathia.
      There are too many things to consider to say who is the actual best-for example who is best relative to the salary they receive.
      My overall point is that in view of the stats. cited and the salary he is commanding, how someone can just simply and arbitrarily say that Sabathia is the best pitcher in baseball.
      Last edited by savage1; 11-18-2008, 01:57 PM.


      • #33
        The bottom line is the Yankees have to be competitive next year, and they won't be without some ace starting pitchers. CC is a must, Burnett would be good too. They have Wang and that's it right now. Mussina and Pettitte should be gone. Joba should be put back in the middle relief role. Hughes should be the 4th starter, or traded for Peavy. Keep in mind, you're talking about a team that has a ridiculous amount of money. It's embarrassing the Cashman hasn't figure out how to win every year with that amount of money. Sign the best pitchers every year!!! The End. If they keep signing the Pavano's and Igawa's of the world, that dude should be canned.


        • #34
          Originally posted by savage1 View Post
          I think I answered this in in the post with the list except that I expanded the list to eight.

          Santana, Oswalt, Webb, Peavy, Halladay, Burnett, Sheets, Beckett(I am sure I left out a few, but I think you get my drift).
          ps I would of course include Sabathia.
          There are too many things to consider to say who is the actual best-for example who is best relative to the salary they receive.
          My overall point is that in view of the stats. cited and the salary he is commanding, how someone can just simply and arbitrarily say that Sabathia is the best pitcher in baseball.
          imo, when anyone says 'best player', regardless of sport, it is strictly an opinion.

          Just find it interesting, without researching their stats, that 5 out of your top 8 have done basically nothing in the playoffs yet when it somes to your idea of 'best pitcher' you heavily weight post season numbers. And I really find it interesting that you would include Sheets yet leave CC off why?

          Did you find photos of CC with your wife or something?
          Three Jack's Record


          • #35
            Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
            The bottom line is the Yankees have to be competitive next year, and they won't be without some ace starting pitchers. CC is a must, Burnett would be good too. They have Wang and that's it right now. Mussina and Pettitte should be gone. Joba should be put back in the middle relief role. Hughes should be the 4th starter, or traded for Peavy. Keep in mind, you're talking about a team that has a ridiculous amount of money. It's embarrassing the Cashman hasn't figure out how to win every year with that amount of money. Sign the best pitchers every year!!! The End. If they keep signing the Pavano's and Igawa's of the world, that dude should be canned.

            Shuld have been canned a long time ago. NY papers say they are going to make bids on Burnett AND Lowe this week. The vision is CC, Lowe, Burnett, Wang and Pettite as their starting 5, if you believe the papers.

            With 400 seats alone generating $81 million in revenue, they can afford it so why not? That new stadium will print money for them!
            Three Jack's Record


            • #36
              Originally posted by Three Jack View Post
              imo, when anyone says 'best player', regardless of sport, it is strictly an opinion.

              Just find it interesting, without researching their stats, that 5 out of your top 8 have done basically nothing in the playoffs yet when it somes to your idea of 'best pitcher' you heavily weight post season numbers. And I really find it interesting that you would include Sheets yet leave CC off why?

              Did you find photos of CC with your wife or something?
              I did include Sabathia if you read the next line.
              I never said that the guys mentioned did well in post season.
              Thus, if post season stats are equal, then what do we have left-the regular season.
              Perhaps you or Pimp can tell me why Sabathia should be rated #1 in front of other players who have better or at least as good regular season stats as does CC.
              If Pimp stated that CC is AMONG the best pitchers in the game, then ok;but to say he is THE BEST all things considered (especially when you throw in the 140 million salary), then I think anyone has good reason to contest that statement.
              More importantly-Dustin Pedroia wins the MVP-by my way of thinking, that is a lot more justified than calling CC the best pitcher in baseball(he might have the "best" appetite in baseball).


              • #37
                Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                I did include Sabathia if you read the next line.
                I never said that the guys mentioned did well in post season.
                Thus, if post season stats are equal, then what do we have left-the regular season.
                Perhaps you or Pimp can tell me why Sabathia should be rated #1 in front of other players who have better or at least as good regular season stats as does CC.
                If Pimp stated that CC is AMONG the best pitchers in the game, then ok;but to say he is THE BEST all things considered (especially when you throw in the 140 million salary), then I think anyone has good reason to contest that statement.
                More importantly-Dustin Pedroia wins the MVP-by my way of thinking, that is a lot more justified than calling CC the best pitcher in baseball(he might have the "best" appetite in baseball).

                My bad...I should do a better job of reading.

                I don't think Sabathia is the best pitcher in baseball. I think it is Santana. But I do think CC is worth the money, especially if you are the NYY. I agree with BW post. They need a #1 guy, he is it and they have money to burn. And while not technically the 'post season', pitching on three days rest for what, 4 or 5 straight starts and being dominating in all but 1 is pretty damn impressive. If I were putting together a top 5 right now, I would go:

                Beckett - just outside looking in. Tough year for him.

