Chuck is just loving the views on this thread .......
Half are from his...yesterday morning when he came on at about 9:30....the view count was at about 180....after he left it catapulted up to over 500....LMAO....the forum was dead as hell yesterday morning way over 300 views in 10 minutes....
They say there is no such thing as bad publicity and many here feed right into it every time. I do agree with most but i'm done wasting my time with it anymore. It's just not worth it.
Half are from his...yesterday morning when he came on at about 9:30....the view count was at about 180....after he left it catapulted up to over 500....LMAO....the forum was dead as hell yesterday morning way over 300 views in 10 minutes....
Chuck----check out our (BC) your record Forum POsts.....On 8-10 you show 8-9 as being 1-1 for +872 $.......I show on 8-9 you made 5 plays....went 2-3 for -408 $, thats a turn around of 1280 $ your favor........It's also hard to tell what your record is since you dont say what days you're tallied up to...
For example,.....saying.... my posting on 8-10 is for plays on usually post the results for the previous day.....
You could say.................... record is updated to and through 8-9 etc.....
Using your lines, your math, your units (* rating of each play), your record is already far off....
Jimmy tried to help you and correct some of your erroneous entries (poor math) and had you updated....I also found some, but didn't bother to bring it to your attention cause you're so wishy washy.....
However---a $1200 turnaround in your favor, in one day, is pretty significant.....
I really don't give a damn what your record is or isn't, or give a shit what Newbies think you're the greates, according to erroneous records, I just had to bring it up cause you keep hollering that Husker is not being fair, and playing the Angelic good guy role, for a while, before the Jekyl and Hyde medicine sets in, yet once again....
You can berate me all you want, throw out your slurs, excuses, and try to make me believe your innocence in these errors...........NOT....don't waste your time........I've seen and heard enough of the "LazarZone" drama to know better.......
I don't know what compells you be the "Jekyl and Hyde" person you are.....It's at a point now, where I don't particularly like either one of em.......
Keep doing what you do best, make a total bufoon of yourself.......
PS----I was the first one way back when that questioned Husker, and even then, it wasn't his motives, it was the way he did it, and the fact that he wasn't showing juice, so how could he even keep up his own....the Old "Glass House" theme....
He brought some BS to alots of members attention.......Chado may have been wrong also about questioning you chasing, but thats your business if you opt to chase or not, I've seen it in the past.....It's your prerogative, but don't start any more threads about money management, or give your opinion on it, till you learn to "practice what you preach"....
Also someone brought up the idea of a poll regarding "should Chuck be allowed here"....That's not the members decision, it's the Mods and the Owner....(3 people)....and you can be thankful it's not a poll, cause I feel the reults wouldn't be favorable on your behalf.....
Now theres some in here, that may chastise me, get on my ass for my comments, and some that are even Naive enough to believe that you've brought a ton of winners to this Forum in 2007, well, they'd be wrong.......
Those that agree with you, like you, believe in you, so be it, and vice versa for those that agree with me, it's a man's right to have his own opinion.......I don't hold that against anyone......It's what America is about, and we're also about keeping Freedom of Speech, and overall freedom alive in the USA....
My personal opinion, is this, "You are one strange, dual personality person, egotistical, and will do anything to keep up with the Jones", and be better than anyone at anything, especially when it comes to sports........In simplicity, you need counseling to overcome these defeciencies".....
Answer as you wish, and any followers also, I'm through with the Saga, BS, Drama, on going Show brought to you by our Sponsor, Bettors Chat......We're better than this, and it's about time we start showing it....kapt
Answer as you wish, and any followers also, I'm through with the Saga, BS, Drama, on going Show brought to you by our Sponsor, Bettors Chat......We're better than this, and it's about time we start showing it....kapt
Karl, I want to thank you for your opinion. Your a smart old bird an I always respect what you have to say.
The main reason I come on here every day that I can is to get a little R&R, and enjoy reading the funny shit that gets posted every day. I was surprised as hell, to see this thread still going strong with all the Chuck Haters flying in to put their 2 cents in before it gets moved or closed. 3700 views with 129 posts is fucking hilarious!!! I could just picture MP smoking his cigarettes down to his figures and screaming at me through his computer..
Once in a while I see that some-one likes a play big and usually I fade them, because 80% of the time GOY loses, but if I think the person has some good reasons, I will follow. I play every game for the same amount, even if I post some at a higher unit. The only reason I do that is so that if there are any-one out there following my plays, they will be able to see what I like more than others. I posted this and actually left it in my signature for a few months before I deleted it.
I post a few plays every day to be a part of the forum, but I usually play many more games that I never post. Some are parlays. But what I like most of all is to see who dislikes me or vice-versa. Another reason I post plays are to be involved in the contests. I'm a very competitive person and enjoy trying to be the best or near the top. That same competitive nature has helped me make it to the top in my career and also in many investments.
When I left this morning for football camp, I looked to see what shit Husker had to say about me, and I love getting under his skin when ever I can. The Head Mod has changed the way he tracks people and he is only allowed to track the people that are services or touts at the forum where he posts.
I bet he's mad as hell today, after reading that post.
Karl, I could care less about a record, and have said that if any one here, wanted to post a record for me, that would be fine by me. Cause I spend about 2 minutes each night after the games are over and post the wins and losses in the tracker forum. I could care less about it but like Jimmy said, every one here has their eyes on it. I have been waiting for husker or some other Chuck hater to come in a tell me what I did wrong.
Monte has to love all the views I get from the haters. I must make him loads of cash.
I play every game for the same amount, even if I post some at a higher unit.So the sox at -193 was a 1 unit play but you just posted it as 30 for shits and giggles?
I usually play many more games that I never post. Im sure those are all winners!