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  • Savage,

    I didnt.

    I wasnt sure you got mine!

    Sorry about WLSF, thanks for the reasons why..

    gotta run! resend that email if you can.


    • Wallstreet-I will resend it;It went out without a hitch;check junk mail-perhaps it was considered that and you erased it.


      • Wallstreet- I bought another 2000 shares of wlsf at 1.11, as I believe it is the next Siri. lol


        • Savage,

          1) GENZ- I cant believe this, a stock that is listed and follows the rules! Stock near the top trading range..I would buy in the middle 40's (not saying it gets there)

          2) ENCY- Savage, this is two in a row..stop me I am getting a headache..haha. Stock 50 cents from 52 week high. Big run from 5 in the last 6 months..good stock but buying here you are taking a risk.

          3) MRX- This one looks in the middle of a trading range. PE is high (40) Buy on dips to the 34-35 area..

          4) MEMY- This stock is new? Right on a yearly low. looks like it has been consolidating for the last 3 months. Wait for a break over 6.50 and you can take a dip. I know waiting for the stock to go higher seems odd but in this case it has to break one way or the other from this level.

          5) LSBC- We end on a low note here..this one doesnt look good. I guess you could take a gamble here but pull up a 5 yr chart and you will see what I am talking about.

          Good pharma list Savage...


          • Wallstreet. thanks for the very insightful analysis.
            To change the subject I replied to one of your emails yesterday, and it came back today for some reason undelivered(it was in response to the other website);for some reason there is a problem here, as it has happened on several occasions.


            • Savage,

              Hotmail sucks..half the time the server is busy and I cant get in anyway..

              But that email is old and I will always have it..


              I will try to get in and send one to you and see if you get it.

              I got one saying you saw what I was referencing but nothing other than that..


              • sent you another message..


                • Just sold my 2000 trading shares of wlsf at 1.27 purchased at 1.11. $300 for 2 days of work.


                  • Nice job!!

                    Sorry for not replying here, I have been really struggling to get posts to work on the site today.

                    I doubt it is anyone but me but it still is a bother!


                    • Hi Wallstreet-thanks for responding to my question on the capping question;its nice to know that at least one person will respond to something OTHER than a pick on a game.
                      You know these kind of thoughts hit me from time to time, and I must say that the first thinbg I thought of toiday when Phil Steele mentioned his "award winnining marquis service" was who gives these so called awards out? Are they formal awards or as you said aptly just a marketing ploy?
                      Perhaps I take the language too literally, but thats me.
                      Re: stocks-I am on a hold and wait and see policy;no trades the last few days-how about you?


                      • Savage,

                        Fed action a non event. Market wants to focus on mergers etc..since we know what the fed will do for another month or two already. They are such drones, I cant wait until Greenspan is out of there.

                        I havent done much outside what you have seen I gather..

                        I have a bit of cash and just trying to pick somthing strong that might make a good move. I am thinking about FON since there seems to be more than one party interested in buying them out. Also interested in SIRI (gulp!) with them being in the QQQ's I imagine there will be support for the rest of the year and a higher high would take the stock even over 10 if they get it there. Just way too much momentum that 3 sell reccos cant bring it down..

                        Also looking at one of my favs HLIT..they might be buying TERN though which would be a disaster if you ask me and reason enough not to be long the stock.

                        Another quizical move today.. remember me talking about them. Well they seem to run around new session of congress time..where the energy bill is being discussed. The company has to get over a buck again or they might get the Naz notice..last time I bet on this move over a buck I hit a nice gain..up almost 50% today, it is back on my radar.

                        How about you? I see WLSF doing nicely.. havent checked the gay stock..

                        Oh and this forum has turned semi nasty lately. I find it humorous that the guys pile on a poster for going after RJeremy yet since the Wiz supposedly posts winners and naked pics of redheads he has all rights to call people cocksuckers and that he fuqed their mothers etc..

                        Too bad that this site allows certain behavior to go on all for the sake of money...thus my decrease in posting..I have better things to do than hang around people who dont appreciate decent morals and who play favorites for the big buck..


                        edit) here is the reason BCON is up..


                        Not bad news..they are involved in two projects..
                        Last edited by wallstreet; 12-14-2004, 02:35 PM.


                        • Wallstreet-I am going to check out your stocks and esspecially bcon.
                          Re: the forum-you are correct and make some good points.
                          Did I miss something or were any of negative things said about Memphis Mafia true?
                          I always liked and still like her and felt she was a very good capper.
                          Obviously there are those like the Wiz who think she is a fraud and can't stand her.
                          ps the queer stick is not doing squat, and is down a tiny bit.
                          Oh yes, I did buy 15000 shares of mssi yesterday at .06 for a paltry $900;my ex-wife mentioned it and they did get a $6 million dollar contract(I guess I am a degenerate sometimes and these kinds of stocks light my fire). lol


                          • ps Wallstreet-Bcon is up .38;thats a HUGE move. Would you buy it now or wait?


                            • Savage if it werent on news I would step in...but this is due to if I went in, I would keep it on a tight leash.

                              re:MMM, there was fire there..she/he frauded some in a contest..but since when did that make it ok to call someone a bitch and several other horrible things? Wiz is a fuqing joke and an embarrasment for treating people (including me!) in a classless manor and have his wrist slapped is equally as embarrasing.


                              • Wallstreet-thanks for insight.
                                Re: Wiz, even though he and I have not got into any arguments in a while, I would have to say that some of the language hurled at Memphis by him and at you would get many other posters banned-enough said.
                                ps keep me posted IF and when you buy bcon(that sounds like the name of a company which manufactures mouse poison or is that what they do?) :D
                                Last edited by savage1; 12-14-2004, 03:23 PM.

