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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?

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  • Originally posted by frankb03
    Chad, that's why I stopped reading this thread and posting. The ignorant will remain ignorant. All the posts I did read are OPINIONS. They are not FACTS!
    Exactly frank the ignorant will remain ignorant as they are all stating blinded opinions and NOT FACTS its as simple as that. This is one issue that I am fully educated on both a factual and personal level and thats why I find it funny when Wayne on others try to throw around the "Chad you are just being young and mature" and blah blah blah comments. Maybe on other apects of discussions that may come into play for me but on this one PUHLESSE DONT EVEN FUCKING GO THERE CAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS AT ALL!!!


    • All this hero shit aside - I'm damn glad that we got him and I hope he hangs around and not let success go to his head. We've had some of the greatest hitters in baseball over the years and Josh could be one of the best - let's see if he hangs around and keeps off that glass dick!

      By the way, if anyone from the rangers Mgmt. reads this - WE STILL NEED F'KN PITCHING-

      updated thru 4/04 play

      CFB: (0-1) 1.05 units
      NFL: (0-0) 0.0 units


      • [QUOTE=harold_bush]Why is everyone falling over themselves to talk about what a great story this kid is? Yeah, I understand he overcame adversity and all that, but let's not make this guy a hero. What he overcame was himself! The idiot had the world by the balls and fucked it up by getting hooked on crack. He pissed away four years of his life/career by getting hooked on drugs, and is probably quite lucky to even be alive. Wow, what a role model!

        Look, I can respect the fact that he kicked drugs, and is now talking to kids about the dangers, but let's see this for what it is. He is by no stretch of the imagination a hero. I sure as shit don't want my son following in his footsteps. What is the message, be great, fuck it up by getting hooked on drugs, and if you get clean (and have amazing ability), you too can be a hero someday.

        What am I missing?[/QUOTE]

        If they made a movie about his story we would say thank god for movies. And 99% of the audience would walk away must be the 1%
        Last edited by DDP713; 07-17-2008, 03:10 PM.


        • [QUOTE=DDP713]
          Originally posted by harold_bush
          Why is everyone falling over themselves to talk about what a great story this kid is? Yeah, I understand he overcame adversity and all that, but let's not make this guy a hero. What he overcame was himself! The idiot had the world by the balls and fucked it up by getting hooked on crack. He pissed away four years of his life/career by getting hooked on drugs, and is probably quite lucky to even be alive. Wow, what a role model!

          Look, I can respect the fact that he kicked drugs, and is now talking to kids about the dangers, but let's see this for what it is. He is by no stretch of the imagination a hero. I sure as shit don't want my son following in his footsteps. What is the message, be great, fuck it up by getting hooked on drugs, and if you get clean (and have amazing ability), you too can be a hero someday.

          What am I missing?[/QUOTE]

          If they made a movie about his story we would say thank god for movies. And 99% of the audience would walk away must be the 1%
          and that is exactly why our society is where it is. Everyone is a victim, and nobody takes responsibility for their actions. Poor Josh Hamilton, he must have a disease, b/c there is no way he was just a dumbass.

          It was nobody's fault but Josh Hamilton's that he got hooked on drugs. Is it a good story........yes, again I'm tickled shitless that he isn't out robbing people for crack money. Does that make him a hero................FUCK NO!
          Last edited by harold_bush; 07-17-2008, 03:16 PM.


          • Chado, despite our complete disagreement, just like Hamilton, I'm glad you have kicked the habit. I'm all for people being productive members of society, and crack addicts clearly aren't that. I'm very happy for you, and hope you continue with your sobriety.

            That said, what you did doesn't make you a hero. You argue that my ignorance doesn't allow me to understand, I say your ignorance allowed you to put crack into your body the first time. I guess it is all about perspective.


            • Maybe he's not a hero to you or me, that's fine. But if I had a son or daughter and they looked up to Josh Hamilton I wouldn't have a problem with it whatsoever....If my son or daughter were to say every policeman in the united states is my hero I WOULD have a problem with that, just knowing the amount of corrupt cops and asshole cops there are in my city alone...
              hero-a man of DISTINGUISHED COURAGE OR ABILITY, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

              It would be impossible for me, you or anyone else reading this thread to truly understand what this man went through to get back to where he started, as a BASEBALL PLAYER!!! this guy was clean when he played, clean when he got drafted, clean up until the point he faced his first injury that sidelined him for a year.

