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  • WLSF-Undervalued?

    Wallstreet and others interested-check this stock out-Wellstone Filters , symbol wlsf,a company which makes a revolutionary filter which really makes cigarette smoking safe(I have never smoked, but thats beside the point).
    I have been loading up on this and currently have 17000 shares, 6000 shares purchased alone in the past few days at what I perceive as bargain prices.
    Go to website and check it out.
    IF this concept ever sails, this stock could be a big winner.
    Obviously as Wallstreet will tell you, this is very speculative, and theres no guarantee of anything other than life, death and taxes.
    Stock closed today at .62, and I believe high for year is around $5.65 and in all fairness low at $.15.
    Last edited by savage1; 01-04-2005, 01:13 AM.

  • #2

    The market has been talking about this stock, since the break of a buck it has been crushed.

    Often as we know, the market is wrong.. I have been buying stocks like HLIT, SONS, MANU, VTSS into the teeth of this drop..the last few days have given me hope on the bounce, and somtimes the biggest gains you will ever make are stepping in when everyone else is stepping out.

    Looks like you were right about CLN..sucker went down after you talked.. you deserve a winner, I hope this one turns for you!!


    • #3
      Wallstreet-Did you check it out at website, and if so, other than technical analysis, do you think there is any hope/promise?
      I still have my cln hope and am trying to remain optimistic;I have no other choice.:D
      ps Best of luck with your new investments.


      • #4

        A few points..

        It looks like a great idea on the surface, reducing emmissions and tar etc, sounds like a shoe in.

        Why is the stock so cheap and on the OTCBB? Companies are on that exchange because they cant meet listing requirements and other reasons.

        I think if you are buying into the success of this product, like they say on the website it might take 3 plus years to see that, if at all.

        The biggest problem I have with the product is two fold..first tobacco companies hide the content of their product and really dont care how it harms people or omits the motivation for tobacco companies isnt all that high, and in the past when the companies have tried low tar or low emissions products flopped (smokeless cigs if you remember)

        Next is that it is an added cost to the cigarettes companies..this technology is an added cost for the tobacco companies, so I am not sure it will catch on the way the company expects it will.

        Definately a gamble, will you cash? I am not sure, but I think you will definately be in for a wild ride!!

        Not sure that is what you wanted to hear or anything new, but I couldnt buy into this technology knowing how tobacco companies do business and really dont care about the end user.


        • #5
          Wallstreet-you presented some very good points, some of which I had not thought of.
          On a somber note, the otc graveyard is strewn with companies which had great ideas but never quite made it.
          If this suckers goes under $.50 I may sell all of it.
          That being said, I think there is room for at least a little hope/promise at this juncture.


          • #6
            It may be premature to get excited, but wlsf is starting to move.
            I could use a big winner.


            • #7

              You deserve it..

              Get some volume and you might be on to a nice move!!!


              • #8
                WLSF is up to .98. I am sure glad I added at .54.
                I hope someone bought it, although honestly I doubt it.
                It might be worth considering to buy if it dips again into low to mid .80's.
                Last edited by savage1; 09-01-2004, 03:07 PM.


                • #9
                  savage1, are you also under the handle Mizterweekend in the penny stock sites?

                  The reason I ask is that he has been recommending this pick too.
                  Could be just a coincidence. Its a solid pick though IMO.

                  Good luck, Dude!
                  Wanna make 2% per day on your money?? E-mail me or click here...


                  • #10
                    Knrsdad-In answer to your question, no. I don't post other than on stock chatline itself for that particular stock.
                    Last edited by savage1; 09-01-2004, 09:43 PM.


                    • #11
                      Wlsf now at 1.18;I could sell and have a nice profit on my 17000 shares;this baby was at .54 just last week.
                      I think I will hold however, as I need these profits to make up for some of my other stocks which haven't done as well like my 30 thousand shares of cln, now selling at .62.
                      I still think in long term there is a HUGE upside potential for wlsf but probably wouldn't chase it here if you don't own it already.
                      Profit taking could set in any time now;then it might be ok to buy.


                      • #12
                        Careful Savage..

                        Nice big gain here, congrats on an easy move and nice money.

                        You know this stock though, it will tank as quick as it moves up..

                        My advice, dont SELL necessarily, rather put in that mental stop and stick with it. Hopefully you move the stop UP as the stock moves, but if nothing you get out when it hits that sell point.

                        It is like LU when we talked a while back..the mental stop was good as the stock dropped from 4 to 3 if I recall.

                        Congrats, I have been watching it. I pulled some $$$ out of the market so I can buy another house for my company.

                        I am very happy for lets get CLN moving..


                        • #13
                          Wallstreet-as usual you are right;once I start seeing too many dollar signs. it means stock is primed to go down.
                          What I will probably do is if weakness starts to set in, I will sell 1/4/-1/3 of holdings. and see what happens.


                          • #14
                            Wallstreet-if you were I at what price would YOU sell some of holdings if it starts down and what percentage?
                            I should figure out the average price I purchased shares.
                            As stated I did buy at .54 last week but also bought earlier at .90 and even a few thousand shares at 1.12;thus total profit at this point not as good as one might think.
                            Its already starting to tank a bit.


                            • #15

                              I would do just like you are thinking.

                              Calculate the profit you have..and for me (you might be surprised) I usually just group my OVERALL profit/loss. I used to group by lot I bot the shares and I do that if I am DOWN overall on the trade..then buying later to average myself OUT..

                              But say you have 17k shares and you have a profit of 1500 gotta decide how much you want to lock in and how much you will "let ride". I am doing that on my SONS right now, also doing the same on my VTSS (loser right now).

                              Keep it simple, decide how much profits you want to put in the piggy bank and how much you can let ride hoping for the home run.

                              Also keep in mind this market has been selling off after the first hour nearly every day, so the tank might not be just the stock itself but sellers coming in at the same time expecting the same results.

                              Let me know what you decide, I will be watching.

