Savage, please let us all know how this trip goes. I would love to tell my brother all about it. When are you leaving and returning?
No announcement yet.
I'm Going on a Romance Tour
Originally posted by jcindavilleSavage, please let us all know how this trip goes. I would love to tell my brother all about it. When are you leaving and returning?
I am trying to view this as a vacation also and don't want to get my hopes too high;remember even though I look a little younger than my age and am in very good physical shape, there is no guarantee how the younger women will react to me(remember I am now 61;Shhh. I am going to tell all the ladies I am 60;60 is bad enough) inasmuch as I am not interested at at all in ladies in their fifties;there are plenty of those here in the US.
I am spoiled;my first wife(from the Philippines) is 38, and I want someone approx. in her age range.
I will try to summarize everything when I return.
Actually, they have internet cafes in most places, and perhaps in a spare moment I can drop into BC and at least let everyone know how it is going.
I am posting this here Savvy cause I want to make sure you see it .. I see the conversation you are having on another forum as to why he was banned ... He was banned due to the fact that he allowed someone's personal info to be posted on his website ... I saw it myself so do not let him BS you ... If you want to know who the member is e-mail me and I will tell you ...
He also got banned cause the administrator here has his website ****** out so to me that means he is not allowed on this forum and I could see why after I saw the personal info up there from one of our good members ...
But I do appreciate all the good things you said about BC ...
Thank You for thatLast edited by Spark; 07-15-2005, 01:04 PM.
Thanks Spark-You have your rules and I sure there was a reason why he was banned;however, I choose to stay out of these controversies;I have my own agenda with the services as you well know.
You can always email anything about which I would be interested.
ps I just got a great massage in my massage chair;with all the changing weather and air pressure around here, my bones have been aching a lot of late-why do we have to get older? Sure hope you chair is "treating" you well also.
Originally posted by BrezzeEazeI guess I am lucky, I met my current girlfriend (dating alomost 2-years) on
Also met 3 other solid girls on Match, prior to meeting her.
Luck of the dice I guess...Good luck Savage on your quest.
I have had much better luck over the years with foreign ladies for a variety of reasons.
Hope you and your current girlfriend stay with each other forever.
Originally posted by savage1Thanks Spark-You have your rules and I sure there was a reason why he was banned;however, I choose to stay out of these controversies;I have my own agenda with the services as you well know.
You can always email anything about which I would be interested.
ps I just got a great massage in my massage chair;with all the changing weather and air pressure around here, my bones have been aching a lot of late-why do we have to get older? Sure hope you chair is "treating" you well also.
Thanks again for the nice words over there ...
and again ... Happy Birthday
Quick Update for those who care:
While I am waiting to go on my trip, I have been corresponding with some ladies on the two internet sites I mentioned from Peru, Colombia, Brazil and Thailand.
The lady from Thailand is something else-34, divorced, no kids very pretty and teaches college English;her knowledge of English is as good as mine. We have had some great conversations.
We chat by instant message so that I know it is her for sure.
Could a trip to Thailand be in the works some day to meet this lady? Stay tuned for the next "exciting" episode of "Savage Goes Wife Shopping."
ps I must say that in all honest a much as I do spreak some Spanish, it is so much better and easier to converse back and forth in English.
ps If I weren't going on the tour, the above lady would be the favorite at 4-1. lolLast edited by savage1; 07-16-2005, 08:40 AM.
Originally posted by BettorsChatSavage,
Keep me updated and make sure to take a camera! Or buy those Kodak disposable ones while over there and take plenty of pictures. As I would love to see what some of the women attending these events look like. You can always e-mail me too.
Originally posted by savage1I will take a camera and a camcorder also. In the meantime if you click foreign affair in your search engine and the choose tour option for one of the tours you can see right now what the ladies on previous tours have looked like.
Originally posted by BettorsChat
You can get recent photos of all the recent tours including Cartagena.Last edited by savage1; 07-16-2005, 04:47 PM.