              The guy made a mistake experimenting drugs with his new "friends" at the tattoo parlor, but give me a fuckin break we allllllllllllllllllllllll make mistakes, some larger and more significant than others. His life took a detour larger than anything we'll ever be able to fully understand and appreciate (until the movie comes out right?)
              If Josh Hamilton doesn't fit the definition of hero- a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. Find me someone who does....


              • Thanks Harold..
                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                • Originally posted by DDP713
                  Maybe he's not a hero to you or me, that's fine. But if I had a son or daughter and they looked up to Josh Hamilton I wouldn't have a problem with it whatsoever....If my son or daughter were to say every policeman in the united states is my hero I WOULD have a problem with that, just knowing the amount of corrupt cops and asshole cops there are in my city alone...
                  hero-a man of DISTINGUISHED COURAGE OR ABILITY, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

                  It would be impossible for me, you or anyone else reading this thread to truly understand what this man went through to get back to where he started, as a BASEBALL PLAYER!!! this guy was clean when he played, clean when he got drafted, clean up until the point he faced his first injury that sidelined him for a year.

                  The guy made a mistake experimenting drugs with his new "friends" at the tattoo parlor, but give me a fuckin break we allllllllllllllllllllllll make mistakes, some larger and more significant than others. His life took a detour larger than anything we'll ever be able to fully understand and appreciate (until the movie comes out right?)
                  If Josh Hamilton doesn't fit the definition of hero- a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. Find me someone who does....

                  Out of all 186 posts, that is the dumbest one I've read. Surely you can't possibly be this stupid.


                  • Harold you say "What he overcame was himself! The idiot had the world by the balls and fucked it up by getting hooked on crack. He pissed away four years of his life/career by getting hooked on drugs, and is probably quite lucky to even be alive. Wow, what a role model!"

                    If you have the right to call Hamilton an idiot, chado certainley has the right to call you one. And right now I tend to agree with him that you sound pretty idiotic/ignorant.

                    You say "what he overcame was himself!" as if that was some sort of easy task???!!!!!!! give me a fuckin break man he overcame himself while his self was addicted to one of the most addictive and lethal drugs in our countrys existance.
                    And he's had to overcome himself every single day knowing that he could throw it all away again by using drugs, and he say's he still doesnt trust himself 100% to this day because of how mentally addicted he was.
                    This guy was tabbed "the natural" "next mickey mantle" out of HIGH SCHOOL! imagine overcoming yourself after throwing that away. while a bunch of low life losers look back at the high point in their life when Josh Hamilton used to hang out, get tattoos and smoke crack with them.

                    And if you ask Josh Hamilton he wouldn't say those 4 years were pissed away. He's said before he wouldnt change anything, everything happens for a reason and he's a stronger individual today because of it.


                    • Originally posted by harold_bush

                      Out of all 186 posts, that is the dumbest one I've read. Surely you can't possibly be this stupid.

                      Funny, i'm thinking the same thing about you


                      • Originally posted by Chado1
                        Once you are addicted there is no choice at all.
                        The Addiction happened because YOU CHOSE TO START DOING IT CHAD!


                        • Originally posted by Lsufan
                          I usually don't comment in these threads, but I just feel like I have some experience in this field ...

                          I have had several relatives addicted to crack, one, most importantly my cousin. He is 6 months older that me and he is like a brother.

                          Just recently (last 2 years) he was addicted to Lortab (Hydrocodone). It started after he was involved in a wreck. When the doctors stopped prescribing them to him, he bought them off the streets for $5.00 a pill. Soon after-wards, he was taking 15 to 20 pills a day.

                          He moved away to New Orleans to have easier access to it, and even worked in a gay bar cause it was real easy to get there. He met up with a very rich man, who in turn gave him cash everyday (sometimes in the amount of $1000) and his very own American Express card.

                          My cousin moved to crack. He did so much crack in a days time, everyday, that his hand was stuck in a turned position, as if he were lighting a pipe, for 2 weeks.

                          He was arrested twice. After the 2nd arrest he went to Teen Challenge, a Christian based drug and alcohol program. It really worked great for him. He was recently taken out of the program after he was sentenced to 7 years at hard labor. He is currently in a local jail here cause the State prison is full.

                          He told me that it was his own choice to go out everyday and buy the drugs and do the drugs. He told me that he thought about it everyday. He knew he had to stop, but didn't want to.

                          He chose, and only he chose ... The "addition" didn't choose.

                          Also, I was a police Lieutenant for 14 years. I've seen and arrested many addicts. I've worked with them, and also with their families.

