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I'm Going on a Romance Tour

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  • Originally posted by Spearit
    Savage - thanx for the journey- rosa maria - very pretty lady- but uh I keep thinking of the three ships when her name was mentioned. The Pinto, The Rosa and The Maria. Just joking- Looks like you had a great time and possibly a B/C outing in another country may be a fun trip. Highly recommended.
    Spearit-as long as the "ship" doesn't "sink", I will be happy. lol
    ps-I am going to play some of your totals-I hope I don't jinx you.


    • A few more
      Attached Files


      • A few additional thoughts:
        In retrospect, I would say that for me the tour for me was up to now a great success.
        I say up to now because Rosa Maria is not here yet and probably won't be for 3-5 months until all the papers, forms are approved both here in Colombia and she passes/completes her interview in Colombia.
        Speaking of papers, I just put the finishing touches on the forms, photos, etc. I must send to immigration(my center in is Vermont). Counting all the documents there are around 90 pages in all;I don't mean 90 different documents-I mean 90 pages counting multiple pages for some documents such as bank accounts;it took a lot of work gathering the forms and copying them this week but hopefully it will be worth the effort.
        Now I can just send them in and hope that they are filled out correctly and will be processed reasonably quickly.
        I talked with Rosa Maria for about an hour last night($.17 a minute on my plan-not bad), and we have decided to cut down on the length of calls and for me to call more frequently.
        Everything seems real good and obviously other than perhaps visiting her during the 3-5 months wait, there is nothing more I can do.
        I can't emphasize enough what a wonderful person she is(and nice looking also), and I hope that at least a few of you guys who are a little older might consider the possibility of doing something similar if you are not meeting the right type of lady in the US.
        I will update this thread when there is news.
        Thanks to everyone who has read and/or contributed to this thread.
        Last edited by savage1; 08-27-2005, 07:06 PM.


        • Paul, im so excited for you, you stuck your neck out and hopefully it will pay off. This is the kinda shit I'm talking about when I say this site is the best.I have been married for 15 years myself, and I like to look at all the nice pixs BIG MIKE post, but I am truely a very lucky man. If any of you guys want to find a american women who isn't bad, find one who's father is a loser, then he is who you are compared against. Just be a little better than him, and they will always stay with you. Women in general put all of us up against their dad, if your better, your marriage normally will suceed. This is just my opionon, life will teach you what you need to know
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • savage... i'm on my way to columbia.....damn.. beaaaaaaaaaaaautiful women


            • Originally posted by jcindaville
              Paul, im so excited for you, you stuck your neck out and hopefully it will pay off. This is the kinda shit I'm talking about when I say this site is the best.I have been married for 15 years myself, and I like to look at all the nice pixs BIG MIKE post, but I am truely a very lucky man. If any of you guys want to find a american women who isn't bad, find one who's father is a loser, then he is who you are compared against. Just be a little better than him, and they will always stay with you. Women in general put all of us up against their dad, if your better, your marriage normally will suceed. This is just my opionon, life will teach you what you need to know
              Jcindavalle-wow what a theory that is;someone should do a PHD study to really check out a guy's success vs his wife's perception of her father.
              You sound like you have a great marriage and that makes me happy! Continued happiness for you and your family!
              Lovedoc-actually if you go to Columbia, you will be meeting ladies from South Carolina;Colombia(with an o) is where the action is;lots of nice, warm and loving ladies, and if you like big boobs, that seems to be the rule over there rather than the exception. lol


              • aren't you worried that you really do not know her??? i am not trying to be negative or piss in somebody's cheerios, but that would run through my mind.....Just to let you know i am not married, never have been and never will be....but i know i would not be good at it....i am a classic womanizer....i can not stay with one woman......just have always liked variety and i imagine i always will.....i have had a few long term relationships and thought it may be the one....but come to find out they are not who you think they are.....

                i am sure you know what you are doing...but i would be apprehensive...just want to know your feelings about that, since i have not heard anyone mention that....i wish you good luck......but was curious to a question that i would want to know the answer seem like a standup guy Paul....

                same name as me....


