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  • #46

    That stock keeps going up..almost 10% today.

    I just cant pull the trigger on a shell company with no cash and no revenues. It could be a huge hit but if/when the bottom falls, it wont be a slow process.

    WLSF hanging in there nicely.

    I am all cash...hate it cause I want to be making money, but thats how I always am when all cash..


    • #47
      Also, like most stocks of this nature you cannot put a stop loss , because if you do the "lock" is that the mm's will be sure to take it there when you are not watching if you get my drift.
      A mental stop seems safe EXCEPT for the fact that like a delinquent child, a stock like this must be watched at all times.
      Casual watching of a could mean you could get blindsided and run over by a bulldozer;obviously, that could happen no matter what you do.
      For now anyways all is well in Mudville.:D


      • #48
        Wallstreet-my ex-wife raves about the stock ugho, and is kicking herself for selling on Friday before it really took off.
        She wants an opinion on it, and I figure you are as good as anyone to ask.
        If you get a chance, let me know what you think.
        Thanks as always.


        • #49

          The negative- a 20 for 1 reverse split in 2002, lost a contract last quarter so they had no revenues to report.

          Looks like they are a security firm that has several subsidiaries-

          Balance sheet looks like crap-

          Losing money like crazy every period-

          Last 10Q-

          What I caught from reading it quickly was they sold a ton of shares for cash within the last few months.

          Ok to the positive..the stock ran like crazy friday on gigantic volume.

          What do I think happens? I think it sells off between 25-50% of its gain today in the next 3 trading sessions. That doesnt mean it isnt a longer term buy, but that kind of move cannot be sustained and has to be retraced. So if you want to get in, wait and let the volume dry out and let the stock consolidate, then build a position after the conference. It could move quite a bit more, so if you want to buy in for this move be ready to sell quickly.

          The news was this-

          They are going to launch a new produ
          ct line that would compete with TASR..

          Let me know what you do/think about this. Definately a nice move and nice volume.


          • #50
            Wallstreet-Thanks for the great research and analytical opinion;I am going to email that to my ex.
            I might trade it some time after and only after a pullback.
            The fact that the company itself says it could go out of business puts the warning flag up for me.
            Thanks again;I am more concerned with wlsf on the good side and cln on the bad.


            • #51
              Wallstreet-check out the news of the 3-1 stock split on wlsf and tell me what you think.


              • #52
                Ugho is having a wild day-down sharply to 1.24 and now up on the day.
                It would appear you can make money on this stock if you are nimble and not too greedy.


                • #53

                  Good grief!

                  I thought there would be a retrace, just not that fast. I am not 100% sold on their products, but if they work, it would be a big deal..

                  3 for 1 on WLSF, I do not like this move at all, it is somthing a penny stock does to increase liquidity and to make news.. not a smart business decision and keeps your mind on what kind of stock it is no matter what the price is.


                  • #54
                    Wallstreet-ugho had a retrace by my standards, one which lasted less than an hour.:D
                    At what price would you buy it if you had to(if you wanted to try to trace it?).
                    Wlsf-seems strange to me seeing a stock so cheap split.


                    • #55

                      It has some strong momentum, but that can evaporate in minutes as we know. I have it up and am watching it myself. It retraces a little, then moves to highs. Keeps hitting new highs.

                      If you want in, jump in when it seems everyone is bailing on a minute if it goes back to 2.25 or so. But keep in mind this is action which even a pro can get smashed getting involved in. It looks sexy because of the action, but if you get in be prepared to BAIL and dont hang on.

                      To be honest though, the way it is trading I wouldnt be shocked to see 3 bucks today on it. This is voodoo land and since it is the OTCBB with high volume and a good looking story, who the hell knows where it stops.

                      So if you get in, be nimble and dont take it personally when/if it dumps.

                      Again, I am not sold on their products, it sounds great..and if it IS great, well it goes much higher. I just cant see a company who has 8 employees, more execs than employees and has 250 subcontractors would have a miracle product.

                      I wouldnt fight the tape though.. if it goes higher, so be it.

                      WLSF..that is a ploy that makes me mad.. no need for a split, and they have done it before too.. but what are you going to do about it..just keeps your mind on the fact that they are a BB stock and will always BB one..

                      edit) no stop at 2.50...geez

                      2.50 might be a sell point, lets see if she retraces and tries to shake the momentum 100 share players away.


                      • #56
                        Thanks wlsf.
                        I just called my ex-wife to see if she got back in ugho;she wasn't home.
                        Hopefully, she bought in this morning when it dipped;she is expecting next month and could use the money I am sure.
                        I will probably stay away and/or it goes to your trigger point or perhaps even lower-I have been burned too many times before chasing stocks like this.


                        • #57

                          I hope she did too, but doubtful right?

                          And it is ok to chase..making good money doesnt have to be on dips, but people who chase usually dont bail when that point comes. They get sucked in and dont pull the plug.

                          UGHO not backing off at all..


                          • #58
                            Inverted bid/ask

                            There is some serious demand here..


                            • #59
                              Wallstreet- we will find out soon, as she is home but phone line is busy(she must be on computer).
                              You are probably right-if a team has won 9 straight, you should bet on them rather than saying I will bet them after they lose a game-same thing here, right?


                              • #60
                                I tried to buy at 2.75, but only offers are being hit..that means people are not selling.

                                Looks like 3 is here already..geez.

                                While we have been talking it has almost gone up a buck. When I pulled it up, she was at 2.05 or somthing.


