chuck, they won't post their plays. they aren't independently monitored (there are plenty of free monitors out there). they aren't monitored because they want to run the same old service scams on people.
their isn't even honor among thieves in that business.
That's what I figured. Thanks for the info. I just hope my buddy Spearit don't get ripped off in the long run.
chuck, they won't post their plays. they aren't independently monitored (there are plenty of free monitors out there). they aren't monitored because they want to run the same old service scams on people.
their isn't even honor among thieves in that business.
This sportspick guy has always been shady imo...if services can't/don't want to be monitored, they don't belong in business
Hey Sal, is there any chance of posting your card after the games go off, so we could all see exactly how you are doing before anyone decides to jump on board.
Or do we have to believe what tiger07 says that happened. For all we know, he could be a shill that works for you guys.
Just go back and read all his posts. His posts are a little suspicious.
I paid that much money years ago to a service that was on fire and then when I joined, they shit the bed. And was pissed that I had to pay my local $30,000, and the guy called me back and wanted to give me his football package for free. I went the way on every play he gave me and ended up winning all my money back plus $10,000.
He had the balls to call me the next year to see if I wanted to sign up again. I laughed in his face and hung up the phone.
hey chuck,
I am not gonna address every poster who decides he wants to independently monitor my service. we have well over 200 clients, I have no need to prove anything. they all see my morning report they know what we do everyday.
we have over 70 clients are in certian forum you can ask anyone in there including mods.....
If I stunk that bad i would not have such a large client base,.
And the best part is G.C. has been with us for 3 months, the guy sees our plays everyday for 3 months we are kicking the crap out of the man..
CHUCK, I am not gonna sit around all day to give you plays. what do I do if i have a 4pm, 8pm games? sit around to email you? i do have thing to do just like everyone else. would that not be redicoulous to sit around all day??...
I normally dont put out many plays in baseball. but football we did good last season. This football season I was looking for a monitor site, I have a couple in mind and would not be offended if you want to help out...
Also, I always post a free play check the treads, forgot today. my bad!
Originally posted by SPORTSPICKS1019
I have nothing against you Sal. I dont know you from Adam. Spark says you are a good guy so i wont doubt that. You dont always post your free play, I did check the threads. On 12/14/06, 12/18/06, 12/25/06, 2/23/07, & 5/3/07 you didnt either. While I know noone lives and dies with free picks, it all goes to integrity. If you are trying to win clients from this site, I would suggest being 100% honest. Spark has a message in the first post of this section saying he will delete posts without a comp play. When someone is selling something, its best to come across with the truth & not promises or challenges. Especially charging the prices you do to "predict" sports scores and results. Maybe I am just jealous . Hell I would love to read and watch sports all day as my only job and get paid for predicting scores all without betting them as opposed to working 13 hours a day 7 days a week!
best of luck to ya man, but dont dismiss a concern by saying "always" & "check the threads"
Hey C, Thats not bad if you only found 5 days i didnt post.. i think i'am doing pretty good. I appreciate your honesty
I am not gonna address every poster who decides he wants to independently monitor my service. we have well over 200 clients, I have no need to prove anything. they all see my morning report they know what we do everyday.
we have over 70 clients are in certian forum you can ask anyone in there including mods.....
If I stunk that bad i would not have such a large client base,.
And the best part is G.C. has been with us for 3 months, the guy sees our plays everyday for 3 months we are kicking the crap out of the man..
CHUCK, I am not gonna sit around all day to give you plays. what do I do if i have a 4pm, 8pm games? sit around to email you? i do have thing to do just like everyone else. would that not be redicoulous to sit around all day??...
I normally dont put out many plays in baseball. but football we did good last season. This football season I was looking for a monitor site, I have a couple in mind and would not be offended if you want to help out...
thanks, sal
Sal, I have read what Spearit wrote about you. I feel that he's a friend of mind, but he's only been with you for a short time. And only time will tell for him of how good you end up.
You just answered my post at 11:53 pm.
So how hard would it be for you to post your plays here at that time or any time after the last game goes off.
Or even better yet, just post what your game or games where, right into your next days post.
That way people can see for themselves. All that takes is an extra sentence into your post. Its not asking a lot since you already have lots of clients like you say, but we have only seen 1 of them come here (tigers07), other than Spearit yesterday.
As you can see, this is my first post here at Bettors Chat. Many people know me from several other sites out there. I have always been honest in my appraisals of the services I was using. When I was getting Dave M@linsky's picks, I sang his praises during football season (when he deserved it) and ripped him during baseball season (when he also deserved it).
I signed on with Sal and RedZone (sportspicks1019) in early May. I too was skeptical about their claims. They started out tremendously, but then cooled for a approximately 2 weeks. After that though, they have been on fire. The 13 in a row for RedZone (and 15-2 since the All-Star break) is 100% true. Sal has also hit 9 in a row. GC has not done that well since the All-Star break. Again, I tell it like it is.
In my dealings with Sal and RedZone they have both gone out of their way to accomodate me (if I needed picks sent a different way) and they both have been gentlemen. Equally, if not more importantly, they win. Consistently. Frankly I don't give a chit about independent monitoring, as I monitor them myself. I don't need some company out there to tell me whether they are winning or not. I know they are. And both my local and my on-line know it too.
Before you guys start to rip me as some sort of shill, I am not. I call them the way I see them. Those who know me from other sites know that to be the case. These guys are VERY good. If people out there don't want to believe that, well that is their perogative. I was skeptical at first as well. But they convinced me by winning.
chuck, they won't post their plays. they aren't independently monitored (there are plenty of free monitors out there). they aren't monitored because they want to run the same old service scams on people.
their isn't even honor among thieves in that business.
