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FUCK the yankees....That's right, i said it!!!!

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  • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
    You are completely misquoting me.
    I NEVER said that they were going to win the WS this year.
    I simply stated that imo they have vastly improved themselves in many areas some of which are intangible, and that I wouldn't be surprised if they surprised a lot of folks including Sox fans and including you.
    Who are you to say that my opinion is wrong-do you have a crystal ball-are you psychic-do you have a monoply on correct opinions?
    If what you deem as common sense and for that matter logic prevailed, you and many others would have become multi millionaires a long time ago betting.
    Conversely, remember back at the beginning of the 2011 season some proclaimed the Sox the best offer and I heard predictions that they could win 110-115 games.
    Just go check September of that year to see how that prediction turned out.
    If you think based on your criterion, they are a lost cause this year, so be it-I disagree based on my criterion which has nothing to do with being a Sox fan.
    There have been seasons when I have not been optimistic.
    I agree with the way in which Cherington has chosen to rebuild the team.
    As Sox fans, lets hope that things work out or at least wait 30-40 games into the season before crirticizing.
    Rebuilding? LOL

    What, by paying Ortiz 26-30 million when he still has trouble walking or by signing dinosaurs that are on the downside like Gomes and Victorino or was it by signing a beat up Napoli? Maybe the old man Dave Ross? C'mon savage, the team went from "is it the best team ever on paper" 2 years ago to a team projected to finish 4th or 5th and 3rd if things go well. Wake Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, I like a few guys in the minors but chances are, that's where they are all expected to be this year, in the minors. And when they do come up some day, there is ZERO Guarantees as WE have seen before.

    These owners have never rebuilt, they reloaded. It got them 2 Titles. They certainly didn't reload this year!


    • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
      I'm not a forum whore savage. In my mind only one exists and i'm at it.
      That is not the point.
      I was simply trying to point out that the Sox Forum represents a good cross section of varying opinions for the upcoming season.
      I was merely saying that if if I understand you correctly, that based on what you said, the prevailing opinion contradicts your opinion that the majority of Sox fans are optimistic about the upcoming season-there is a lot more pessimism express like the kind you mention than optimism.
      Last edited by savage1; 03-08-2013, 08:09 PM.


      • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
        That is not the point.
        I was simply trying to point out that the Sox Forum represents a good cross section of varying opinions for the upcoming season.
        I was merely saying that if if I understand you correctly, that based on what you said, the prevailing opinion contradicts your opinion that the majority of Sox fans are optimistic about the upcoming season-there is a lot more pessimism express like the kind you mention than optimism.
        40 guys on a forum doesn't crack the 1% tile of the millions who follow them savage. The vocal ones are usually the ones who are bitching. The others are happy with things and they put their pink hat on. You must own a pink hat in your household. Right savage?


        • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
          40 guys on a forum doesn't crack the 1% tile of the millions who follow them savage. The vocal ones are usually the ones who are bitching. The others are happy with things and they put their pink hat on. You must own a pink hat in your household. Right savage?
          40 folks in the Sox Forum-yeah right!!
          If everyone is happy, then kindly tell me why a good number of season ticket holders are not renewing this season?
          Oh wait, I forgot they had those season tickets for many years because they were pessimistic rather than optimistic. lol
          Like has been the case in other debates with you over the years, when you can't contradict what I say, you simply gloss over it and/or start with your nasty comments and insinuations.
          Others have said the same thing-sorry buddy-I don't suck up to you with all your opinions like they are gospel like some others in here dp.
          Learn to have respect for the opinions of others when they don't concur with your own-it will serve you well moving forward.
          Last edited by savage1; 03-08-2013, 08:36 PM.


          • savage, Do you or your wife own a pink hat. That's all I really care about at this point.


            • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
              savage, Do you or your wife own a pink hat. That's all I really care about at this point.
              I rest my case in my last post.
              I will let the unbiased folks in this forum decide who made their points better.


              • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                Learn to have respect for the opinions of others when they don't concur with your own-it will serve you well moving forward.
                No need to learn anything. I gave my opinion, you gave yours. I really could care less about your opinion savage, whether it agrees with mine or not. You are pink hat, I am blue hat. Different sides of the track and different opinions. Has nothing to do with respect.


                • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                  I rest my case in my last post.
                  I will let the unbiased folks in this forum decide who made their points better.
                  So that's a yes. Thanks, enough said!


                  • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                    I rest my case in my last post.
                    Don't do it savage. You said that was it!


                    • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                      So that's a yes. Thanks, enough said!
                      The only yes is that you are not a very competent debater and who refuses to and/or is unable to refute directly points made which contradict your own argument.
                      Back very late if at all to continue this.
                      ps At least most of the folks on the Sox Forum unlike you have tolerance for differing points of view and are able to offer logical/solid arguments to support their own point of view.


                      • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                        Don't do it savage. You said that was it!
                        You did it. I just can't trust you at your word savage.


                        • Lets come back here after 40-50 games into the season and honestly see how things are going.
                          Hopefully, they will be doing well, but if they are not, I will publicly admit that at least up until that time, I was dead wrong in assessment.
                          Hopefully you will do the same.
                          To continue going back and forth right now makes no sense because frankly no one knows for sure.
                          Last edited by savage1; 03-08-2013, 11:33 PM.


                          • Coffee Time folks.... Coffee time!


                            • Never mind the Sox.
                              For me the biggest insult of all is to put an o/u of 79 for the Orioles, a team which won 93 games last season and which battled the Yankees until almost the last day of the season to win the division.
                              And now they are simply expected to fold up their tents!!
                              I don't make many futures bets because it ties up my money, but I am going to make an exception and play over here.
                              ps The games don't count but so fat even in the ST games, the O's have one of the best records at 10-3.
                              This team played like a team last year and I expect more of the same this year-hopefully the Sox will be able to follow this concept and do the same.
                              Last edited by savage1; 03-11-2013, 12:41 PM.


                              • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                                Never mind the Sox.
                                Did it take you seeing a win total at a book to accept this? You could have just listened to us!

