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  • Savage,

    I hope it goes to a buck for you, I also hope this just isnt a dead cat bounce..

    Anything below .70 is a lower high on a year chart and would be considered only a dead cat bounce.

    You need a breakout on HEAVY volume my friend!!!


    • Someone on rag ing bull (odat) claimed he bought 80000 shares before the move, and he is looking for $.85 short term, then $1.35 and then buyout.
      Volume is up kind of big for this stock of late.


      • Savage,

        New Years resolution-


        These same clowns were calling for 5 bucks when they got approval last year too if I recall.

        I hope it goes higher, if I had what you did I would sell a bit..but you know me, I always sell early!

        I think WLSF goes to 100 sooner than a CLN buyout!


        • Wallstreet-don't worry. I don't believe what everyone says and am looking to unload up to 25% or so when time is right;I personally think it could get into low $.60's;lets wait and see.
          For that matter, this could be a contrived pump and dump with stock hitting new lows after pump phase ends.


          • Profit taking is setting in already;I may be kicking myself for not selling some at .55 today.


            • Its hanging in there, lets see this last hour..I hope it moves to a higher high..


              • Well to tell you the truth I had almost given up on it and/or it has diminshed in importance because of Wellstone. On the other hand a little "gravy" wouldn't hurt.
                Keep me appraised on the techs of it.


                • Good close!!


                  • I know;I am surprised.
                    To use the old cliche, I wonder if someone knows something.
                    Last edited by savage1; 12-22-2004, 04:13 PM.


                    • Looks good so far..I am rooting for you!!!


                      • Wallstreet-A while back the thought of cln at .60 or so would have been unthinkable(bad that is);now its like I hit the jackpot (well-not really as I am still way behind,but still a nice surprise especially when coupled with wlsf).


                        • Wallstreet-I talked to the guy who originally touted irbo.
                          He is now loading up on bhmnf;he says very good chance for a buyout at 4.00 after the first of the year.
                          On a hunch, I may grab 1000 shares anyways for fun.
                          In all fairness he started buying at .89.
                          Last edited by savage1; 12-24-2004, 12:10 AM.


                          • Hi Wallstreet-whats cooking?
                            Its quiet here-I did sell 5000 shares of irbo at around .37 leaving me 13000 of original 25000;don't want to get too greedy with a stock that I was at one time behind 4-5K and now with which I show a profit.


                            • Savage,

                              Nice job coming back on that stock..looks like it has done nicely since Sept..good for you!

                              I have been doing quite well actually..some nice trades here and there..but as you know I dont really post them here..since it is just you and I, I want to be with people who can be helped from my experience and also I can gain from too..

                              Of course I will always post here in general but on a trade by trade basis it just doesnt make sense..people would rather make scratch gambling or lose than trade/invest..

                              One comment..I wouldnt be persuaded by someone else and their calls for buyouts or the like. If I kept track of how many times I have heard that from people, well it is quite often. I am not saying that you cannot gain from others, but people calling for huge movements in stocks based on buyouts, it is a big joke..especially on OTCBB and PK stocks..I dont recall seeing a ton of buyouts on BB stocks ever..

                              You are welcome to join in on conversations elswhere you know..

                              Before the first of next year we should make a list of what stocks we have and what we are going to do next year with our investments!


                              • Thanks Wallstreet-your comments are why I bought only 1000 shares of that "buyout" stock.
                                I know I should go more to that other site(co vers) more often, and I guess I am just lazy and like "one stop shopping."
                                I'll try to get over there.
                                I will list my stocks in the portfolio I manage including the the real cheapies sometime soon.
                                Hope you had a great Christmas and of course the happiest and most prosperous upcoming new year.
                                Last edited by savage1; 12-30-2004, 12:40 AM.

