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  • #76
    That was ignorant to say and would be even more ignorant to do. Torturing prisoners is not right. PERIOD. You guys who say "do that to terrorists or Iraqi prisoners" are the first ones who are shocked when a terrorist cuts the head off a captured soldier. We have to lead by example. That's no example as to how people should be treated. It's not eye for an eye, it's do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    Go hug a tree , fuck leading by example. Your such a liberal its unreal, you think you can lead these fucking people by example that is stupid as hell.
    Questions, comments, complaints:
    [email protected]


    • #77
      Second. On the topic of the war. We proclaimed war on Iraq. It wasn't the other way around. And many innocent civilians have died by our proclamation. We haven't solved any problems in Iraq as promised and we are hated in that region more than ever now. It's always been strained because of our ties in Israel and we may never be trusted by Arabs now.

      bull shit

      You been to Iraq??? I dont think so, doubt you even know a soldier. You believe what ever the media tells you.

      We havent solved any problems??? Yeah, the Iraqis are worst off now that they can elect there leaders.

      Should we be in the war, no, thats all i will give you, the rest is verbal diarrea
      Questions, comments, complaints:
      [email protected]


      • #78
        Anyone who thinks Obama or anyone else has any chance for making peace in the middle east are crazy. Those people have been killng each other for thousands of years.

        How do you reason with the radicals who send their children to blow themselves up and love to cut peoples heads off? You can't reason with them.

        HHAAHHHAA, imagine Obama playing tough guy with the nut leaders from Iran or Venezuala. Wait a minute, Obama's pastor might make a good diplomat to these countries since they think alike and hate America.
        NBA is a joke


        • #79
          Originally posted by jcindaville
          bull shit

          You been to Iraq??? I dont think so, doubt you even know a soldier. You believe what ever the media tells you.

          We havent solved any problems??? Yeah, the Iraqis are worst off now that they can elect there leaders.

          Should we be in the war, no, thats all i will give you, the rest is verbal diarrea
          Come on JC. You're not making yourself look too smart. Don't speak what you don't know. That country is in complete shambles since we started this war. They are a lot worse off now. Civil war and not to mention thousands have perished. It is very close to a third world country. Read, listen or however you need to get the information that the gov't isn't going to provide you. The media is and has been imbedded with the troops from the start. They are ALL saying the same thing. You chose not to believe it cuz you want to be a sheep and follow your leader. I chose not to.

          I have met plenty of soldiers and their families. Sorry to tell you. And YOU know I have. Anytime you'd like proof, I'll provide it to you personally. Most of them are not happy about being in this war. Again, chose to believe what you like.
          Last edited by KazDog; 03-19-2008, 03:35 PM.
          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • #80
            Originally posted by jcindaville
            Go hug a tree , fuck leading by example. Your such a liberal its unreal, you think you can lead these fucking people by example that is stupid as hell.
            Then don't fucking bitch and cry like a little baby because they cut off our soldiers heads with a butter knife or torture our soldiers when they get the chance and put it on TV for everyone to see. You're a fairly religious guy, and you want to tell me you agree with torturing and humiliating prisoners of war, whether they are terrorists or not? That is the most assinine thing I've heard. Being liberal has nothing to do with that. That's called being a civilized human being....

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #81
              Originally posted by flarendep1
              Anyone who thinks Obama or anyone else has any chance for making peace in the middle east are crazy. Those people have been killng each other for thousands of years.

              How do you reason with the radicals who send their children to blow themselves up and love to cut peoples heads off? You can't reason with them.

              HHAAHHHAA, imagine Obama playing tough guy with the nut leaders from Iran or Venezuala. Wait a minute, Obama's pastor might make a good diplomat to these countries since they think alike and hate America.
              Obama certainly has a better chance at it than our current dumbass. He has sent us back a 100 years in the middle east, and has certainly done nothing in this country either.

              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #82
                Originally posted by KazDog
                Come on JC. You're not making yourself look too smart. Don't speak what you don't know. That country is in complete shambles since we started this war. They are a lot worse off now. Civil war and not to mention thousands have perished. It is very close to a third world country. Read, listen or however you need to get the information that the gov't isn't going to provide you. The media is and has been imbedded with the troops from the start. They are ALL saying the same thing. You chose not to believe it cuz you want to be a sheep and follow your leader. I chose not to.

                I have met plenty of soldiers and their families. Sorry to tell you. And YOU know I have. Anytime you'd like proof, I'll provide it to you personally. Most of them are not happy about being in this war. Again, chose to believe what you like.
                I wasn't going to argue and I still don't want to but I do have a few points to make.
                First, I DO know personally someone who just got back from over there and he might be going back - my son in law. And these points are from him - 1) you are right, the soldiers do not want to be there but they never want to be somewhere where they can get killed. 2) the country is in shambles but it was in shambles BEFORE we got there. 3) you are right, the government doesn't tell you everything and that has nothing to do with being a democrat or republican and those that believe that have really "drank the kool-aid" from whatever political party they are and last 4) DO NOT believe everything that the media has written because they have no clue has to what is and has happened over there. And that is not my opinion, but words direct from a soldier that has been there and unfortunately, might be back. The media is being fed by BOTH sides - the Democrats and Republicans - on what THEY want reported.
                Kaz, I'm not trying to cause an arguement or stir ill feelings, but I have spoken in depth about what is happening over there from someone who has been there recently.
                jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                • #83
                  Hey Kaz,

                  Since you think your so smart and above JC, where would you rather be held prisoner? Gitmo or somewhere in Iran's hands?

