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Chicago's tough new gun ordinance goes into effect

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  • Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
    Talking to you is like trying to convince my dick to get up again to fuck some fat woman I took home after a night of heavy drinking.


    good day
    Typical response when the common sense facts go against what u think. Do you use that brick to force the fat girl to go home with you?
    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


    • Originally posted by vitterd View Post
      Typical response when the common sense facts go against what u think. Do you use that brick to force the fat girl to go home with you?
      My apologies to you. I never realized that you cornered the market on common sense.

      No, thats the brick I'll use to break into your house with better grab your pencil sharpener
      He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


      • Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
        My apologies to you. I never realized that you cornered the market on common sense.

        No, thats the brick I'll use to break into your house with better grab your pencil sharpener
        Here is some common sense for ya. Check the numbers on gun deaths... Combine knife, axe, brick, bike peddals and beating deaths over last 20 years. Let me know what u see
        Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


        • Originally posted by vitterd View Post
          It is amazing how the questions get twisted around to try to fit someones belief. Of course u would try to pick up the knife. That's not an argument. How many times do u think an intruder comes in your house with a brick? They come in with a gun because it is easier!!! U think you're gonna get someone to sit still while pointing a brick at them?

          Why do I always run into this logic? Common sense is just lost on some people I guess

          someone breaking into a house VERY RARELY has a gun. breaking into a house is a slap on the wrist offense, while bringing a gun is serious time.

          i guess it would be better for you if you didn't "always run into this logic".
          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

          Gerald Ford


          • Flint, Michigan, Serial Killer Case: Suspect Arrested, Reports Say

            OH OH, a serial stabber just got caught. 30 day waiting period for cutlery soon
            You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


            • Originally posted by vitterd View Post
              Do u make it a habit of posting youe opinion and then answering your own opinion with my words? That is really odd.

              Where is this argument have I mentioned rep or democrat? NOWHERE.

              Gun control is necessary and just helping the criminals is an old unproven argument. There is still not one good argument why the gun crazies can't wait 30 days for a gun.

              First, I answered my opinion with your words because 99% of the time, when someone's opinion differs from yours, they are "misguided", listening to too much Fox, Limbaugh, etc. That is how you answer ALMOST - I said almost but I guarantee you it is way over 95% of your responses - everyone who differs in opinion with you. They are "misguided" as YOU said earlier.

              Now, go ahead and accuse me of "twisting your words" which you seem to do everytime someone calls you out on it.

              I response to your last statement - "Gun control is necessary and just helping the criminals is an old unproven argument. There is still not one good argument why the gun crazies can't wait 30 days for a gun."
              Again, that is your opinion, which you are entitled too.
              In my opinion - not Fox or Limbaugh or whoever - gun control ONLY helps the criminals, not the victims.
              I say that there is "still not one good argument" WHY the "gun crazies" have to wait 30 days.
              jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


              • Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                Here is some common sense for ya. Check the numbers on gun deaths... Combine knife, axe, brick, bike peddals and beating deaths over last 20 years. Let me know what u see
                That more people should carry guns without a wait of 30 days to shoot back
                He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                • Originally posted by husker View Post
                  someone breaking into a house VERY RARELY has a gun. breaking into a house is a slap on the wrist offense, while bringing a gun is serious time.

                  i guess it would be better for you if you didn't "always run into this logic".
                  I will await the link proving this along with the other one about using another weapon if no gun available.

                  While you're trying to find the links please check gun deaths against knife and other weapons deaths over 20 years and let me know what it says
                  Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                  • Originally posted by PhilJr View Post
                    Flint, Michigan, Serial Killer Case: Suspect Arrested, Reports Say

                    OH OH, a serial stabber just got caught. 30 day waiting period for cutlery soon
                    What the hell is Ron Popeil going to do now ?? Hope he still has some Pocket Fishermans to sell
                    He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                    • Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
                      My apologies to you. I never realized that you cornered the market on common sense.
                      you didn't know that???

                      i thought everyone knew that his opinions were fact and anyone that sees things opposite from him is a closed minded fringe right wing nut job that is brain washed by ultra conservative media.

                      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                      Gerald Ford


                      • Originally posted by PhilJr View Post
                        Flint, Michigan, Serial Killer Case: Suspect Arrested, Reports Say

                        OH OH, a serial stabber just got caught. 30 day waiting period for cutlery soon
                        There it is. The famous argument. Right out of the nra handbook. Can u compare knife deaths and gun deaths over last 20 years? Let me know what u find out. This usually stops the argument. Guess we won be hearing back from phil
                        Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                        • MSNBC Shocker: Firearms Deaths Fall As Gun Restrictions Ease |

                          Check this one out Vitt and respond
                          You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


                          • Originally posted by husker View Post
                            you didn't know that???

                            i thought everyone knew that his opinions were fact and anyone that sees things opposite from him is a closed minded fringe right wing nut job that is brain washed by ultra conservative media.

                            Thats why Ronald Reagan sent me a hat and told me to wear it 24/7. I could never figure it out

                            He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                            • Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                              I will await the link proving this along with the other one about using another weapon if no gun available.

                              While you're trying to find the links please check gun deaths against knife and other weapons deaths over 20 years and let me know what it says
                              what is your question exactly.

                              you don't think more people break into houses without a gun?

                              sentences for breaking into a house with a gun aren't a lot longer than without a gun?
                              “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                              Gerald Ford


                              • Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                                First, I answered my opinion with your words because 99% of the time, when someone's opinion differs from yours, they are "misguided", listening to too much Fox, Limbaugh, etc. That is how you answer ALMOST - I said almost but I guarantee you it is way over 95% of your responses - everyone who differs in opinion with you. They are "misguided" as YOU said earlier.

                                Now, go ahead and accuse me of "twisting your words" which you seem to do everytime someone calls you out on it.

                                I response to your last statement - "Gun control is necessary and just helping the criminals is an old unproven argument. There is still not one good argument why the gun crazies can't wait 30 days for a gun."
                                Again, that is your opinion, which you are entitled too.
                                In my opinion - not Fox or Limbaugh or whoever - gun control ONLY helps the criminals, not the victims.
                                I say that there is "still not one good argument" WHY the "gun crazies" have to wait 30 days.
                                Again. Limbaugh has not been mentioned in weeks or months. And fox gets mentioned because somebody brought it up earlier and it wasn't me. Please stop throwing out completely ridiculous percentages that are just plain inaccurate. I expect inaccurate posts from jman and husker but not everyone.

                                The facts are a lot of the right wingers here get their info from only fox and sometimes directly quote fox here. For that they need to be called out. Again though. Hasn't happened in a long time. So either u haven't been reading the posts or u are just plain lying.
                                Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao

