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  • Wallstreet-WLSF has been taking a beating;I guess there is a scare that Mo is developing their own filter;also I guess some inside filed to sell;I am hanging in there for now and may add if it goes to $.80.
    pd Above is what I gleaned at RagingBull.
    Last edited by savage1; 01-26-2005, 06:36 PM.


    • Savage,

      Sorry to hear that, I see it is down to 80 cents. I hope the company has some strong patents against the technology, if not I imagine you are right and MO did little but bring them over to see what they were up to.

      I hope your other stocks are keeping you afloat!

      Not much going on with me, just flipping and getting into some positions longer term.


      • Hi Wallstreet-I bought some more at .82;lets see what happens.
        I wish I had sold all shares at 1.40 or whatever the high was, but I am not psychic like Jack Price, Stu Feiner, The Duke, etc.
        My other stocks have held up fairly well and hope the worst is over.
        Hope everything is going well for you also.
        ps What is your Superbowl Pick?-I made a modest bet on Pats the first night it was offered (bought it to 6), but am unsure as to whether to keep it, add or take it back with Phil(it sounds like I am talking about a stock. lol).


        • Savage,

          Nice pop on WLSF, looks like you caught the bottom. If you bot a bunch of shares I might consider booking a nice 25% intraday profit at a buck..

          I like the Pats, they have paid me two weeks in a row and I think they have the better coach, defense, system and QB. I dont know about the line though, maybe an intra game play for me on Pinny. I dont post my bets here, people dont care about what I have to say, so I keep it to myself.

          I didnt comment the other day..but when I was talking about Ty Gaston, I spoke more on knowledge than just a joke..wont say more than those words but I wouldnt put any of my money in his pocket.

          Unreal move for WLSF on this light volume (2.8M shares, but a nearly 40-50% move intraday)


          • Wallstreet-I am going to sell the trading shares I just bought, take the quick profit and keep my core holding.
            Check out the news release from compnay;that is why it is moving.


            • Great timing!!!


              Looks like rehash to me, anything new in the PR we didnt know? If it is rehash, the stock will retace and go to the flatline again.


              • Yeah-it probably is to an extent but it propped the price up for the short term anyways and gave me a chance to make a few bucks.
                ps I hear ya re: Ty.


                • WLSF- I sold 1/2(3000) shares of the 6000 I bought at .82 at $1.00 am keeping the other 3000, which adds to my core holdings;I have real good vibes about this one longterm.


                  • Wallstreet-sold 2000 more of trading shares today at 1.12.
                    That sure was a nice quick profit.
                    There were several folks on Raging Bull into TA saying stock would go to .75 first or evn back in .60's before the bounce;it didn't happen, not just yet anyways
                    I say TA doesn't apply much on a stock like this;if the fundamentals are there and you think it is a buy, buy it.


                    • Correct.

                      TA is a backwards looking tool, it can work when extremes if a stock hits a high or a low it can be support or resistence but it is not fool proof.

                      Nice job on the trade, you hit the high of the day!

                      Market looks like crap..


                      • WS-Yeah I was lucky on that one.
                        I also added a little to my pyto today and bought back bhmnf at 2.22 after selling it a couple of days ago;my contact says the next few weeks may be good for the stock.
                        And yes last but not least(hold on to your hat) I bought 200000 shares more of qbid bringing me up to 500000(which really isn't that much when you look at the price of the stock);those in the know say the train may be ready to leave the station(sure hope it doesn't go down the side of a cliff).


                        • Wall Street:

                          How are you? Haven't talked to you in awhile. Hopefully all of your investing is going well. Talk wtih you soon



                          • Scott,

                            Doing great!! How are things going with you?

                            I still lurk here but there are better places where I find more active stock investors than what bettorschat turned out to be..

                            Plus the whole Wiz thing really soured me on things I watch and post from time to time but for the most part I would rather hang places that dont fuck over people who disagree with posters who were a$$ses but won some games. I sure dont need outside you, Savage and a few others, I dont talk all that often to posters here.

                            Whats going on with you??


                            • Sorry to hear that. Where else do you post at? Things are going great for me..... Dont know if you remember or not but I'm in real estate mainly focusing on commercial and development... have a couple big paydays coming so am getting my mind focused on investing once again. Looking forward to the superbowl, and going to vegas the day after. How's real estate treating you?? Hopefully well. We saw a 45% appreciation rate on housing in 2004... pretty amazing.


                              • Scott,

                                Do you have my email still? If not let me know. I think we have talked via email before right?

                                Real Estate here isnt that hot..not 45% if I were there I would be very worried..that kind of appreciation year over year is just asking for a butt kicking..which I think California is going to have..when it happens it will be like times in the past where values go down 50% for some areas, others just flatline for 5 yrs..

                                I would like to hear more about the real estate stuff..I dont get to talk it with others outside my area too often. Where are you staying in Vegas?? I dont get over there often but I sure miss the craps tables..

