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FUCK the yankees....That's right, i said it!!!!

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  • #31
    ps-Here is something else I found and remember which makes me admire Torre:

    During the 2006 season, Torre had to face numerous obstacles with the team. The largest hurdle was losing star players such as Gary Sheffield and Hideki Matsui with long term injuries, a problem that was alleviated by trading for Bobby Abreu and bringing up Melky Cabrera, who after a terrible 6 games in 2005, made an impressive mark in 2006. Pitching was once again another major issue for the team. Randy Johnson, who in his second season with the team, was still inconsistent in many of his starts. After helping the Yankees in the second half of the 2005 season Shawn Chacón and Aaron Small were both removed from the team, with Chacón being traded to the Pirates on July 31 and Small being sent back to the minors, and being designated for assignment but never going anywhere, early in the season. Despite the problems the Yankees won another AL East title.

    I would argue that Torre was instrumental in blending this team together.


    • #32
      Originally posted by savage1
      Look at David Ortiz-the Twins gave up on him, and Red sox had the insight to pick him up-end of story.
      Ortiz is tailor made for Fenway. There's a huge difference between playing in Minny and in Fenway.

      Originally posted by savage1
      Here is something else which is related to ponder( I am not a big horse racing expert and I know the analogy is far from perfect), but do you think it is possible that with another trainer and jockey Big Brown would have had the same success he has had up to now?-I say maybe but perhaps not, which is the same as I would say if someone else had managed the Yankees during Torre's tenure as manager of the Yankees.
      I don't think you can compare training a horse with managing a human. With a horse like Big Brown, unless the trainer is a complete moron, he'd win.

      First, I think we give managers and coaches too much credit. The bottom line is the players.

      That being said. If Torre was so great how can you explain he hasn't won a WS in 7 years? He has a team with the highest payroll and some of the leagues best players. Watch his demeanor in the dugout. He basically sits and watches with little emotion. You'd think he was sailing a yacht. Do you really think he's motivated his players?


      • #33
        Originally posted by savage1
        I bitched and yelled plenty when Sox hired Francona because his previous team, the Phillies, did very poorly with him at the helm.
        Who would you prefer as the manager of the Sox, Torre or Francona?

        Do you think Torre wins two WS if he managed the Sox?


        • #34
          Originally posted by frankb03
          Ortiz is tailor made for Fenway. There's a huge difference between playing in Minny and in Fenway.

          I don't think you can compare training a horse with managing a human. With a horse like Big Brown, unless the trainer is a complete moron, he'd win.

          First, I think we give managers and coaches too much credit. The bottom line is the players.

          That being said. If Torre was so great how can you explain he hasn't won a WS in 7 years? He has a team with the highest payroll and some of the leagues best players. Watch his demeanor in the dugout. He basically sits and watches with little emotion. You'd think he was sailing a yacht. Do you really think he's motivated his players?
          I never said training(or riding) a horse;my point is that in my opinion a special human beings) and in the case of a baseball team another human being is needed to bring out the best.
          Just because the players were paid the most money of all the teams doesn't necessarily mean it was the best team;you can go to a restaurant and spend $200+ on dinner, but that doesn't mean necessarily it is a better one where you can get a much better dinner for a lot less.
          Re: Torres, stone face or no stone face, he is a very bright man,who made a lot of smart tactical decisions and with players during games during his manager stay with the Yankees which helped in their success.
          It is generally accepted that when Yankees won those championships that they played together as a team, and that each player knew his role;I would argue that Torre helped blend those teams together, and that a lesser manager might not have been able to do the same.
          No, Yankees haven't won a WS in 7 years, but as stated many teams including Red Sox until recently hadn't won itin many more years than that.
          Just the fact that Steinbrenner retained him as long as he did (think of how many managers have come and go with Yankees) tells me he considered him something special.
          To play devil's advocate, just the fact that he is so even tempered is a plus;he realizes that flamboyancy doesn't translate into winning.
          For my money, Torre is to managing a baseball team close to what Phil Jackson is to coaching in the NBA.


          • #35
            Originally posted by frankb03
            Who would you prefer as the manager of the Sox, Torre or Francona?

            Do you think Torre wins two WS if he managed the Sox?
            That is difficult to say;obviously, it is a very speculative question.
            Right now, I would say that I wouldn't trade Francona for Torre to manage Sox right now simply because Sox HAVE won two WS.
            However, if I were forced to choose a new manager to take over another team, which hadn't joined success in the past and which had so-so talent, I might give Torre the edge.
            If you asked me today, who I consider a better manager, I would say Torre in a heartbeat because he has been around a lot longer than Francona and won more Al East divisions, more pennants and more WS;if/when Francona can achieve what Torre did, I will reconsider.
            Last edited by savage1; 05-19-2008, 12:00 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by The Lovedoc
              This piece of shit, low life, uninspired, tick infested, cocksucking bunch of players they call a Major League Club can suck both of my nuts!!

              May the Old Yankee Stadium be filled with gas and i'll drive a lighter to it.

              This piece of shit team should fold up tent and call it quits. FUCK THEM OVERPAID MOTHER FUCKERS AND THE EARTH THEY WALK ON!!!!!

              THEY SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              may be they do like to suck,i heard giambi and the boys are wearing gold thongs now !!


              • #37
                bump for the 7-0 blowout in the 1st inning by baltimore


                • #38
                  Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                  bump for the 7-0 blowout in the 1st inning by baltimore
                  bump for herpes blisters and gold thongs !!


                  • #39
                    If Georgie was still at the helm, the only sure thing is that if Yankees don't make the playoffs and have a lousy year, he would probably fire Girardi and bring back, bring back, lets see... perhaps go back to tradition, exhume Billy Martin and put him back in charge.
                    Last edited by savage1; 05-20-2008, 08:07 PM.


                    • #40
                      know that 9 0


                      • #41
                        Another loosing night by the loogies!!


                        • #42
                          this team is old, cant hit and have no 7-8 inn relief.. long yr for the overrrateds


                          • #43
                            Yanks go down to Mauer's first homer of the season...Go Twins!!!

                            And as for the manager discussion earlier...look at the Twins. No money (except in the pocket of a penny pinching owner) and a second to none farm system. These guys pump out more productive players into the league through their farm system than anyone else out there. Unfortunately the richest owner in baseball wont spend the money to make a few acquisitions or keep his marquee growth players (Ex: Santana). The management of the Twins has been second to none thanks to Tom Kelly and Ron Gardenhire. Torre can suck a nut...

                            No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


                            • #44
                              Last night would have been a W if Joba was still in the pen. Not saying he shouldn't be a starter, but now they have no one between the starter and Mo....
                              Three Jack's Record


                              • #45
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