                  Don't equate America as torturer's on the same level as these uncivilized nations. That is the liberal mistake, this is not Republican or Democrat, its Good vs Evil. Unfortunately, many liberals think we are the evil ones.

                  No one here wants torture, only as a last resort and if justified to gain info to save American lives. Radical Islam wants to destroy all who do not believe in their ways.

                  Saddam tortured and killed thousands of his own people, he got what he deserved. I bet you would not have survived to well in one of his prisons.

                  The media will never admit to the good things that have transpired since Iraqis were freed from their thug dictator. It does not fit there destroy Bush at all cost agenda.
                  NBA is a joke


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by KazDog
                    Obama certainly has a better chance at it than our current dumbass. He has sent us back a 100 years in the middle east, and has certainly done nothing in this country either.


                    WHY??? What are his qualifications and experience?? ZILCH.

                    Maybe he looks better in a turbin?
                    NBA is a joke


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by baseballdave
                      I wasn't going to argue and I still don't want to but I do have a few points to make.
                      First, I DO know personally someone who just got back from over there and he might be going back - my son in law. And these points are from him - 1) you are right, the soldiers do not want to be there but they never want to be somewhere where they can get killed. 2) the country is in shambles but it was in shambles BEFORE we got there. 3) you are right, the government doesn't tell you everything and that has nothing to do with being a democrat or republican and those that believe that have really "drank the kool-aid" from whatever political party they are and last 4) DO NOT believe everything that the media has written because they have no clue has to what is and has happened over there. And that is not my opinion, but words direct from a soldier that has been there and unfortunately, might be back. The media is being fed by BOTH sides - the Democrats and Republicans - on what THEY want reported.
                      Kaz, I'm not trying to cause an arguement or stir ill feelings, but I have spoken in depth about what is happening over there from someone who has been there recently.
                      Thanks for your comments Dave and I do respect what your son in law is saying. The media has been imbedded since day one of this war. Their reporting has been pretty accurate and will continue to be. People just chose not to believe it. The media here in this country has scrutinized this president for his actions in this country and abroad. That is their job as watchdogs and is a first amendment right. Again, people will chose to believe what they want based on their politics unfortunately.

                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by KazDog
                        Then don't fucking bitch and cry like a little baby because they cut off our soldiers heads with a butter knife or torture our soldiers when they get the chance and put it on TV for everyone to see. You're a fairly religious guy, and you want to tell me you agree with torturing and humiliating prisoners of war, whether they are terrorists or not? That is the most assinine thing I've heard. Being liberal has nothing to do with that. That's called being a civilized human being....


                        i dont bitch when they do it, i want them hunted down and the same done to them.

                        you cant be civilized with those that are not Kaz, are you insane
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by KazDog
                          Come on JC. You're not making yourself look too smart. Don't speak what you don't know. That country is in complete shambles since we started this war. They are a lot worse off now. Civil war and not to mention thousands have perished. It is very close to a third world country. Read, listen or however you need to get the information that the gov't isn't going to provide you. The media is and has been imbedded with the troops from the start. They are ALL saying the same thing. You chose not to believe it cuz you want to be a sheep and follow your leader. I chose not to.

                          I have met plenty of soldiers and their families. Sorry to tell you. And YOU know I have. Anytime you'd like proof, I'll provide it to you personally. Most of them are not happy about being in this war. Again, chose to believe what you like.

                          so now im dumb because you say so. you look like the dumb one kaz. i never said the soldiers were happy to be there shit head, its war, i dont wanna be there. and back at you, you chose what YOU want to believe oh smartest human in the world
                          Questions, comments, complaints:
                          [email protected]


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by baseballdave
                            I wasn't going to argue and I still don't want to but I do have a few points to make.
                            First, I DO know personally someone who just got back from over there and he might be going back - my son in law. And these points are from him - 1) you are right, the soldiers do not want to be there but they never want to be somewhere where they can get killed. 2) the country is in shambles but it was in shambles BEFORE we got there. 3) you are right, the government doesn't tell you everything and that has nothing to do with being a democrat or republican and those that believe that have really "drank the kool-aid" from whatever political party they are and last 4) DO NOT believe everything that the media has written because they have no clue has to what is and has happened over there. And that is not my opinion, but words direct from a soldier that has been there and unfortunately, might be back. The media is being fed by BOTH sides - the Democrats and Republicans - on what THEY want reported.
                            Kaz, I'm not trying to cause an arguement or stir ill feelings, but I have spoken in depth about what is happening over there from someone who has been there recently.

                            Dave dont waste your breath on Kaz, he sees one side to everything, his side.
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • #89
                              That is their job as watchdogs and is a first amendment right. Again, people will chose to believe what they want based on their politics unfortunately
                              Pot calling the Kettle black, your unreal
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by jcindaville
                                i dont bitch when they do it, i want them hunted down and the same done to them.

                                you cant be civilized with those that are not Kaz, are you insane
                                JC,lets just say a person molested one of your daughters or one of mine,wouldn't you want to kill him with your own hands or attach his balls to a battery.Terrorist are just as big a threat.I agree with you buddy,hang em,fry em,slice em, dice em just get rid of them SOBs

