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I'm Going on a Romance Tour

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  • Not much to report today guys except that a 38 year old single lady from Colombia who says she is very attractive( but with no photo posted) responded to me;she says she has one child.
    I wrote back to her and asked her to post a photo and asked her the ages of the child or children.
    She responded back by saying she would post a photo;the best part of all is that she says she has one child only. Guess how old the "child" is of this 38 year old lady is? 8,10, 12. 14, 16 ,18 maybe? Keep guessing-try 23years old!
    Could this be a lie, the lady knowing from my profile that I am looking for ladies with no children or grown children?
    Last edited by savage1; 07-26-2005, 05:28 PM.


    • X-2 weeks and counting!(my departure date).


      • Not much happening today.
        Since I am leaving in less than two weeks for Colombia, I am pretty much limiting my correspondence with ladies from there rather than from the other countries;there is really no point in starting something with someone from another country until I see what a few of these ladies from Colombia have to offer should I decide to meet them (in addition of course to the ladies with whom the Tour will provide me).
        ps the 38 year old lady cited a few posts ago sent a picture but much too small from which to draw any conclusions;she said she will send me a larger one.
        Last edited by savage1; 07-28-2005, 06:18 PM.


        • Originally posted by savage1
          Not much happening today.
          Since I am leaving in less than two weeks for Colombia, I am pretty much limiting my correspondence with ladies from there rather than from the other countries;there is really no point in starting something with someone from another country until I see what a few of these ladies from Colombia have to offer should I decide to meet them (in addition of course to the ladies with whom the Tour will provide me).
          ps the 38 year old lady cited a few posts ago sent a picture but much too small from which to draw any conclusions;she said she will send me a larger one.
          send it to spark and we all can take a look. my brother gave the ruskie the boot, then turned her/him into hell im almost as excited about your trip as you are(thats what happens when your married with 4 and only get some puss once a month) I am going to have to live vicariously thru you. so if you nail a bunch of em, or just 1, let ME KNOW.
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • Originally posted by jcindaville
            send it to spark and we all can take a look. my brother gave the ruskie the boot, then turned her/him into hell im almost as excited about your trip as you are(thats what happens when your married with 4 and only get some puss once a month) I am going to have to live vicariously thru you. so if you nail a bunch of em, or just 1, let ME KNOW.
            Here are the current odds that I place on finding someone to marry on this trip:
            Finding someone to marry in the first place-50%
            The odds of each group of the lady IF I find someone:
            Under 20 less than 1 in 1000
            20-25 4%
            25-30 10%
            30-35 10%
            35-40 30%
            40-45 30%
            45-49 15%
            50 and over-less than 1/1000
            One of the reasons for the very low percentage for 50 on up is that I have not selected any in that age group, and there are simply not that many in that age group who are a member of the tour to begin with.
            The above odds are based on the interest/ages shown so far by ladies of
            The odds also include obviously anyone I meet through Latinamericancupid or on my on while in the country as well a course as the ladies provided by Foreign Affair(The Tour Operator).
            I rate my odds at only 50% on this trip only because I am picky, and realize that if I am not sure about a lady or even ladies, I will return a second to spend more time with her/them and/or go on another tour somewhere else.
            ps Hopefully I will get lucky but Cialis or no Cialis, my prime intent is to find a quality woman rather than to try to score on a number of occasions with a bunch of different ladies.
            Your brother acted wisely;as they say,there a lot of fish in the sea, and speaking of fish, it appears your brother is no "sucker."
            ps I would love to hear what you guys think will happen when I go. Make some predicitions if you like.
            Last edited by savage1; 07-28-2005, 07:21 PM.


            • I continue to get a lost of responses from ladies in early 20's from different places in Africa even though I speciically state in my profile in CAPS that I prefer ladies in their 30's and not living in Africa.


