Tell him to bring his knuckle balls. The girls will love them!!! :D
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I'm Going on a Romance Tour
That sounds great Savage. I wish you the best of luck. I know what you mean. Latin women are much more supportive and honest than American women. Just remember not to bring your new wife to America because if you do,she will end up being corrupted by a society that tells women to do whatever they want, even if that includes fucking their husbands over and taking everything from them.The 1927 Yankees weren't the best team ever. What everyone fails to realize is that the year before, with the exact same team, they lost to the Cardinals in the World Series.
Southern Dandy-you are not that, but you really know what the truth is.
Hopefully, there are some ladies (perhaps an older one which I am seeking)out there who won't be corrupted by the values that many American women have.
The guy who owns the tour told me that many inquire about the tour but yet VERY few sign up(and hardly anyone my age).
He told me many don't want to spend the money;yet many of these same guys waste much more than that dating American women in a year.
Even worse, many of these guys who don't sign up are divorced, got "taken to the cleaners" by their wives during the divorce proceedings and then go on an marry another American lady;you know the rest of the story-same thing happens-Groundhog Day.
Last reminder for you single guys especially for those of you in mid 30's on up.(on the other hand 20's are ok too):
If you are sick of the bs of many American ladies, have failed to meet anyone on the American dating sites,and are open to the idea of a beautiful,foreign lady, then I strongly suggest you give either or both of these two websites a shot and
Run an ad there with photo, and I guarantee you will be deluged with requests and letters from lovely ladies of all ages from all over the world;it has been a wonderful experience for me.
ps I am going on a tour as you know, but the more I think about it, the more I think I could do just as well with these two websites.
ps latinamericancupid also has some sister websites which will allow you to meet ladies from other countries besides Latin America.
ps Obviously it does help if you do speak some Spanish.
However, in the Philippines(I have got tons of letters from ladies who live there, the country of my first wife), everyone speaks some degree of English, and you should have no problem communicating on line.Last edited by savage1; 07-14-2005, 02:53 PM.
savage, my brother is divorced and 39 and he belongs to eharmony and and has little to no luck in finding a approriate lady. he has been with these 2 for years. he also is fed up with these american women and i will gladly pass along the info you shared. thanks alot i hope my brother can put it to good use, and i hope you find a nice 35 yr old hottie to boot.Questions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Originally posted by jcindavillesavage, my brother is divorced and 39 and he belongs to eharmony and and has little to no luck in finding a approriate lady. he has been with these 2 for years. he also is fed up with these american women and i will gladly pass along the info you shared. thanks alot i hope my brother can put it to good use, and i hope you find a nice 35 yr old hottie to boot.
Good idea to tell you brother to check them out.
Anywhere from 35-late 40's seems right for me;thanks for your good wishes!Last edited by savage1; 07-14-2005, 09:19 PM.
Originally posted by savage1Now that I have captured your attention, let me tell you what is going on.
Well, being 60(in a couple of days to be 61) and divorced, and frankly dissatisfied with American women in general(sound familiar?),I am going on a romance tour run by The Foreign Affair,a well respected guided tour, which allows guys like me(actually most guys who go are around 15 years younger) to meet hundreds of very attractive and sincere(they are screened) from foreign countries,
I myself have chosen to go on the Cartagena Tour(In Colombia-there are other tours to Barranquiila(also in Colombia) Peru, Costa Rica and other countries including all the Russian nations).
Prior to the trip I get a list, pictures and brief profiles of all the available ladies who have signed up with the Tour (let me tell you many of these ladies are gorgeous and think nothing of the age difference and marrying a guy 20-30 years older than they are;this is quite different than is the case in the US, where I am considered too old by ladies even in their fifties) and then choose the ones I might be interested. Then I notify the people who run the tour in Cartagena to invite these ladies to the 2 Social Events;there are also interpreters for those who don't speak Spanish(I studied Spanish for 5 years and can make myself understood quite well).
