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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?

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  • Originally posted by Chado1
    Honestly Wayne get more education on substance addictions before you ever think for one fucking second that either or is any more or less addictive based on variable reaction to the individual. you have no fucking clue about the facts and is all based on your opinion. I am done with your ignorance of this issue..

    Maybe you should have saved all that money you fucken wasted on crack and paid for an education yourself. Your ignorance stinks all the way down here into the States. If you would stop being a fucken 2 year old and listen to what people are saying for once in your very lame life, you would "Get it".

    Nobody, and let me repeat, NOBODY disagrees with the ADDICTION of both. What your stupid fucken ass doesn't and never will get is that trying a beer and a crack pipe are on a level not even close to each other and that is a FACT, not opinion. You chose to do crack the 1ST TIME and that is what 99% of the people in this thread are talking about ... the stage BEFORE ADDICTION HITS.

    That is where you fucked up.


    • Originally posted by Chado1
      The reason the success rate is not high has nothing to do with false information that is being provied Jimmy. The disease of addiction is widespread and is far from the easiest things to get rid of. No matter what information one can tell an addict there will never be an entirely successfull recovery rate cause it the mind battling the conscience...
      Addiction is not a disease, it's a cop out. An easy excuse if you will imo.


      • Originally posted by harold_bush
        Wayne, I think you and I should go try crack so we can fully understand what a stupid decision it was to try it.....
        How many times do I have to reitarate what I said for it to get through to you or Wayne?

        When someone has a beer for the first time its a stupid decision from what you guys are saying. With alcoholism being such a wide spread addiction shouldnt they know better than to have that first beer knowing the possibility is out there just like crack or any other drugs of getting addicted? Or could it possibly be the fact that the avarage human being has an outlook of "it wont happen to me"???

        Wow gotta love the ignorance of uninformed individuals who have opinion without fact....just comedy....
        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


        • Chado ??????????????????

          .............Smoking crack was the best thing I ever did with my life because it made me into the person I am today. It gave me a better outlook on life.........

          What kond of person are you today....
          Open Minded
          Happy go lucky
          well liked...............

          That is one dumb ass statement.....that statement alones tells me, you don't qualify for any of the above.....

          Have you ever thought.....what kind of person I would be had I just said no......went about my own way, cause I'm strong minded, not weak, looking for a place to belong....

          Saying----I don't need these addicting drugs to be a man, I'm goona say no, go about my business, cause I can, go to college, get a degree, become succesful, and then try to pass the right Idea, of saying NO, on to others....

          Where would you be today, Chado, had you chosen to say wouldn't be making childish/immature/erroneous/hideous statements like the one above.....

          You would be much better off, or those years you pissed off, some of your best ones, didn't mean shit to ya.....Those kind of statement show your hard headedness, and immaturity....

          Wayne made a statement in an earlier thread, "when Chado grows up"'ve got a long ways to go young man, and you're headed in the opposite direction of success.....

          And, without indulging my, or my families personal life, yes Chado, I've been through, and am presently going through, a family member completely addicted to alcohol, cocaine, and crack......all don't childishly say, I don't know....

          I'm sure this family member will be saying later on he's better off for using addictive drugs for all these years, cause..............

          BullShit......GROW UP, get smarter, before you try and talk a decent conversation, and this one is supposed to be your forte, that you know so much about.......only you knows huh Chad....

          And my family member can readily reel off 30-40 drug head pushers from memory, on what brain he's got left, why, cause he walked the walk, talked the talk, and layed in crack houses with the rest of em....

          Fucked up his life, can't see where he'd be better off, If he stopped today....

          Childish statement, but what the hell, you are Chado, the kid trying to convince us, and himself that he's a man cause he kicked drugs....takes a damn good solid man to say NO from the beginning when the Peer pressure is on.....grow up Chado

          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


          • Originally posted by Chado1
            variable reactions to individuals and active addictions are common terms used. All of the drug counsellors have been in our shoes aty one point in their lives and all the information is from experiences gained and learned. You are saying that teachers who teach different subjects in school have no clue what they are talking about? You think they just make the shit up??

            You need ALOT more fucken therapy Chad.


            • Originally posted by kbsooner21
              Addiction is not a disease, it's a cop out. An easy excuse if you will imo.
              It is labelled a disease Kyle. Google it and check the national medical assocation. I did not label that myself personally trust me.
              SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


              • Originally posted by wayne1218
                You need ALOT more fucken therapy Chad.
                And you need to recognize that opinion and facts are two different things....
                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                • Originally posted by Chado1
                  It is labelled a disease Kyle. Google it and check the national medical assocation. I did not label that myself personally trust me.
                  I know man, it wasn't 20 years ago though.


                  • Originally posted by kbsooner21
                    Addiction is not a disease, it's a cop out. An easy excuse if you will imo.

                    The word disease is used because it fits. Thank God for Chad because without that crutch, where would he be?


                    • Originally posted by Chado1
                      variable reactions to individuals and active addictions are common terms used. All of the drug counsellors have been in our shoes aty one point in their lives and all the information is from experiences gained and learned. You are saying that teachers who teach different subjects in school have no clue what they are talking about? You think they just make the shit up??
                      I'm not saying they make shit up ... I'm saying that they use all these politicly correct words and they all feel so sorry for you guys and make you out to be victims ... They say shit like "Oh, I know you had it hard" or "Well, it's ok now, we will help you."

