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  • #91
    I forgot to tell you that i don't have ugho now(made $500 yesterday on it as I said before)) but did buy 2000 shares of mrkl today at 1.22 for ha-ha's.


    • #92

      Yeah I was just pointing out what a joke that UGHO company press releases are being..abusing the medium. And I didnt think you had more shares, although if you got some at the lows you might be ok.

      Good luck with MRKL,you seem to be on a roll!

      I think the market is going to take a dump here in the next few weeks, I hate waiting but this could be a great setup for stocks I really want to get in on for a year end rally.

      And it is too bad I suck at gambling, in some ways it reminds me of the hyper trading I did when a market maker..that thrill is great when you arent losing 8 of


      • #93
        Wallstreet-I just sold 2000 shares at 2.16.
        I repurchased these 2000 shares several days ago at 1.66 after initially selling at 1.60;these for now are my trading shares.
        I still have 15000 shares remaining and will lighten up if stock heads downward.
        I am not going to piss away the big profit I have on this one that I did previously on other stocks.
        I have a feeling that this stock could get hit with profit taking any day which would take it down to at least $1.80.
        Last edited by savage1; 09-23-2004, 10:10 AM.


        • #94
          Wallstreet-not even a few days have gone by, and what do you know-The Homerun Stock Alert has yet another stock alert-this time XNWK.
          Tell me what you think;this is starting to remind me of Sports Services which have GOY'S every day of the year. :D


          • #95
            Xnwk down-I am glad I didn't purchase it.
            Mrkl is tanking(I probably got too greedy) but wlsf up again nicely.


            • #96

              WLSF keeps its uptrend intact, and you watch it closely enough to take correct action if you have to. Good job on taking profits too.

              I dont see why you even look at that homerun report, that is going to bite you more often then make you money. It deals with BB and PK stocks, manipulated and semi unregulated. I dont trust any newsletters. I would rather research myself and leave the pumping for people who want to get trapped.

              Sorry to be harsh but these kind of reports will not make you money. Maybe somtimes, but when you get on the dump side it gets ugly fast...1 dump is more than 5 gainers.

              Dont let MRKL take you down, if you have to cut it off..


              • #97
                Wallstreet-I think I am going to dump mrkl later on today and accept the loss;what you sy in the long run is true;there will be hits along the way of course, but the only sure thing is that if you invest in each and every on of them, you will be in the soup line.
                Wlsf is still going real strong;speaking of homeruns, by my standards anyways this qualifies as one and even more so since I have had between 15000 and 17000 shares when the rise started at .54.
                Hope you are making money in you trading and longer term investments.


                • #98

                  I think WLSF is definately a home run, and a fast one. Nice job..

                  You know what... this might shock you but I am going to say it anyway. In the past when I have done well on a trade, say the trade is one of 5 stocks I own. Well, it is not odd to carry a dog around, I have one now, my only position.. in the past when I have made a nice hit which overweighs my portfolio.. I have let a few doggies go at the same time. It doesnt hurt as much letting a woofer go when the portfolio looks good.

                  You might consider taking a little CLN off the table or another stock that has hurt your portfolio. Let it go and focus on going forward.

                  Just a thought, and WLSF is on the highs right now.

                  I likely wont be buying anything for a while, in fact I might short a stock or two. I think we are in for a nice retracement into mid/late Oct. Seeing 2 down days hasnt convinced me yet..
                  Last edited by wallstreet; 09-23-2004, 01:44 PM.


                  • #99
                    Wallstreet-what you said make a lot of sense.
                    Cln is currently at .50.
                    If it goes down to around .45, I am going to sell some because I think it might go lower;you are right 30000 shares are too many shares to carry for a dead in the water stock.
                    Believe it or not, over the next several years, I am still high on this stock(well to go back over $1 for a start) and company.


                    • Savage,

                      If that is how you feel, then you hold. That is a 15k move and if you think it is coming, then hold.

                      I dont see it, but since your position is so large and your basis is low, you might make out on it. I dont know the odds they go under either or never get back to even 50 cents. Lots of negativity could either spell opportunity or BK..

                      I will always keep my eye on it hoping for a big return!