              • Keep plugging along savage, i know your not going for a bootie call, but hopefully to find a wife to love and cherish(which most of us men do want). As ive have stated before, us american men are pretty basic in our needs, hopefully one of these ladies will open up(and i dont me her legs) and let you in, then they could see that your not there lookin to pop some foriegn puss.Just know that as apprehensive you are of them, they are of you. Good luck and God bless, ive enjoyed conversing with you. Ive never met you but can see that if i did i would like you
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • Originally posted by jcindaville
                  Keep plugging along savage, i know your not going for a bootie call, but hopefully to find a wife to love and cherish(which most of us men do want). As ive have stated before, us american men are pretty basic in our needs, hopefully one of these ladies will open up(and i dont me her legs) and let you in, then they could see that your not there lookin to pop some foriegn puss.Just know that as apprehensive you are of them, they are of you. Good luck and God bless, ive enjoyed conversing with you. Ive never met you but can see that if i did i would like you
                  Thanks Jcindaville-I think we would be friends aside from here if we lived close by;you and I think along the same lines.
                  I am trying not to build my hopes and expectations too high(easier said and done), and obviously I cannot go for a lady simply because she is attractive and comes on to me ESPECIALLY if she is say under 35 or so.
                  I hope my many years of dealing with thousands of people in my social service job will help me to find out what every lady is REALLY about and not what she simply says to me if you get my drift.


                  • Come on guys-take a shot at the question/poll I proposed in post 110.
                    Even though none of you have ever met me, you have a sense of what I am about.
                    Lets see who can predict what will happen when I go on this venture(providing I don't get kidnapped or even worse).


                    • Originally posted by savage1
                      Not much to report today guys except that a 38 year old single lady from Colombia who says she is very attractive( but with no photo posted) responded to me;she says she has one child.
                      I wrote back to her and asked her to post a photo and asked her the ages of the child or children.
                      She responded back by saying she would post a photo;the best part of all is that she says she has one child only. Guess how old the "child" is of this 38 year old lady is? 8,10, 12. 14, 16 ,18 maybe? Keep guessing-try 23years old!
                      Could this be a lie, the lady knowing from my profile that I am looking for ladies with no children or grown children?
                      I don't think that would be uncommon over there.


                      • Under 20 less than 1 in 1000
                        20-25 4%
                        25-30 10%
                        30-35 10%
                        35-40 30%
                        40-45 30%
                        45-49 15%
                        50 and over-less than 1/1000

                        I would wager on the 35-40 age range, but I don't think you'll find one to marry on your first trip. You may find 1,2 or even 3 that you keep corresponding with that could lead to something.


                        • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                          Under 20 less than 1 in 1000
                          20-25 4%
                          25-30 10%
                          30-35 10%
                          35-40 30%
                          40-45 30%
                          45-49 15%
                          50 and over-less than 1/1000

                          I would wager on the 35-40 age range, but I don't think you'll find one to marry on your first trip. You may find 1,2 or even 3 that you keep corresponding with that could lead to something.
                          You are probably right about that;remember that I wouldn't get married over there in any event.
                          I would apply for a fiancee visa, and get her over here(takes 4-6 months), and then once she arrives I have 90 days to decide what I/we want to do.
                          The good thing is that once she arrives and say it doesn't work out, I would simply send her back to Colombia for a full refundz(well actually this is not a purchase, and I would be out all the money I spent on my trip there and the cost of her flight to and from my place-better that than to marry a lady whith whom I am not compatible).


                          • Today's report:
                            I had a nice chat on line in Spanish with a 29 year old lawyer from Bogota(the part of Colombia that is deemed not as safe as the others), not bad looking;she says she is looking for an older guy;just another prospect at this point.
                            In all honesty, as of the moment I am just marking time for about the next week and a half, when I leave, and the real fun begins(at least so i hope).


                            • savage my bet would be 40-45, but im not the best of bettors, whoever she is i hope her intentions are as honorable as yours.
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • Originally posted by jcindaville
                                savage my bet would be 40-45, but im not the best of bettors, whoever she is i hope her intentions are as honorable as yours.
                                I just got a nice email from a 35 year old single lady(no kids) who lives in Cartagena(screened by tour as ok) and she had some nice things to say about me and my daughter. we have sent several amails back and forth before.
                                She wants me to call her in the next day or two;I am going to try to do so if I or she can get an interpreter.Writing back and forth in spanish is one thing but understanding the spoken word is difficult for me.
                                From our brief conversations so far,she seems like a decent prospect. Not gorgeous but great infectious and warm smile.
                                I don't want to post a photo just yet;just go back a few posts and see how wrong I was about that lady in Brazil.
                                Somehow I am drawn to this latest lady but don't want to get too excited.
                                One drawback could be thatshe says her man must love children, an implication that she might want some, whereas I am not sure I want any more.
                                I just mentioned this to her in the last email and am awaiting a response;stay tuned as always.