Husker--you and I go back a ways on other sites. You know I ripped M@linsky when he sucked and sang his praises when he was good. Since I signed on with these guys, not only have I not had to pay my local or on-line, but in fact, I have collected several times.
As for GC, I spoke with him personally 2 days ago. We e-mail each other regularly. He has been with them for awhile AND CONTINUES TO REMAIN WITH THEM !! If they were dishonest, don't you think he wouldn't remain with them ? Fact is, there are others (behind the scenes) who are trying to manipulate the situation. Others (who are now essentially in direct competition with RedZone and Sal) whose best interests are served by blocking any mention of RedZone or Sal at their site, and by pressing for GC's customers to sign up with him through their new site, and not through the site he has been with for a couple of months now (sportspicks1019). I know all of this first-hand.
Here is the only way i know to show you my clientel. I know someone in this room will find a way to manipulate the system as always.
but thats because they cant trust themselves and they are followers and not Leaders...
This is my admin area, I update the site in the morning. Here is a copy & paste of The past two days if you look below it shows the login stats. These stats do not even reflect half of redzones late phone guys..
Aug 1st 205 logins & 642 total hits
Aug 2nd 204 logins & 634 total hits
Aug 3rd just started below 6 visits and 17 hits
This does not even include my free players! whom we have in the 100's
As you can see, this is my first post here at Bettors Chat. Many people know me from several other sites out there. I have always been honest in my appraisals of the services I was using. When I was getting Dave M@linsky's picks, I sang his praises during football season (when he deserved it) and ripped him during baseball season (when he also deserved it).
I signed on with Sal and RedZone (sportspicks1019) in early May. I too was skeptical about their claims. They started out tremendously, but then cooled for a approximately 2 weeks. After that though, they have been on fire. The 13 in a row for RedZone (and 15-2 since the All-Star break) is 100% true. Sal has also hit 9 in a row. GC has not done that well since the All-Star break. Again, I tell it like it is.
In my dealings with Sal and RedZone they have both gone out of their way to accomodate me (if I needed picks sent a different way) and they both have been gentlemen. Equally, if not more importantly, they win. Consistently. Frankly I don't give a chit about independent monitoring, as I monitor them myself. I don't need some company out there to tell me whether they are winning or not. I know they are. And both my local and my on-line know it too.
Before you guys start to rip me as some sort of shill, I am not. I call them the way I see them. Those who know me from other sites know that to be the case. These guys are VERY good. If people out there don't want to believe that, well that is their perogative. I was skeptical at first as well. But they convinced me by winning.
Are you the Keith from the place were Boiseboy post??
As you can see, this is my first post here at Bettors Chat. Many people know me from several other sites out there. I have always been honest in my appraisals of the services I was using. When I was getting Dave M@linsky's picks, I sang his praises during football season (when he deserved it) and ripped him during baseball season (when he also deserved it).
I signed on with Sal and RedZone (sportspicks1019) in early May. I too was skeptical about their claims. They started out tremendously, but then cooled for a approximately 2 weeks. After that though, they have been on fire. The 13 in a row for RedZone (and 15-2 since the All-Star break) is 100% true. Sal has also hit 9 in a row. GC has not done that well since the All-Star break. Again, I tell it like it is.
In my dealings with Sal and RedZone they have both gone out of their way to accomodate me (if I needed picks sent a different way) and they both have been gentlemen. Equally, if not more importantly, they win. Consistently. Frankly I don't give a chit about independent monitoring, as I monitor them myself. I don't need some company out there to tell me whether they are winning or not. I know they are. And both my local and my on-line know it too.
Before you guys start to rip me as some sort of shill, I am not. I call them the way I see them. Those who know me from other sites know that to be the case. These guys are VERY good. If people out there don't want to believe that, well that is their perogative. I was skeptical at first as well. But they convinced me by winning.
Now that i have read his whole bit, Keith is no schill. He post a lot at another site and is very solid.
Dont be bashful around here Keith, good to see you
Now that i have read his whole bit, Keith is no schill. He post a lot at another site and is very solid.
Dont be bashful around here Keith, good to see you
thanks jc. Appreciate it. As I said, if these guys were rip-off artists, I would be the first one to say so. They're not (at least as far as I am concerned).
Husker--you and I go back a ways on other sites. You know I ripped M@linsky when he sucked and sang his praises when he was good. Since I signed on with these guys, not only have I not had to pay my local or on-line, but in fact, I have collected several times.
As for GC, I spoke with him personally 2 days ago. We e-mail each other regularly. He has been with them for awhile AND CONTINUES TO REMAIN WITH THEM !! If they were dishonest, don't you think he wouldn't remain with them ? Fact is, there are others (behind the scenes) who are trying to manipulate the situation. Others (who are now essentially in direct competition with RedZone and Sal) whose best interests are served by blocking any mention of RedZone or Sal at their site, and by pressing for GC's customers to sign up with him through their new site, and not through the site he has been with for a couple of months now (sportspicks1019). I know all of this first-hand.
Kieth, there is always going to be manipulation when any service is involved. no one is completely clean. i have always said this.
if a service is independently monitored, none of these posts would be here. people could check the record and that would be that. when a service isn't monitored, they bring this on themselves.
i hope you keep winning. just be careful getting in the middle here.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."