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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?

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  • Chado, under your theory of "I haven't been there, so I can talk about it," there isn't much we can talk about.

    How do you feel about rapists? Does they disgust you? Well, it shoudn't, b/c unless you have raped someone, you don't know what is in their head. The rapists probably aren't to blame, someone else made them rape.

    How do you feel about pedophiles? Well, I hope you didn't say these poeple should be put down, b/c unless you have fondled little kids, you shouldn't have an opinion on it.


    So in your fucked up world, unless we have been there we shouldn't have an opinion on it. Guess what, I know murdering people is bad, just like a I know smoking crack is bad. I don't need to try it to know it is a horrible fucking decision.

    You knew WELL before you touched crack that fateful day that it was horribly addictive, yet you chose to do it. Right before that crack entered your body you had the feeling in the pit of your stomach, that little angel on your shoulder telling you shouldn't do it, but YOU CHOSE to do it anyway.


    • Originally posted by Kaptain
      My son just read this and says here comes the insecurity......

      Nothing is his fault.....
      We're picking on him....
      He's evading responsibilty.....
      Argument not going his way....time to fade away....
      We don't respect him or his views.....
      He's the only one right....all others are wrong...irresponsible...
      Reference to ...any other alcoholic/addict....means....poor me
      We're all biased, now it's our Fault....
      Kapt your son is not an alcoholic or addict and therefore cannot relate so I really could care less about his perception...
      SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


      • Originally posted by DDP713
        I thought this was a Josh Hamilton thread ?
        You know what I have a lot of respect for most of the BC community but I don't get why wayne, kap and others continue to take shots at chad. I know he gets under a lot of peoples skin on here and its usually comical to me to read, but people on here are getting personal touching on sensitive subjects over a difference of opinion.

        For chad to quit a drug like crack and alcohol, living 100% sober for a year and 4 months is truly an accomplishment in my book, I dont care what anyone says.
        I agree that it was his choice to put the crack pipe to his mouth that first time, and obviously it wasn't the greatest thing to have happened to him at the time....but it happened, theres nothing you can do but accept it, learn from it and eventually embrace that time period because if you don't your only hurting yourself more.....

        and when he's talking about beer and crack obviously theres a mile difference between the two drugs but they are drugs no matter what is legal and illegal....I can do absolutely nothing with my life, legally drinking beer and alcohol everyday. What's socially accepted shouldn't be the standard here....

        JOSH HAMILTON could've turned into an alcoholic just as easily as he turned into a crack addict. And today's Josh Hamilton story might be his continuing struggle trying to get to the big leagues, hitting .280 in A ball still trying to quit saying if he had chosen alcohol as his "crutch" while he was injured for that year, he might not be where he is today. because alcohol is legal and accepted in america, therefor many alcoholics don't accept that they have a problem. im sure there are many BC members sitting or standing at work right now fantasizing about the 18 pack there going to buy after work.

        I've alredy told Chado I'm glad he is in recovery, and I totally agree it is an accomplishment, a heck of an accomplishment, but that isn't the point at all. The point is that doesn't make him a hero. A role model for recovering addicts, sure, I can buy that, but he isn't someone who should be a looked at as a hero. A hero is someone that does things the right way.


        • Originally posted by Chado1
          This is one of the most classic comments from a non-alcoholic and non-addict...straight ignorance is what this is....
          Chad, How the hell do you know what has gone on in my life?

          "From a non alcoholic and non addict"? What about me do you know off this forum Chad?

          Is it straight fucken ignorance on your part to assume what has happened in my life??? Because i didn't post my fucken life story on an internet forum, i'm assumed a clean whistle. God Damn you are fucken ignorant ......


          • Chado, you are not going to change any minds in here, just like you will not change you're mind.

            My advice, just quit discussing it like Frank did.
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • Originally posted by Chado1

              Calling someone a fucking retard for experimenting with drugs being unaware that they may become addicted and making fun of them is all I needed to hear about the lack of a caring individual you are...its absolutely fucking sickening....

