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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by ELJUGO
    Everyone "chooses" to do drugs their first time, certain peoples body's just react differently. The chemicals in peoples brains are not all the same, and usually by the time an addict figures that out it is too late to "just stop"
    Exactly....thats why I find it funny when people are saying "Chad you chose to smoke crack and chose your path"....did everyone choose to drink a beer for the first time? Of course they did? Did recreational drinkers and alcoholics choose their outcome?


    • #77
      Chad i am not going to argue with you, i understand your passion for this subject and i really do commend you on staying sober. I feel that you have done outstanding to stay the course and i hope that it continues.

      Beating any addiction is very commendable, keep up the good fight.
      Questions, comments, complaints:
      [email protected]


      • #78
        Originally posted by Chado1
        Exactly....thats why I find it funny when people are saying "Chad you chose to smoke crack and chose your path"....did everyone choose to drink a beer for the first time? Of course they did? Did recreational drinkers and alcoholics choose their outcome?

        Beer is legal. Get educated!


        • #79
          Originally posted by frankb03
          Many addicts aren't aware that their addiction, in a large part, is caused by their mental illness. As my previous post points out it's very common and difficult to treat. So please don't make blanket statements that their addiction is a choice.

          Regarding Chad. I hate to speculate on his life. My guess is he suffers from some form of mental illness. Based on his online 'personality' I'm willing to bet he suffers from bipolar depression. Most people with some form of mental illness don't want to announce to the world that they have a mental illness. There's a negative stigma associated with mental illness.
          Nobody likes to share the fact that there could be something deeply affecting them either mentally or emotionally nor may they even be aware of it....this also goes back to the point of substance addiction can affect all walks of like even if they had not went through a rough childhood or traumatic experiences like Josh Hamilton or others may not have...
          SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


          • #80
            Originally posted by harold_bush
            (although you don't have to be Einstein to know that doing crack/heroin is idiotic)
            Please read post #76 in this is no different from alcoholism...someone who drinks with his buddies for the first time in high school or college...some become recreational drinkers and others alcoholics the outcome is unknown....
            SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


            • #81
              Originally posted by jcindaville
              Chad i am not going to argue with you, i understand your passion for this subject and i really do commend you on staying sober. I feel that you have done outstanding to stay the course and i hope that it continues.

              Beating any addiction is very commendable, keep up the good fight.
              Thanks John and I am not trying to get "drama" going or come across as "Chado at his old ways" or whatever....I really am passionate about this subject and if I can help anyone in anyway my day has been made...I am trying to present my comments in this thread in a respectable manner so that one can be more informed on a topic that has taken over the youth (and non youth) of many north americans today....
              SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


              • #82
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                It is weak minded when you say fuck it and try it for the 1st time. Were you drug raped? Did someoneone hold you down and force crack down your lungs? If so i apologize but i'm guessing not ........

                Bump for Chad???


                • #83
                  Originally posted by wayne1218

                  So let me get this straight, i can go try crack, get addicted, fall flat on my face for awhile and if i pull myself out of the hole i'm in, i would be a "Hero"?

                  Bump for Chad


                  • #84
                    Since you used legal alcohol chad, it is probably like a smoker beating lung cancer. Should they be inspiration to all who smoke? Should someone who ate at McDonalds every day for 5 years be appreciated for stopping and losing weight? You are right, i guess all addictions are the same and not the persons fault who bought a pack of smokes or a double cheeseburger!


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by wayne1218
                      Beer is legal. Get educated!
                      Again im not arguing it one way or the other...but doesnt necessarily have to be illegal to be a bad addiction...arent pain killers legal and some people get addicted to those...eventually they will stop talking about Hamilton's past...if I remember correctly Favre at one point was addicted to pills or something...they used to pound that point as well when it was recent, but hardly hear anyone speak of it any longer...


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by ogarza
                        Again im not arguing it one way or the other...but doesnt necessarily have to be illegal to be a bad addiction...arent pain killers legal and some people get addicted to those...eventually they will stop talking about Hamilton's past...if I remember correctly Favre at one point was addicted to pills or something...they used to pound that point as well when it was recent, but hardly hear anyone speak of it any longer...

                        Yes, but beer is staring you in the face everywhere like the store and fridge. You are either hanging with the wrong crowd or you have to go searching for crack. Unless of course he was drug raped and forced to do it. We also watch our parents and many others drink a beer and have no problems with it. Do you see that with crack?


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Chado1
                          Hey Frank its funny before I even started commenting throughout this thread I KNEW you would be in here shortly to let everyone know as I know that you went through this indirectly with your family and I also knew you would agree with me on this topic for sure...yes "please reserve your uneducated and ignorant opinions to yourself" as anyone truly cannot understand no matter how much they "think" they do....Hamilton is a hero and everything he has went through should continue to be broadcasted frequently if he so chooses....
                          I'll express my opinion whenever I want to, but thanks.

                          Unfortunately it says a lot about you if you truly think this guys is a hero.
                          Last edited by harold_bush; 07-16-2008, 08:26 PM.


                          • #88
                            Actually beer is illegal for anyone under the age of 21. And i would guess that everyone who posted in this thread drank some form of alcohol before they were legal age. I did - and never had a thought that I would become an alcoholic. Drinking and driving is illegal and it happens ALL the time. And instead of affecting just the user - it often affects many other lives of people who are complete strangers - as I know when my cousin was killed by a drunk driver. Did that person think "I am going to get drunk tonight, drive home, cross the median and hit that Honda Civic head on and kill the driver of that vehicle?" I would guess that was the last thing in his mind. Just like people that drink don't think they will get addicted the first time they drink, or do drugs. Arguing that alcohol and other drugs are similar in what they do to the mind/body - is actually a very valid point. If you argue illegality then you have to agree that for anyone under 21 it does affect, and that anyone who drinks and drives it does affect.

                            As to the point of Josh Hamilton being a hero? Absolutely NOT. Cool story and good for him - but not even close to a hero.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Chado1
                              Exactly....thats why I find it funny when people are saying "Chad you chose to smoke crack and chose your path"....did everyone choose to drink a beer for the first time? Of course they did? Did recreational drinkers and alcoholics choose their outcome?
                              Horrible analogy with no relevance. That is like saying you like to have sex with young girls, and then equating sex a 23 year old girl and a sex with a 13 year old girl. One is legal, and one you know can ruin your life. If you choose to do it, take responsibility when it fucks your life.


                              • #90
                                Actually if he is talking about underage drinking and/or drinking and driving it is a very good analogy with a ton of relevance. How many of us in this thread have driven after having to much to drink? I would guess the very large majority. We don't set out to do that at the beginning of the night.

