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I'm Going on a Romance Tour

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  • The most significant thing that happened in the last few days is that for the second time in the last few weeks my fiancee's phone has been disconnected.
    Could it be she has been playing the plays of Brandon Lane, Stu Feiner, Wayne Root, etc. been losing and not telling me?
    We are supposed to chat by internet tomorrow;I will get to the bottom of this!:uzi:
    Last edited by savage1; 12-11-2005, 01:02 AM.


    • For those of you still following this, my fiancee has told me that she has notified the American Embassy in Bogota Colombia that she has all of the necessary documents.
      The next step is for them to schedule her an appointment.
      Once she goes and hopefully passes her intereview, she will be issued a Visa, and then she will be free to come to the US.
      Stay tuned for the next episode;hopefully I will have more good news.


      • good luck savage might be a great christmas present.I have already recieved the best present possible in my thread about almost losing my son by choking on a jolly rancher. Things like that put LIFE into prespective.I could go 10-0 tomorrow with 500 on each game and look like a hero here but if i fail as a father its not that great to be me ya know. Good luck to ya jerry
        MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
        HUGE PLAYS 2-1

        NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
        0-0TOP PLAYS

        NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

        4-1 TOP PLAYS

        GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

        AS of 6/3/12


        • Tech Fan(Jerry)-Thanks and regarding your son, sometimes we all have to be shocked into seeing what is important in life.
          I like everyone else get my highs by winning games and on a much larger scale for me seeing my stocks go up.
          The other side of the coin of course is when we lose a game or on a bad streak.
          Obviously, both pale in comparison with the health and well being for those we love.
          Regarding myself, when my fiancee arrives, I am going to have to take some time off from gambling entirely, as I can't have my mind in both places.
          One of the reasons my first marriage ended was that I spent too much time with gambling(not the amounts bet, but the and daughter.(I am on terrific terms with my ex-wife, and we total mental involvement) and not enough time with my wife talk every day)
          I believe is a learning experience, and that I am being given a second chance;to me if I can't handle both gambling and devoting enough time to my new wife(after I start up again), I will have to make a choice and hopefully with god's will I will make the right one(give up gambling).
          I hope of course that I will be able to do both in such a way that everyone is happy;only time will tell.
          Sorry for going on so long, but your original post about your son and your comments here actually was good therapy for me and got me thinking.


          • Originally posted by savage1
            The most significant thing that happened in the last few days is that for the second time in the last few weeks my fiancee's phone has been disconnected.
            Could it be she has been playing the plays of Brandon Lane, Stu Feiner, Wayne Root, etc. been losing and not telling me?
            We are supposed to chat by internet tomorrow;I will get to the bottom of this!:uzi:

            keep us posted
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • Jacindaville-she is just a slow payer;in Colombia it appears they shut off your service much faster than they do over here.
              Her phone has been reconnected(about a week ago).


              • I too had a problem with gambling with my first wife. I now have a great wife who understands me and loves my Daughter and Granddaughter. Make sure you follow your heart and do what is best both for you and your family.
                Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


                • Originally posted by CheCheBoFumbe
                  I too had a problem with gambling with my first wife. I now have a great wife who understands me and loves my Daughter and Granddaughter. Make sure you follow your heart and do what is best both for you and your family.
                  Don't worry-I will. As stated, my problem has been too much involvement and not the amounts bet, won and lost;thank god, I will never have to worry about personal finances.
                  Obviously, once my fiancee arrives, the top priority will be her;in order to bet again, I will have to put gambling in its place.
                  I think the only way I will be able to do this will be to choose one or two goodcappers on this site, go with their picks faithfully and not try to cap on my own, as in the latter case it will involve too much mental involvement.
                  In short, I still want to bet the games and hopefully win;what I DON'T want to do is to be thinking about the games morning, noon and night;that will kill most marriages.
                  During my two trips to Cartagena, I didn't bet at all and I gave my lady all my attention;in order for this marriage to succeed, I will have t continue this and to be careful not to fall back into the same mindset which was a big reason why my first marriage did not succeed.


                  • I have mostly good news to report, but not 100%.
                    The good news is that my fiancee received a letter for her Visa interview in Bogota;once she is approved(hopefully), she will receive fer visa and will be free to come to the US.
                    The bad news is that the appointment is not scheduled until Jan 24;I was hoping it would be sooner than that.
                    Of course, that sets the timetable back, meaning that the earliest we would get married in Colombia would be Feb 4 or Feb. 5,(Superbowl Weekend) meaning she won't arrive here until probably the second week of February or so;of course I want the wedding on a day other than the date of the SuperBowl. Major sporting events come first!
                    Its a good thing my cell phone and pager don't work there;if they did, I can see it now, the minister is asking me to take the scared wedding vows, and right before I say, "yes", I say "excuse me for a second;I have to check the scores and/or make a bet." (wouldn't that be something!lol)
                    Seriously, I am not "quite" that bad(or am I?).
                    Anywyas,stay tuned for the next episode in this ongoing saga.


                    • I spent my New Years Eve from about 11:30 at night to 1:00 AM chatting on the phone with my lady and her family and welcoming in the new year.
                      It certainly is a nice feeling knowing that next year at this time we will be celebrating it together and not on the phone(hopefully anyways, assuming no problems obtaining the Visa and assuming the world is not blown up by then).
                      By the way, I wish all of you the Happiest of New Years and for those of you who have read this thread and/or contributed, I thank you and hope you have just received at least a small part of the enjoyment I have had in talking about it.
                      Last edited by savage1; 01-01-2006, 10:28 PM.


                      • Glad to see everything is coming together Savage.....Wish you the best of luck in 2006!
                        It's always noon somewhere!

                        My Fish and Aquariums

                        Griffey's Posted Record


                        • Thanks Griffey and all the best to you also.


                          • Tick tock tick tock-the clock is ticking;the January 24th date for my fiancee's interview in Bogota will soon be here.
                            She has to pass the medical exam and the interview as well.
                            I am confident but will feel much better obviously once it is official that she is free to come to the US and become a member of Bettorschat, I mean marry me.


                            • She's gonna know alot about American sports!!
                              "That ain't working, that's the way you do it... get your money for nothing and your picks for free"


                              • Hats off Savage- Keep in touch
                                "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.

