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  • Sold the ORBZ.

    It ends up that the cash price is 27.50, I sold for 27.20 which is a nice return for 1 day in trading, I can leave the 30 cents on the table with the time premium.


    • Wallstreet-congrats on nice trade!
      Took a small shot with a (I shudder to say) gold stock-1000 shares of agfl. at 2.64. I am hoping the hype I received in newsletter yesterrday about getting 5 times your investment will push it at least a little higher.
      If not, I am out at 2.44.
      I bet anything by your standards it will look horrible. (you are probably right).


      • Savage,

        You love those home run or strike out kinda plays, so you know what you are getting involved with

        Most gold stocks at that price are speculative at best, but you know that..


        If you did what I wanted you to do, then you would liquidate all those cheapies..never look at that or any hype sheet again, and start trading only listed securities.. seem to have a knack at it, so I wont bust your chops too bad. Keep in mind that most who trade BB/PK lose it all..

        ps..if any lingo in that release says that gold is going to 800..sell the stock and run away.


        • Wallstreet-just got back from taking my daughter to the Big E(Eastern States Exposition);that is reason for no reply until now.
          My new "stock" is up $.04-whoopee!.
          Seriously, you as usual are right, and I simply trying to make a couple of hundred bucks or so(or not lose more than a couple of hundred).
          Lets say what happens in next few days or so.
          I hope I am in on the pump phases rather than the dump one.:D


          • Savage,

            You doing anything on the stock?

            I cant say I would right volume and a few days of drop in a row...

            Let me know if you do somthing, I am always interested. Nice job selling some, good timing!


            • Wallstreet-I am sitting tight for now.
              You were right about that other POS I bought-agfl(only 1000 shares) Bought at 2.64, saw it rise to 2.88 or so today, and then collapse like a deck of cards to around $2.50 or so.
              I can't find any news, but it appears the dump phase has set in;I am selling this today!


              • Savage,

                Sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately what these kind of guys do is build a position in a stock, get the news together, release it..take it up to a certain level that they can hype later..then sell into the saps who bought on the hype.

                I am not saying that it happened this time, but it is a scheme that many do and only do on the PK and BB stocks..knowing if they did it on listed stocks, their a$$es would be fried by the

                Keeping to that stop is a great idea, win or lose you are in the game.

                I dont like seeing up days when I am totally flat, but in the next day or two I may even think of shorting a few things..not my usual forte..

                Hope the games treated you well this weekend, they sure didnt for me.


                • Wallstreet-if I sell agfl, I lose about $160 or $170 after commissions-big deal.
                  Its funny(not really)-it all happened so fat;stock was up a few cents today. and then boom for no apparent reason, down she goes.
                  Re: games-I actually had a good week,BUT did lousy the week before-just winning back lost money;what else is new?


                  • Just sold agfl at 2.68. I made $7 overall;stock rebounded from lows.
                    As George Carlin would say-F-ck manipulated stocks like that;who needs them?
                    Last edited by savage1; 10-04-2004, 05:50 PM.


                    • Wallstreet-check out all the horseshit which went on with agfl and tell me that that stock is NOT manipulated.
                      Down for no reason, and once they scared everyone away, right back up;someone cleaned up today!


                      • Savage,

                        You are right..and there is little we can do about it. They took it up, sold it off, bought it back all in the same day and on pathetic volume for the move it made. Swinging almost 1 buck total on 1.5 M shares is just a total joke. The swing I meant is to 2.90, to 2.40 and back to 2.80.

                        We both know it is a circus and the BEST we can do is hope to be on the right side when up and out when down. MM's can do just about whatever they want since the bar is so low when it comes to rules.

                        Good you made pizza money, and who knows if you might get back in later?

                        Want another joke? See that UGHO? Up 50 cents again today. Looks like it retraces to about 1.25 to 1.30..then back up..might be worth a swing trade if we see it happen again...


                        • Wallstreet-I forgot to mention that I did buy 1000 shares of ugho on Thursday and Friday at 1.73 and 1000 at 1.53 and sold them today at 1.65 and 1.85-slight profit-;another manipulated stock that if you wish to play, don't get too greedy.


                          • I bought back 2000 shares of wlsf at 1.90 at the close(last day before the 3-1 split goes into effect).


                            • Wallstreet-so far its been a good move to have bought back 2000 shares of wlsf at1.90(pre-split). It is now at .74(equals 2.22).
                              I am now holding 36000 shares of this stock, and to think it wasn't that long ago that it was at .54;I wish all my stocks had this kind of return!!
                              ps Actually it was 8/18 when I started this thread and remarked it had traded that day at .54.
                              Now if we can jist get cln moving a little more, I will be all set.
                              What do YOU have in the fire at the moment?
                              Last edited by savage1; 10-07-2004, 10:37 AM.


                              • Savage,

                                I have that stock on my list every day and am rooting for you!

                                As for me, I made a big list of utility and oil stocks I will be watching. I might buy an oil or two while I am flat...

                                I am really itching to short SIRI or IVAN or another stock..I think we are due for a prolonged drop and I would like to take advantage before earnings to get a few short.

                                As for longs, I have added a few candidates I would like-


                                I hate being flat, but I think it is the right move...