In addition, in the Tour Office at Cartagena there is also a catalog containing thousands of other ladies who live in the area(Cartagena has a population of about 1 million) whom I can invite to meet me personally while there.
Realistically for me, I am looking for a lady in her late 30's to late 40's with no children or grown children.
So in theory I go to Cartagena and try in a short amount of time try to find an attractive and loving, caring lady(believe me I understand the Latin Culture, and these ladies treat their men muchbetter than many(I didn't say all) than do American women), and then petition her via fiancee visa, which takes 4-6 months.
I would also add that dating a Latin lady or for that matter many non American countries is a lot less complicated, and you can find a lovely lady to marry rather quickly if each person knows what he/she wants.
My first wife is from the Philippines, is 23 years younger than I, and we were married for 10 years;we are still on great terms(we talk just about every day) and have a wonderful 10 year old daughter to show for it.
I would add that for any of you dissatisfied with American ladies,there are several terrific daing sites on line(there is a small monthly fee for each), and
I am not exaggerating when I say that in last month and a half after posting my photo(I included my daughter in one of the photos, and believe me I am just average to slightly better than average looking), I have had well over a thousand people check me out and around 300 write to me from all over the world;in honesty, the fact that I said I am retired and financially secure helps my cause a lot.
Certainly some are con artists but with my life's experiences(the same principle as with the sports services) it has not been difficult to find out who is sincere and who is just hoping that they can extort some money.
Some are beautiful, some are average or even worse;some are well educated and some are not.
All in all it has been an experience of a lifetime.
I am sorry if I have gone on too long;on the other hand if any of you guys are tired of American ladies and can't find anyone, at least check out the two websites.
I would add that I was a member of matchcom, Eharmony and Jdate and a few others and was very disappointed, the reason being that most of these American women want everything;this is NOT the case with ladies from other countries.
I hope my post at least allows some of you disgruntled guys to consider some of what I have said.
ps Guys-feel free to ask any questions.
By the way the cost of the tour to Cartagena is $1095;your flight is your own expense;for me it is about $750. You do still in an highly rated hotel paid for by the Tour during your stay.
I always thought those types of trips were a scam. Those women are looking to get wined and dines and treated better than normally by a bunch of lonely old Americans. I would be careful dude and have the right expectations.
As for the website I love latinas but the site wasn't up and running. I would love to browse that site for hot latina ass.
Originally posted by service killerI always thought those types of trips were a scam. Those women are looking to get wined and dines and treated better than normally by a bunch of lonely old Americans. I would be careful dude and have the right expectations.
As for the website I love latinas but the site wasn't up and running. I would love to browse that site for hot latina ass.
Believe me;I did plenty of research before I joined.
Also, most of the guys aren't old;most of the guys who go are in the 30-s to late 40's range; I am an exception.
Also, as stated my first wife is from the Philippines;we were married for 10 years, and I still regard her as a great woman, and the same goes for her friends.
In my opinion there is a HUGE difference in the way many American women perceive men as opposed to ladies in many foreing countries, and most American women in my opinion based on experience don't compare favorably at all in attitude with the type of ladies I will be meeting.
If I don't find the kind of lady I am seeking on this trip, I will come home and try again or stick with the two dating sites Imentioned;if nothing else, I will have seen another part of the world.
To be honest I have already exposed a couple of con artists on the two sites who were merely looking for someone (in this case me) to send them money.
However, in my opinion most of the ladies are sincere;I know for a fact that most of therse foreign ladies prefer American men to their own because many are unemployed, get drunk all the time and cheat on them.
I appreciate your concern but feel very confident that I know what I am doing.
Have you taken a look at
There supposed to be one of the better ones out there for Latin women.
Monte-That is one great site;I was so impressed I gave them the information needed to receive their DVD and introductory material.
If this tour to colombia doesn't work out, I may go on one of TLC's to Lima in October.
I have known some Peruvian ladies, and they are beautiful both inside and out.
Thanks again!