                      Lastly, make a mental stop on MRKL, doesnt have to be right here, but make it and stick to it!


                      • Wallstreet-hold on a second;I think you misunderstood me.
                        I said I believe in the technology, but that if it dipped to .45, I would sell some, certainly not all.
                        Also, my basis in the company is quite high-a lot higher than the current price, not low as you seemed to think.
                        There are several folks on the Raging Bull chatline, esp. Tom Genna, who I regard as brilliant regarding what the company does and its prospects;that is reason I have held on.
                        Remember-a scant month ago wlse was at .54, about where cln is now-enough said.


                        • Savage,

                          I recall that information you gave regarding CLN.. and I have to say that buying off a recco of that Tom guy has been nothing but disaster. I remember we were talking about it when the stock was near 2 bucks and that Tom was saying much higher levels.

                          I think you have as much nohow as any of those guys do. You can read 10-Q reports, you can read news releases and see what their product is. Outside that, unless the guy is going to buy out ALL the common stock try and not let what one guy says on a certain stock in which he holds a position to mean so much. I know it isnt easy and I am sure the guy is sincere, but he isnt going to get the money back if you dont get to 2 bucks again. Maybe he holds until 2020 or somthing..who knows.

                          I have never made more $$$ in the market in my life than since I quit watching RB and yahoo boards all the time. I still go especially if somthing is happening to a stock I own and there isnt news to explain it. I go for that, but no longer do I buy based on what a guy on a chat board has to say. You never know if he has some reason to pump the stock or if he is in bed with the company. I doubt he is, but unless you know the person face to face you gotta discount what you read on those boards.

                          I am not sitting here saying I havent made mistakes trading..hell I make them all the time, but what I do is try and keep the trades as investments and not get so in the red that it becomes my life or more than what it investment.

                          As for CLN..I think you might consider trading out of the position..pull up a chart and see how it is trading now, not 1 yr ago but 3 months ago..try and make your way out by selling on strength and buying on weakness..not holding for 1.50.

                          I gotta play tough on that stock, it has really hurt you and I cant allow that for a good guy like you.

                          Ok..gotta run to Home Depot, my kitchen sink is a joke to get undone!!!


                          • Wallstreet-I agree with a lot of what you say.
                            That being said, Tom Genna is not gospel, but he has a sound understanding of the company and the technology, some of which is beyond my comprehension and interest for that matter.
                            He is easily the most respected and knowledgeable poster re: cln.
                            I think company has a future and don't think Boston Scientific would get involved as it has if it did not.
                            My patience is wearing thin however, but as you well know when everyone sells and price goes down, sometimes this is precisely time when stock starts an upward move-eg wlsf.
                            I am watching it! Good luck with your plumbing.
                            Last edited by savage1; 09-23-2004, 07:05 PM.


                            • Wallstreet-Wouldn't you know it-the tv repair man comes here for about an hour and wlsf gets slaughtered in the meantime.
                              Talk about timing! I might have sold some if I had seen the decline.
                              Anyways, I am a little bit confused about the news, i.e. the stock split, today as being the date of record and why that in itself would make stock drop.
                              Your comments are welcome and what to do at this point, although for now the horse has already ledt the barn.


                              • Savage,

                                Date of record is a big deal, it means who owns it by that date get the sham of a split. What a joke that stock split is. It gives the company more colateral for selling more shares and is a reason to keep the stock price down. I dont like the idea and I think it smells really bad.

                                Stock went down to 1.85? Use that mental stop and live with it, especially with profits versus a sell stop on a loss.

                                If you have become "married" to this stock and dont want to sell, then you gotta deal with the ocean ride that comes with it. I dont think you have, but if that is the case, it is ok too.

                                UGHO took a nose dive..quite funny!

                                What would I do? I would calculate what I MUST have in profits on the trade..take those profits off the table at some point, let the rest ride with caution. Or, if you had a pure double on the table, take your BASIS off the trade, so if you put in a total of 12k (just round numbers here) sell what you need to cover your investment, the rest is gravy.

                                Let me know what you do, I am sitting pat..especially with oil so high, no real reason to buy stocks in front of earnings and high oil. It isnt easy though..I enjoy the action too..