                      Chad, did they really help you, or what is about YOU and YOUR CHOICE?

                      2 out of 30 Chado, that was just your class. How about the World wide totals. I would love to see them. These classes are a crock of shit IMO. It is all up to the individual.

                      Let me ask you Chado, were you still using crack while going to class?
                      "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                      is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                      • Originally posted by Chado1
                        And you need to recognize that opinion and facts are two different things....
                        Ask 1000 doctors if there is a difference in trying a beer or a crack pipe. The numbers will be 1000 to 0 in favor of beer. That is a FACT Chad. Your lack of education showed the day you picked up a fucken crack pipe and suddenly a class on the issue makes you an expert. You need alot more education Chad. How old are you? How many years were WASTED as an addict. I'm pretty sure you need more teaching than most here.


                        • WOW !!!!! chado and frankb03 are correct regarding addiction. I KNOW they are right and they KNOW exactly what i mean when i say that.

                          DDP post 186 very interesting.

                          here's a quick little hypothetical situation.

                          Let's say someone has an illness and goes to the Dr. they take the necessary tests, and they are diagnosed with an illness which valium is prescribed for. (wait before you jump on me, valium is a benzodiazepine and if valium is the treatment, then the only other treatments would be other benzodiazepines which are either worse for your body or even more addictive than valium. ex. xanax,kolonopin, lithium) anyway so your taking your valiums like your prescribed and then they up the dosage let's say on your 7th DR visit. so now you take 2 valiums a day and so on and so on. Valium is water soluble which means it builds in your system unlike any other drugs.

                          For example you take 5mg on monday, when you take your 5mg on tuesday there is still 2.5mg left in your body from the day before, then on wednesday when you take your 5mg there is 5 mg's left in your body.

                          Well on your 15th appointment let's say, the DR decides to test you for something else and says OH you really don't have what i thought you had for the last year and a half, you have xyz instead, and you shouldn't be taking valium. EXCUSE ME ! WHAT ! so a MD basically gets you addicted to valium for more than a year. Then they want to take you off of it but not so fast, they want you to start taking some other medicines also. yea because Valium withdrawls won't be enough, they want to put you on more pills that you might not even need or get addicted to.

                          VALIUM withdrawls when taken for that amount of time is exact equivalent to heroin withdrwawls. Now imagine going through those types of withdrawls an you have an illness, your in pain every day, and University nuero-muscular sub-specialist can't even figure out what disease you have.

                          I realize this is a very rare situation, but are you telling me that it's that persons choice to take the medicine in which was prescribed by a neurologist ?

                          How many guys on here have gotten sick and had to go to the dr and get an antibiotic or something like that, just about every single one of us right. Now, how many of you guys thought that after you were finished taking the antibiotic you would be sick for the rest of your life, a lot sicker than before you started the anti-biotic, and even worse you don't even no what you have and DR's can't tell you either.

                          My point here is there are ALL kinds of ways people can get roped into drugs and it is NOT ALWAYS the person's choice.

                          THIS IS MY GOML PICK(game of my life ) The best "pick" advice i could give to everyone on this board is STAY AWAY FROM FLOUROQUINOLONE ANTIBIOTICS ex. Cipro, Levaquin. These "drugs" have ruined my life far beyond what any recreational drug could do to me. anyone interested has a nice little article on what they are just now finding out about them.

                          You know the best part about it all, for all of you that say it is the person's choice, when i do go to the DR they want to shove more pills down my throat and i refuse because of what i went through, and when you refuse they won't help you. The last time i went the guy wanted to give me roxicet, yes can you believe that ! Roxicet is man made heroin, no thanks DOC.


                          • Originally posted by wayne1218
                            Maybe you should have saved all that money you fucken wasted on crack and paid for an education yourself. Your ignorance stinks all the way down here into the States. If you would stop being a fucken 2 year old and listen to what people are saying for once in your very lame life, you would "Get it".

                            Nobody, and let me repeat, NOBODY disagrees with the ADDICTION of both. What your stupid fucken ass doesn't and never will get is that trying a beer and a crack pipe are on a level not even close to each other and that is a FACT, not opinion. You chose to do crack the 1ST TIME and that is what 99% of the people in this thread are talking about ... the stage BEFORE ADDICTION HITS.

                            That is where you fucked up.
                            Dont use the 2 year old immaute thing on this one Wayne cause this is a topic I am fully informed about on both a factual and personal level. On other topics I may be mature about things but not on this one so your typical lash out of "grow you are so immature" will not work on this one...

                            When someone has a beer for the first time its a stupid decision from what you guys are saying. With alcoholism being such a wide spread addiction shouldnt they know better than to have that first beer knowing the possibility is out there just like crack or any other drugs of getting addicted? Or could it possibly be the fact that the avarage human being has an outlook of "it wont happen to me"??? ITS THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING PLAIN AND SIMPLE ASK ANYONE IN THE FIELD OF ADDICTION STUDIES WHETHER LEGAL OR NOT WHETHER THE MEDIA HAS LABELLED AS "HARDER" THAN THE OTHER IT IS ALL A MIND ALTERING CHEMICAL THAT CAN HAVE THE EXACT SAME OUTCOME
                            SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                            • Originally posted by kbsooner21
                              I know man, it wasn't 20 years ago though.
                              This is true...its because it has become so widespread over the years in this world...what do you mean however?
                              SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                              • "Crack is Wack" -Abraham Lincoln