              Is making shit up a side affect to or is it just your immaturity again?

              I just read this whole thread and i can't find anywhere where i called you a retard. Are you dreaming this shit up as we go now??

              I said was it was a very stupid fucken choice the 1st time you made that very stupid fucken choice to do crack and i see no reason to change that opinion.


              • Originally posted by Chado1
                Kapt your son is not an alcoholic or addict and therefore cannot relate so I really could care less about his perception...

                Kaptain's son has a Masters and a PHD in Clinical Counseling ... I think he can relate.
                "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                • Originally posted by Kaptain
                  My son just read this and says here comes the insecurity......

                  Nothing is his fault.....
                  We're picking on him....
                  He's evading responsibilty.....
                  Argument not going his way....time to fade away....
                  We don't respect him or his views.....
                  He's the only one right....all others are wrong...irresponsible...
                  Reference to ...any other alcoholic/addict....means....poor me
                  We're all biased, now it's our Fault....

                  I want to meet your son!


                  • Originally posted by Lsufan

                    Kaptain's son has a Masters and a PHD in Clinical Counseling ... I think he can relate.

                    I have a masters in rumpology and a PHD in assprobing
                    Questions, comments, complaints:
                    [email protected]


                    • At the end of the day it all boils down to the fact that only once you have directly or indirectly lived yourself or WITH an alcoholic or addict will you then know WTF I am talking about. If it does happen down the road to any of you in your future whether yourself or a family member you live with which I sincerely hope addiction does not. Only then will you remembering reading what Chado had stated throughout several posts in this thread and say for the first time in your life wow. I can relate to what Chado is saying and that will be a first. Until then all your opinions are based on your belief system, what the media portrays, what you have seen, read, or heard and I can tell you NONE COME EVEN close to understanding. Not in a hundred mile radius of recognition. And thats a wrap. I am done with this discussion.
                      SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                      • Originally posted by Lsufan

                        Kaptain's son has a Masters and a PHD in Clinical Counseling ... I think he can relate.
                        NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!

                        No form of education can go inside the mind of an alcoholic or addict and walk in their shoes and live with their brain other than themselves
                        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                        • Originally posted by Lsufan

                          Kaptain's son has a Masters and a PHD in Clinical Counseling ... I think he can relate.
                          No, Chad is the expert! lmao


                          • Originally posted by Chado1
                            NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!

                            No form of education can go inside the mind of an alcoholic or addict and walk in their shoes and live with their brain other than themselves
                            But you keep quoting those same "Teachers" you went to class and learned all your excuses from. Talk about CLASSIC. You really are a tool.


                            • Originally posted by wayne1218
                              Nobody is denying the addiction. They are talking about the choice made before the addiction.
                              I understand your point as well as a lot of others on here wayne, my post was just to show it's not always the persons choice. Put yourself in the position of my post, you would have taken the antibiotic and anything else that the DR gave you after that. It doesn't matter what that DR got you hooked on, after all we are brought up to believe you get sick, you go to the DR and he makes you feel better. Right????? Wrong you would have taken the pills just like me and it would NOT have been YOUR choice.

                              I do understand that the conversation is concentrated on making bad choices, i just wanted to give another perspective, even though it is very rare. I'll just say it 1 more time because i know a lot people are getting sick lateley STAY AWAY FROM FLOUROQUINOLONE ANTIBIOTICS. stay healthy guys if anyone is interested.


                              • Originally posted by jcindaville
                                Chado, you are not going to change any minds in here, just like you will not change you're mind.

                                My advice, just quit discussing it like Frank did.
                                Bingo John and thats exactly why frank stopped posting. Trying to explain things to the non acoholic and non-addict is VERY tough and nearly impossible. I guess its just my passion for this disease that I want to get my point accross about what has ruined the lives of households all across north americaa dn worldwide. A motivational speaker or a counsellor are one of my career goals.
                                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!

