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  • Savage,

    Smart move two times..

    Lightened a bit of WLSF, smart..and take 400 bucks profit on STEM..

    Nice going!

    Running to lunch but should be back for the last bit of the market.

    Buy about 100,000 shares of AAII for me, I want to get out at 4.28..


    • Its funny-the Chtr guy was just at my house for my tv; they totally screwed up yesterday;they were supposed to come between 1-5 and never showed up.
      I am glad you made a profit anyways.
      Last edited by savage1; 11-02-2004, 04:13 PM.


      • Savage,

        Market really reversed there while I was gone..

        I still have STEM, but on a short leash...



        • I still have 1000 shares of stem(those purchased at 4.27) and have a nice tidy profit so far thanks to you and well, lets just say I got lucky with that buy at 3.83 and sell at 4.21.


          • Savage,

            Hell luck that is good I will take all day.

            You took a risk and it paid off, it just as easily could have gone against you.

            The props are to you on that trade and you should do somthing nice with the hard earned push CLN up. I wish I had good things to say about that stock...

            We are both risking holding into tomorrow..even though Kerry is ahead early that doesnt mean much...Prop 71 will pass but if Kerry loses I still think the stock sells off.

            I would rather be flat into that sell off..because say they sell the stock to the high 2's with the Prop 71 in hand..(who knows if that happens) well there is a catalyst to move higher..and I would BUY into that. I would also buy a few other stocks if the market sold off a few days on Kerry...the market looks good which also makes me mad since i am almost completely cash right now except STEM and CHTR..

            A few I like on a market drop-

            TZOO (in the 60's)
            AIRT (in the mid 20's)
            SHOP (23 or so)
            HLIT (low 7's)
            IGT( low 30's)

            There are others and I havent been telling you how mad I am about not pulling the trigger on IGT and AIRT..geez I keep being bearish and missing out on nice runs..

            Good luck to us..if STEM moves higher I think I can convince the finance manager in the house to let me try betting again..I havent been doing anything the last bit..due to horrible performance..


            • Wallstreet-as usual thanks for the words if wisdom and commentary.
              You know what I am thinking of doing with the extra money made on stem? Well thats easy -I am going to, starting tomorrow night(can't miss election returns) ,pitch my tent in front of box office at Fenway and stay there until next October (or sooner if they don't make it) and be the first in line to buy World Series tickets for myself and daughter.


              • Savage,

                Damn if we shouldnt have sold last night..I sat there and thought about it seriously.

                Well now we are looking at 3.60 or so which sucks..but I am going to try and pick up a few shares cheap early here for an average down.

                Order at 3.35..we shall see..


                • I might grab 1000 more at around price you mention;there seems to be too much of an reaction to Bush's re-election here.


                  • I just bought 1000 shares of stem at 3.49 adding to my other 1000 shares at 4.27.
                    What can I say? If you look beyond today, it seems like good value to me.
                    Bush cant stop medical progress on his own;there will be too much pressure.


                    • Savage,

                      I added some at 3.30 in premarket...

                      So I am not in any better position but I agree with you on the over reaction.

                      We should have been flat, but rolled the dice on it..


                      • Wallstreet-I just added 2000 shares of mrkl at .71 to shares I already own;I think thiis company has some hope as do ison and ugho(which I also owned before as you well know).
                        No more stem for now;I think eventually it will come back and that as stated before, company and industry as a whole have a bright future no matter what Bush thinks and tries to do.


                        • Savage,

                          Good luck on the MRKl.

                          I have to say that this trade is turning nasty. I sure didnt expect a dump when Bush won, but then I thought 60/40 that Kerry would..even though I felt Bush would..after seeing those polls and the tradesport numbers I felt Kerry would get Fla and maybe OH and PA..he got PA of course and that was it.

                          Today was nasty..stock never bounced but down... and since the catalyst I felt would drive the stock higher didnt, I dont want to be holding this bag down to 2.50.

                          So if the stock breaks 3.05 I think I will dump it all and take the will wipe out a large ammt of my last weeks profits and do so quite quickly. It could end up being a bad mistake, but I also cannot and wont let one trade turn into a nightmare..that philisophy has worked for me before and I have to stick with it..

                          Let me know what you think..I am quite pissed that I didnt go with my gut and sell last night..


                          • Wallstreet- Thanks.
                            Yeah-I haven't figured it out yet(don't want to), but my gut feeling is that all or just about all of my profit on this stock was wiped out.
                            I agree that if it can't $3.00. it could easily se $2.50.
                            Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and stock will at least stabilize.
                            ps check out wlsf-there is good news with projected sales which came out after market close(obviously considering the stock rise the last few days, there was a leak).
                            I am simply not sure how to post the link here.
                            Unfortunately I sold 3000 more shares today at .71 but will buy back it this thing starts to go.
                            Several folks at ragingbull chatboard are already proclaiming this stock will go to $50.
                            Last edited by savage1; 11-03-2004, 09:13 PM.


                            • Savage,

                              Question for you..

                              How many 5 for 1 stock splits will happen before the stock hits 50?

                              I am guessing 20 or so..


                              What I think isnt being figured in here is now that WLSF is in the cig business, they are also going to be in the lawsuit business..just like all the other tobacco companies. I wonder if the company has set aside reserves for such events..


                              • The way some of the wlsf folks talk you would think the company made blinders and not filters, and that the former are wearing them 24/7.:D

