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I'm Going on a Romance Tour

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  • I'm Going on a Romance Tour

    Now that I have captured your attention, let me tell you what is going on.
    Well, being 60(in a couple of days to be 61) and divorced, and frankly dissatisfied with American women in general(sound familiar?),I am going on a romance tour run by The Foreign Affair,a well respected guided tour, which allows guys like me(actually most guys who go are around 15 years younger) to meet hundreds of very attractive and sincere(they are screened) from foreign countries,
    I myself have chosen to go on the Cartagena Tour(In Colombia-there are other tours to Barranquiila(also in Colombia) Peru, Costa Rica and other countries including all the Russian nations).
    Prior to the trip I get a list, pictures and brief profiles of all the available ladies who have signed up with the Tour (let me tell you many of these ladies are gorgeous and think nothing of the age difference and marrying a guy 20-30 years older than they are;this is quite different than is the case in the US, where I am considered too old by ladies even in their fifties) and then choose the ones I might be interested. Then I notify the people who run the tour in Cartagena to invite these ladies to the 2 Social Events;there are also interpreters for those who don't speak Spanish(I studied Spanish for 5 years and can make myself understood quite well).
    In addition, in the Tour Office at Cartagena there is also a catalog containing thousands of other ladies who live in the area(Cartagena has a population of about 1 million) whom I can invite to meet me personally while there.
    Realistically for me, I am looking for a lady in her late 30's to late 40's with no children or grown children.
    So in theory I go to Cartagena and try in a short amount of time try to find an attractive and loving, caring lady(believe me I understand the Latin Culture, and these ladies treat their men muchbetter than many(I didn't say all) than do American women), and then petition her via fiancee visa, which takes 4-6 months.
    I would also add that dating a Latin lady or for that matter many non American countries is a lot less complicated, and you can find a lovely lady to marry rather quickly if each person knows what he/she wants.
    My first wife is from the Philippines, is 23 years younger than I, and we were married for 10 years;we are still on great terms(we talk just about every day) and have a wonderful 10 year old daughter to show for it.
    I would add that for any of you dissatisfied with American ladies,there are several terrific daing sites on line(there is a small monthly fee for each), and
    I am not exaggerating when I say that in last month and a half after posting my photo(I included my daughter in one of the photos, and believe me I am just average to slightly better than average looking), I have had well over a thousand people check me out and around 300 write to me from all over the world;in honesty, the fact that I said I am retired and financially secure helps my cause a lot.
    Certainly some are con artists but with my life's experiences(the same principle as with the sports services) it has not been difficult to find out who is sincere and who is just hoping that they can extort some money.
    Some are beautiful, some are average or even worse;some are well educated and some are not.
    All in all it has been an experience of a lifetime.
    I am sorry if I have gone on too long;on the other hand if any of you guys are tired of American ladies and can't find anyone, at least check out the two websites.
    I would add that I was a member of matchcom, Eharmony and Jdate and a few others and was very disappointed, the reason being that most of these American women want everything;this is NOT the case with ladies from other countries.
    I hope my post at least allows some of you disgruntled guys to consider some of what I have said.
    ps Guys-feel free to ask any questions.
    By the way the cost of the tour to Cartagena is $1095;your flight is your own expense;for me it is about $750. You do still in an highly rated hotel paid for by the Tour during your stay.
    Last edited by savage1; 07-13-2005, 09:51 PM.

  • #2
    All I can say is I wish you the BEST OF LUCK with it....
    It sounds as if you are very optimistic and that is GREAT.....

    But if I may add, be careful that the you don't get fooled by a women who says all the right things just to get a ride to the states and citizenship.

    You sound happy....
    I am happy.....
    Remember the three R's:
    Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


    • #3
      Very interesting Savage, I truly hope this works out for you. is just up the street from me and I almost went to work for them a few months ago.

      GL luck to you!
      I'm 5-11" or 6-2" depending on which convenience store I'm coming out of.


      • #4
        RWall-there is always that risk, but at my age and my job in social services during which I interviewed thousands of people,I think am a pretty good judge of character.
        Don't forget also that these ladies are screen (supposedly anyways) before they are accepted.
        On the other hand if a real beauty in her twenties came on to me, then I really would be suspicious about her motives and/or worry that she might leave me some day for someone younger.
        I think a lady especially one in her 40's knows her niche in life and would be less likely to leave than say a much younger lady.
        As a gambler, I am certainly willing to take that risk.
        Also, if idon't find anyone that I really care for on this tour(and vice versa), I will come back emptyhanded and go on another tour, either back there or to some other country.


        • #5
          savage PIMPIN AINT EASY...but your a true savage and the ladies will drool over you just dont tell them service scam stories
          gl man
          Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


          • #6
            ps I made an error above.The Latin American website is and not
            Hey sustaindan, during the "interviews" with these ladies, they will be asked if they are good cappers.
            Last edited by savage1; 07-13-2005, 10:06 PM.


            • #7
              Enjoy, you old stud!! Let us know how it turns out in case our wifes ever leave us!!


              • #8
                Chuck, thanks. Hopefully, I will come back with a "blow" by "blow" recap. lol


                • #9
                  GO SAVAGE, GO SAVAGE, GO SAVAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Rock the Bed Posts!!!!!!!

                  P.S. If she has a daughter, PLEASE bring her back for me. I have a Green Card waiting!!! :D


                  • #10
                    Hey Wayne-Thanks. I will do my best. What is your age range 14 to what? lol


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by savage1
                      Hey Wayne-Thanks. I will do my best. What is your age range 14 to what? lol
                      12-16 is good. 17-18 is acceptable. :D


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by wayne1218
                        12-16 is good. 17-18 is acceptable. :D
                        You're on!


                        • #13
                          Hey Wayne-I was thinking about bring Tim Wakefield along as a good will ambassador. What do you think?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by savage1
                            Hey Wayne-I was thinking about bring Tim Wakefield along as a good will ambassador. What do you think?
                            You would get a TON of chicks if you brought him. He is a charmer for sure!!!


                            • #15
                              Wayne-he might even give them an autograph for a "favor" in return.