                          90% of all the addicts told me that it was their choice. Their choice to try it, and their choice to continue. Most said that they tried to stop, but it was hard to. But also commented that if they really wanted to stop, they could have, either with help or by themselves.

                          I've been to meetings with people I have arrested, and with my cousin. I have to say, that I disagree with one major thing they teach in the class .... They make each one of the addicts in the class to fell like, or make them a victim of the drugs. WHAT??? A VICTIM??? Even the addicts told me that it was crazy statement.

                          Now I'm not saying ALL classes teach this way, but it seems to me that this is where it heading. These doctors and therapist these days just keep on making shit up as time goes by.

                          A little off subject here, but 15-20 years ago, did any of your classmates have A.D.D.? None of mine did, but now a days everyone is a "victim."

                          Personally, with my back disability, I can take Lortab everyday. My back usually hurts enough to do so, but I choose not to take them everyday. I only take them when I leave the house, on occasion, and when I'm having extreme pain. And to be honest, I don't mind the "buzz" it gives you. But I choose not to abuse the drug.

                          I also smoke. I've quit several times. And yes, it was hard to quit, but I did it cold turkey every-time. I went back to smoking cause I WANTED and CHOOSE to. I enjoy smoking, so I CHOOSE to continue.

                          Am I an addict? I say no, but some may say yes. But I know that I could quit at any given time. I just CHOOSE not to because I enjoy it. But it will come a time when I will not enjoy it anymore, and that's when I'd quit. And if, and I repeat if, I would have problems quitting, I would just turn it over to Jesus. Believe me, He would help!!!

                          I tell you the truth guys, if more people would find JESUS and accept him as their savior, there would be no more "victims."

                          Great read Jimmy!


                          • Originally posted by DDP713
                            Harold you say "What he overcame was himself! The idiot had the world by the balls and fucked it up by getting hooked on crack. He pissed away four years of his life/career by getting hooked on drugs, and is probably quite lucky to even be alive. Wow, what a role model!"

                            If you have the right to call Hamilton an idiot, chado certainley has the right to call you one. And right now I tend to agree with him that you sound pretty idiotic/ignorant.

                            You say "what he overcame was himself!" as if that was some sort of easy task???!!!!!!! give me a fuckin break man he overcame himself while his self was addicted to one of the most addictive and lethal drugs in our countrys existance.
                            And he's had to overcome himself every single day knowing that he could throw it all away again by using drugs, and he say's he still doesnt trust himself 100% to this day because of how mentally addicted he was.
                            This guy was tabbed "the natural" "next mickey mantle" out of HIGH SCHOOL! imagine overcoming yourself after throwing that away. while a bunch of low life losers look back at the high point in their life when Josh Hamilton used to hang out, get tattoos and smoke crack with them.

                            And if you ask Josh Hamilton he wouldn't say those 4 years were pissed away. He's said before he wouldnt change anything, everything happens for a reason and he's a stronger individual today because of it.
                            Wow, I'm sure Chado is thrilled to have you on his side.

                            I think you must have just hit the pipe prior to your post saying you would rather your son look up to Hamilton than a police officer. Of course there are corrupt police officers, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that as a percentage there are far less corrupt police officers than corrupt crack addicts.


                            • Originally posted by harold_bush
                              As Wayne and I have stated, I still don't think they alcohol comparison to crack makes sense. Yes, people become alcoholics, yes alcoholics will say that addiction is a strong as crack, but I'm not talking about once the addiction sets it. I'm talking about the stupidity of the decision to try it to begin with. I've never done any hard drugs in my life mainly b/c I'd be scared shitless to try them. EVERYONE knows how extremely addicting the hard drugs are, and despite being nowhere near the drug sene, I've heard countless stories of people instantly becoming hooked on the shit after the first time. Alcohol simply isn't nearly addictive as crack. Yes, for some people it may be, but at a far smaller percentage than the hard drugs. Knowing how addictive it is I've made the DECISION not to ever get near the stuff.

                              I also don't buy the drunk excuse. I'm been plenty hammered at times in my life, and short of being unconscious, have never had a problem turning away hard drugs.


                              • Originally posted by harold_bush
                                is right.

                                You still don't get Wayne and my point that ALCOHOL IS NOT NEARLY AS ADDICTIVE AS CRACK THE FIRST TIME YOU TAKE IT.I would imagine 95% of people that try beer the first time b/c addicted at that point. No way you can say that about crack. We are dealing with percentages here. Yes drinking a beer for the first time CAN end of being a poor decision, but trying crack for the first time IS going to end up being a poor decision.

                                Love it. When he grows up, he will understand the point better!

