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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?

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  • Originally posted by Chado1
    The legality of it is completely irrelavant from the topic at hand. It is a mind altering substance that has the potential to ruin lives just like any drug if one should become addicted.
    Bump for Wayne



    • Originally posted by Chado1
      Cocaine is just as readily available as alcohol. No difference for myself or any other alcoholic or addict to gain access to it. The availabilty does not change anything. Whatever you drug of choice maybe if you want it you can get it.
      Bump for Wayne

      SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


      • Originally posted by wayne1218
        Don't bother trying. Chad had no part in his own addiction. Just listen to him. It was not his choice to use, he was drug raped.
        Read my previous posts. A response to this post has already been outlined by myself on numerous ocassions.
        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


        • Originally posted by flarendep1
          I have just found a miracle cure for these diseases: JUST SAY NO!
          OMG...I shouldnt even bother trying to explain this to people that cant relate. Once again does anyone who has a beer for the first time "SAY NO"???? No they do not because they dont predict to get addicted. Some do not but unfortunately some do. They have no clue of the long term outcome. Does anyone read my previous posts in here cause the repetitiveness is getting redundant.
          SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


          • I'm still waiting for your to answer my 20 questions chad and if you think crack is just as readily available as alcohol, you obviously are still smoking it. It may be for you because of the people/crowd you hang with. Until it is on the shelves in the stores or in most homes, it is FAR from close to alcohol. If i wanted crack, i would have no fucken clue where to find it, unlike alcohol.

            Legality? It makes a HUGE difference and i pointed out why. It must have been another post you ignored. Maybe if you take your 19 year old blinders off you would see the light for the 1st time in your life!


            • Originally posted by Chado1
              OMG...I shouldnt even bother trying to explain this to people that cant relate. Once again does anyone who has a beer for the first time "SAY NO"???? No they do not because they dont predict to get addicted. Some do not but unfortunately some do. They have no clue of the long term outcome. Does anyone read my previous posts in here cause the repetitiveness is getting redundant.
              Being an addict doesn't make you an expert and neither does your own tiny experience on the landscape of life. Maybe if you looked and listened just once, you would actually understand what others are trying to say.


              • Originally posted by wayne1218
                I understand but everyone growing up knew of somebody who was an alcoholic right? Well, for every alcoholic you knew, i bet you knew 20 others that could drink at any time without addiction or abuse. That's my point. With alcohol it is easy to see a false sense of i can do it 'cuz you see many who can. You can't say that about crack and 99.9% of people who 1st tried it know that going in and they STILL do it. P rescription drugs are done alot of times by people who were on them at one time or another or by someone who has done big drugs before. That is no excuse but once again, it is in most homes and drug stores. You don't need to search hard for it. When you choose to do crack for the 1st time, you are putting a gun to your head imo and there is no "Maybe i won't get addicted" like with beer. Josh is a great story, i really believe that but all he did was fix his own fuck up imo. It was GREAT that he could but hey, he isn't a hero to many, just the ones who made the same "mistakes" he did.

                Bump for Chad since he missed it!


                • Originally posted by wayne1218
                  I'm still waiting for your to answer my 20 questions chad and if you think crack is just as readily available as alcohol, you obviously are still smoking it. It may be for you because of the people/crowd you hang with. Until it is on the shelves in the stores or in most homes, it is FAR from close to alcohol. If i wanted crack, i would have no fucken clue where to find it, unlike alcohol.

                  Legality? It makes a HUGE difference and i pointed out why. It must have been another post you ignored. Maybe if you take your 19 year old blinders off you would see the light for the 1st time in your life!
                  I answered all your questions do I need to answer them again for you?

                  1.) Crack or cocaine is just as readily available as alcohol. I can make one phone call and one drive to go and get it within 20 minutes. Just like I can hop in my car and drive to the beer store and get it in 20 minutes. It is irrelevant.

                  2.) The legality holds no relevance to a substance abuse addiction. I dont even have to explain this as it is so blatently irrelevant. One can become addicted to any mind altering substance as others have stated in this thread. Whether legal perscription drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, OR illegal narcotics it does not make a difference.
                  SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                  • Originally posted by Chado1
                    I answered all you questions do I need to answer them again for you?

                    1.) Crack or cocaine is just as readily available as alcohol.

                    That has to be the dumbest thing i have ever read on this website.


                    • Originally posted by Chado1

                      1.) I can make one phone call and one drive to go and get it within 20 minutes.
                      Guess what, you can drive to a store in 5 minutes and get alcohol ... without making a phone call.


                      • Originally posted by wayne1218
                        I understand but everyone growing up knew of somebody who was an alcoholic right? Well, for every alcoholic you knew, i bet you knew 20 others that could drink at any time without addiction or abuse. That's my point. With alcohol it is easy to see a false sense of i can do it 'cuz you see many who can. You can't say that about crack and 99.9% of people who 1st tried it know that going in and they STILL do it. P rescription drugs are done alot of times by people who were on them at one time or another or by someone who has done big drugs before. That is no excuse but once again, it is in most homes and drug stores. You don't need to search hard for it. When you choose to do crack for the 1st time, you are putting a gun to your head imo and there is no "Maybe i won't get addicted" like with beer. Josh is a great story, i really believe that but all he did was fix his own fuck up imo. It was GREAT that he could but hey, he isn't a hero to many, just the ones who made the same "mistakes" he did.
                        I actually have several aquaintances that have tried cocaine and crack and used it recreationally for a period of time without getting addicted and that is fact. Nobody knows if they wll get addicted nor do they want to an the substance of choice is irrelevant. That is one of the biggest mis-conceptions out there.
                        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                        • Originally posted by wayne1218
                          Guess what, you can drive to a store in 5 minutes and get alcohol ... without making a phone call.
                          15 minutes less and without a phone call what is your point? Does this change anything about substance addictions of any mind altering chemical?
                          SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                          • Originally posted by Chado1

                            2.) The legality holds no relevance to a substance abuse addiction. I dont even have to explain this as it is so blatently irrelevant. One can become addicted to any mind altering substance as others have stated in this thread. Whether legal perscription drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, OR illegal narcotics it does not make a difference.

                            The only crack addicts i've ever felt sorry for are the ones who had the misfortune of being born with it thanks to a addicted mom. I've had chances in my lifetime to do coke for free several times. Guess what, i chose not to. You keep pointing out the "Addiction" that i never disagreed with. I still have not heard why you started because that is where YOU fucked up and there is nothing or nobody to blame for that choice but YOU.

                            I have sympathy for people with diseases like cancer but not crack. Sorry .....


                            • Originally posted by Chado1
                              15 minutes less and without a phone call what is your point? Does this change anything about substance addictions of any mind altering chemical?

                              Yes, it makes your broad statement of just as easy to get IGNORANT to 99% of the population who doesn't know a crack dealer. Once again, just because you know one, you assume EVERYONE does. Fact is, most don't know any crack heads or dealers of the stuff and for good reason.


                              • I guess we can just agree to disagree. I cant try to change anyones opinion who has not personally went through substance abuse or been indirectly affected by it so there perception is based on what they have "read", "seen" and "heard" about. Prior to me going through this and just as frank said to we both used to think how you guys are thinking. But the fact of the matter all boils down to now that a drug is a drug is a drug. Whether legal or not, perceived as harder type than another, it can still be just as addictive as anything based on the reaction to the individual, and can still destroy lives and families.
                                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!

