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  • Savage,

    Check out TZOO..up 14 bucks...geez.

    I see no news, but I imagine somthing to come that is big, maybe a stock split (very low float on this stock)

    I know it is 80 bucks, but if they announce a split I think it goes to 100..

    Will advise if I make a buy


    • Wallstreet-thanks I will check both out.
      I was out and upon returning home, the first thing I saw in my mailbox was the Tucker Banks Newsletter called Outstanding Profits. with big headlines stating THE Gold Stock That Could Make You 500% Richer In The Next 31 Days, but you must act immediately.
      Symbol is agfl (a gold stock-I owned 1000 shares of this stock for 5 days beginning at end of Sept. and made $7 after commissions ).


      • Wallstreet-I don't get the joke or relationship phx/ mst.


        • Savage,

          Sorry about the abreviations..

          AZ is now in the Mountain Time Zone.. MST is the abreviation..we were in the PST which meant unless I got up way early (and in most cases I am unable to be at the computer that early) I miss the first hour. But now I get the first hour in most cases.

          I dont know about STEM..I might buy in another 1/4 position, she isnt going down. It might see 5 tomorrow. I hear that Prop 71 is looking good, so even if Kerry loses (which is going to happen since Wayne Root was on CNBC and said the stock can still go higher.

          If I rebuy STEM I will definately tell you, key is 4..if she breaks 4 I think it sees 3.80 or so...but it looks strong on big volume..


          • Wallstreet-I thought you were recommending phx, which is a stock.
            There is no company for mst;now you know why I asked. Dumb me! :D


            • Savage,

              She is kicking it into gear. I might have to pay more than I sold it for..

              I think it is worth the risk to stop at 4..meaning buy around here and putting in the stop at 4, live with the loss but let it maybe run to 5 or more?

              edit) order to buy 1k at 4.25 in..stop will be put at 4 bucks.
              Last edited by wallstreet; 11-01-2004, 03:22 PM.


              • Just bought back 1000 shares at 4.27.
                I don't normally buy back on the same day I sell but with a nice profit on the other shares I am willing to take a chance.
                Will put stop in at $4.00 as you advised.
                Last edited by savage1; 11-01-2004, 04:13 PM.


                • Savage,

                  Good luck to us. I feel it is a reasonable bet, the stock held up great all day and tomorrow wont kill it..if anything Wed will be the day to be concerned.

                  I am in at 4.25, my stop is set at 4 and it is a STOP LIMIT order..meaning the stop is triggered at 4 and is a limit order of 4 versus a market order.

                  Questions let me know.


                  • If I read your order right, it means you have to get at least $4.00 even if it gaps downward from some point to below $4. Am I correct?


                    • Savage,

                      That is correct. There are 2 parts to a stop order, the trigger and the sale price.

                      The trigger is when the stock penetrates the price if my stop is set at 4, it is when the price hits 4. Now the second part is the sale price or type. Most set a stop as a stop/market order where once the trigger is hit, the order turns into a market sell. Unless I think the stock is going to cascade lower I will set a stop as a stop/limit where I put the sale price at a certain in this case my order is:

                      Stop 4 Limit 4

                      That can mean if the trigger is hit and the stock blows through 4 and goes lower fast that I do NOT get a sale..but in my experience the risk is worth it and I prefer to roll the dice rather than EVER give the market maker my order to do with what they want.

                      I never ever ever ever use market orders..bad experiences with them both as a customer and as a broker..

                      After hours has been odd..ran to 4.40 then to 4.20..

                      Funny..too bad no game 6, you had the $$$$ for great seats!



                      • Savage,

                        I guess CNN had a piece saying that Prop 71 will easily pass..

                        Thus the move late here to 4.45 or so..

                        Should have a nice open in the AM!


                        • Lets hope for stem and Kerry tomorrow, and yes with the money made from stem, I might have paid up to $400 to get in to game 6 had there been one.


                          • Savage,

                            I missed the early move on the stock..

                            Put in an order to sell at 4.62, no need to get greedy for me and it would make for a nice profit..

                            Also looking to sell the AAII for a little profit. I just dont want to hold going into tomorrow.

                            Looks good though..very good for a small trade.


                            • I am going to follow you again and put my sell order in at around your price.


                              • horrible!

                                I get the stock up on my screen and it has done nothing but go down ever since..

                                I might change my order, but will let you know if I do..