                • TwoTonTony-In answer to your question:
                  You have to understand that this culture like many cultures in the world is FAR different from American one.
                  Falling in love is less complicated than it is in the States;ladies in other cultures like Colombia are interested in what is inside a potential partner, and NOT anywhere near as much interested in materialistic things, looks of a the guy, how tall he is, what kind of car he drives, etc. as in the US.
                  I speak from experience, as my first wife is from the Philippines;she is a lovely lady and suffice it to say that I did not give her enough love and attention;we were married 10 years and still talk every day.
                  Rosa Maria and I saw enough in each other in just a short period of time to know that we are both see life the same way and believe in the same things regarding what is important in each other and in life in general.
                  Go on a vacation to Colombia or some other Latin country or even the Philippines(where English is spoken) for a vacation, talk to some ladies, amd you will see a HUGE difference between these ladies and many American ladies.
                  I have NEVER felt so loved by any lady as this one-total devotion and not an ounce of insincerity about here;you can see it in her eyes in some of those photos I posted.
                  I can understand your skepticism, but in all honesty in my 61 years of living on this planet and having met many ladies I have never met one quite like this!


                  • Originally posted by savage1
                    TwoTonTony-In answer to your question:
                    You have to understand that this culture like many cultures in the world is FAR different from American one.
                    Falling in love is less complicated than it is in the States;ladies in other cultures like Colombia are interested in what is inside a potential partner, and NOT anywhere near as much interested in materialistic things, looks of a the guy, how tall he is, what kind of car he drives, etc. as in the US.
                    I speak from experience, as my first wife is from the Philippines;she is a lovely lady and suffice it to say that I did not give her enough love and attention;we were married 10 years and still talk every day.
                    Rosa Maria and I saw enough in each other in just a short period of time to know that we are both see life the same way and believe in the same things regarding what is important in each other and in life in general.
                    Go on a vacation to Colombia or some other Latin country or even the Philippines(where English is spoken) for a vacation, talk to some ladies, amd you will see a HUGE difference between these ladies and many American ladies.
                    I have NEVER felt so loved by any lady as this one-total devotion and not an ounce of insincerity about here;you can see it in her eyes in some of those photos I posted.
                    I can understand your skepticism, but in all honesty in my 61 years of living on this planet and having met many ladies I have never met one quite like this!

                    i am skeptical of most do not mind me....i have been to costa rica and have been around the world and have enjoyed women of all cultures.....i agree with the assessment that they are simpler....however i know guys who went to russia and when they got here they were given a list of demands...mercedes, big house and so on!!! i wish you the best of luck in your endeavor.....


                    • I for one could never tell u what is right or wrong about this..................but this i can say life is 2 short and if u r happy that is all that matters buddy best of luck whatever the future holds and we will always be here for ya
                      rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                      • Originally posted by jmarty6969
                        I for one could never tell u what is right or wrong about this..................but this i can say life is 2 short and if u r happy that is all that matters buddy best of luck whatever the future holds and we will always be here for ya

                        i agree and do hope i was not mistaken for trying to question the man......he has had great luck.....i was just wondering what many probably were as well....he answered it and i wish him the best....and you are is too short....


                        • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                          i agree and do hope i was not mistaken for trying to question the man......he has had great luck.....i was just wondering what many probably were as well....he answered it and i wish him the best....and you are is too short....
                          that wasnt hit at u or anyone else in this thread hope u didnt take it wrong buddy
                          rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                          • Just remember guys that only one other guy got engaged on the tour;it is not that easy to get to know someone from ANY culture in a week or so well enough to get engaged.
                            I was lucky because I corresponded with her for a while before the tour and spent a lot of time with her (well several says anyways lol) when tour first began.
                            Personally I think in my case it was divine interevtion.
                            Get this and this is no lie: her code name on MSN is Rosemaria715;so what you say? Well, it just so happens that 7/15(July 15 in my birthday). Now what are the chances that she would have chosen those 3 numbersout of all the possible combinations before she even knew me?
                            In all honesty ,I asked her about that and she said the 15 is for her birthday which also falls on the 15th(November) and the 7 because it is considered a lucky number.
                            Still-VERY eerie!


                            • Originally posted by jmarty6969
                              that wasnt hit at u or anyone else in this thread hope u didnt take it wrong buddy
                              not at all is just interesting to hear about all these ways to meet women.....i respect whatever makes someone happy.....lord knows there are lots of miserable people in relationships forged here!!!! thanks buddy, but my feelings are intact....Gl

