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  • Hi Wallstreet-I just solf 2000 more shares of wlsf at 1.43 leaving me with 26000 shares. Do you think I am doing this right?
    I haven't figured out how much I have made on this stock yet, but I think it has to be in the neighborhood of 45K to maybe even 55K or so with today's action so far.
    Last edited by savage1; 12-02-2004, 09:59 AM.


    • Wallstreet-I just sold another 1000 shares at 1.57. Thats it; I will let the rest ride and repurchase at lower prices if profit taking sets in OR will sell more if stock starts to tumble. No stop losses are allowed on otcb stocks as you well know.
      Last edited by savage1; 12-02-2004, 10:19 AM.


      • Savage,

        I would keep holding until the stock tells you to do otherwise. You have your basis well off the table, the rest is just pure cash. Use a stop at a price you are ok with and let her run...

        This stock reminds me of SIRI..going up and it might not be right that it is, but getting in front of it or selling into it is not the right choice.

        I am looking to sell the ECST today at 20.40..if I get it, the trade will not be a bad one but better than how it looked

        Big put the $$$ on the line and it worked out..this kind of trade is once in 5 yrs you know!

        edit) out at 20.40

        editII) stop meaning a mental stop..since we both know about BB's and
        Last edited by wallstreet; 12-02-2004, 11:04 AM.


        • So Wallstreet-perhaps it was an error on my part ot take 5000 shares off the table during the last few days?
          Also, at what price should I repurchase them or should I? Just curious as to what your opinion is.
          ps I am glad you made some money on the srock you mentioned.


          • Wallstreet- Did you ever check out that energy stock fdei?


            • Savage,

              Man was I right about NT..damn I sell too early.

              Ok back to your question..

              It depends on how seriously you want the stock. I personally think you are loaded to the gills on the stock and dont buy anymore..

              But if you want more and these high prices maybe you should unload some doggies and use that money since you feel it has better potential right?

              If you are willing to sell some CLN or another bad stock to get more, then that tells you how bad you want it. As for a lower purchase..the stock has gone straight would take a big retrace to even be technically would have to go below 1.10 or so and sit there for a while for the drop to be technically important.


              • Savage,

                Here is what I found (didnt find) on FDEI-



                The income statement is blank..the balance sheet is red..meaning no cash and plenty of losses.

                The company is a PR machine for no reason, they make no money, do strange forward splits..

                This one is for your risk category but I do not feel good about I ever do about these right??



                • Savage,

                  You watching oil?

                  Holy hell I love this drop!


                  • Thanks Wallstreet for analysis;that makes sense.
                    I think if it goes down to maybe $1.30 I might nibble, and as usual you are right.
                    I don't want to make the same mistakes as in the past, and as good s this stock looks right now, it could get blindsided and lost 2/3 of its value overnight!
                    I'll be honest;i don't feel well today(bad headache) and don't have tv on. It is great that oil is down;I am surprised it didn't happen before the election if you get my drift.
                    Speaking of that, I just read a devasting and convincing piece in the local paper how election and voting machines were probably rigged in Bush's favor.
                    Apparently, the feeling is that all of those exit polls couldn't be wrong, ones which showed Kerry winning;in addition Zogby, who has been uncanny in his presidential elections, showed Kerry clearly winning.
                    You tell me how a poll and exit polls in Ohio had Kerry winning, and all of a sudden out of nowhere Bush wins easily.
                    ps Don't worry- I am not ging to buy that POS energy stock.


                    • Savage,

                      Oil was 50 bucks two days ago, is 42 and change today..yippee!

                      And I was shocked at the margin of victory for Bush too..and if he got away with it then too bad, both of these guys are schmucks anyway..I didnt care for either one...but out of the two I would take Kerry and maybe some fiscal sensibility over Bush and his spend until he bankcrupts the government like he did the Texas Rangers..



                      • Wallstreet-one last thing-would you beleive that at one time I had 57000 shares of wlsf? it was actually 19000, but after 3-1 split, it tripled.
                        I can't bitch too much though. lol. It sure is a lot less hectic and stressful than making a big bet in an NBA game;thats why my bets in sports are a TINY percentage of what I invest in the market.
                        Different strokes for different folks;I enjoy betting on my small scale and like chatting.posting, reading posts,etc. and derive just as much pleasure and sadness of winning and losing as those who bet big.


                        • Wallstreet/Savage

                          hope you guys don't mind me jumping in your thread. Was wondering if you had a cheap stock that you thought was promising. I don't have a ton of extra cash right now, but wanted to take some of the $$$ I made on Sirius and put it in something?? (looking for something in the $.50-$3 range.....I know that may sound silly, but I with my limited budget.....I thought I would ask).


                          • Gookis-I defer to Wallstreet;he is the more astute trader.


                            • I've made a nice profit on DDD, I bought in at $3.15, and it hit $5.50 today. Was also wondering what you thought of this one, and it future potential?


                              • Gookis(any relation to the former NBA star on the Sixers-Matty Gookis, or does he spell his name differently?)-it sounds like WE should be asking YOU what to buy in view of your success.:D