                But, if I was in game 7 of the World Series and needed just 1 start, I would go with Beckett.

                Lincecum and Hamels would be on the cusp of breaking my top 5...need to do it for a year or two more.
                Last edited by Three Jack; 11-18-2008, 02:38 PM.
                Three Jack's Record


                • #38
                  Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                  I did include Sabathia if you read the next line.
                  I never said that the guys mentioned did well in post season.
                  Thus, if post season stats are equal, then what do we have left-the regular season.
                  Perhaps you or Pimp can tell me why Sabathia should be rated #1 in front of other players who have better or at least as good regular season stats as does CC.
                  If Pimp stated that CC is AMONG the best pitchers in the game, then ok;but to say he is THE BEST all things considered (especially when you throw in the 140 million salary), then I think anyone has good reason to contest that statement.
                  More importantly-Dustin Pedroia wins the MVP-by my way of thinking, that is a lot more justified than calling CC the best pitcher in baseball(he might have the "best" appetite in baseball).
                  btw, Sabathia has FAR superior regualr season numbers than Sheets and Burnett. Not even in the same discussion.
                  Three Jack's Record


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Three Jack View Post
                    My bad...I should do a better job of reading.

                    I don't think Sabathia is the best pitcher in baseball. I think it is Santana. But I do think CC is worth the money, especially if you are the NYY. I agree with BW post. They need a #1 guy, he is it and they have money to burn. And while not technically the 'post season', pitching on three days rest for what, 4 or 5 straight starts and being dominating in all but 1 is pretty damn impressive. If I were putting together a top 5 right now, I would go:

                    Beckett - just outside looking in. Tough year for him.

                    But, if I was in game 7 of the World Series and needed just 1 start, I would go with Beckett.

                    Lincecum and Hamels would be on the cusp of breaking my top 5...need to do it for a year or two more.

                    That is a good and fair list-a team with a pitching staff like that should(but not necessarily) win the WS.
                    Hey- if Yankess think CC is worth the 140 million and they have the money, then thats their choice;on the other hand, trying to buy the WS hasn't worked well for them in a while especially when it comes to buying pitching.
                    I would bet Theo if it was up to him, wouldn't pay 145 million to get Sabathia for the sox;I think all things considered he blows Cashman away as far as competency goes.
                    Do you think a 145 million salary could have a negative affect on other pitchers on a team who were receiving considerably less? At the very least, I would think they would be screaming to renegotiate their own contracts, and there could be some dissension.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Three Jack View Post
                      btw, Sabathia has FAR superior regualr season numbers than Sheets and Burnett. Not even in the same discussion.
                      Ok-then even if I give you that, it means Sabathia is in the top five, six or seven-I never said he wasn't.
                      The whole point of the list is to show that by some criterion, he isn't #1, and certainly not the slam dunk #1 as Pimp seems to imply.


                      • #41
                        hahahah, this thread is hilarious! The REALITY is, this is the NEW YORK YANKEES we are talking about. It is NOT about CC, it is NOT about pitchers from the 60s, it is NOT about innings pitched, it IS all about the NEW YORK YANKEES. You either love them or you hate them. If you love them signing CC is the right move, if you hate them, then CC will break down.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by NoCashMcgraff View Post
                          hahahah, this thread is hilarious! The REALITY is, this is the NEW YORK YANKEES we are talking about. It is NOT about CC, it is NOT about pitchers from the 60s, it is NOT about innings pitched, it IS all about the NEW YORK YANKEES. You either love them or you hate them. If you love them signing CC is the right move, if you hate them, then CC will break down.
                          And the REALITY is that signing high priced free agent pitchers has NOT worked out well for the Yankees during the last eight years-either they became injured or didn't live up to expectations-bottom line is no WS championships and early departure in playoffs for the most part.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                            And the REALITY is that signing high priced free agent pitchers has NOT worked out well for the Yankees during the last eight years-either they became injured or didn't live up to expectations-bottom line is no WS championships and early departure in playoffs for the most part.
                            that my friend would be 100% accurate.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                              Ok-then even if I give you that, it means Sabathia is in the top five, six or seven-I never said he wasn't.
                              The whole point of the list is to show that by some criterion, he isn't #1, and certainly not the slam dunk #1 as Pimp seems to imply.
                              I would agree...again, 'Best player' is an opinion, imho...I get why he thinks he is the best and can understand that.
                              Three Jack's Record


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                                I would bet Theo if it was up to him, wouldn't pay 145 million to get Sabathia for the sox;
                                $103 million for 6 yrs for Dice K, not $145 but he was unproven.... He believes in 6 yr contracts over $100 million for pitchers. ANd I think it was well worth far!
                                Three Jack's Record

