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  • #61
    it was joke... i thought it would be funny if i put it on there.... Hey, people did laugh


    • #62
      it was either him, Cant stop me, or rain man


      • #63
        Originally posted by The Lovedoc
        it was joke... i thought it would be funny if i put it on there.... Hey, people did laugh
        I laughed about nothing over there ...


        • #64
          Originally posted by Spark
          I laughed about nothing over there ...

          i was contimplating on Husker as well... but, didn't pull the trigger on that one


          • #65
            wayne, you got mail


            • #66
              Originally posted by Spark
              I laughed about nothing over there ...
              Me either. That's the last guy i would give any publicity to.


              • #67
                Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                I will fill your spot with pride my friend!!! Who loves you babe?? WHO LOVES YOU!!!

                You know Marge loves you :christmas :christmas :christmas
                1 of 1 Morons


                • #68
                  Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                  Leave the wiz out of this..he's my best friend!!!!

                  And the truth finally comes out. I know you were cheating on me
                  1 of 1 Morons


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                    it was either him, Cant stop me, or rain man
                    Doc you are a tool.

                    I for one got Rooks email. He told me through email and also Yahoo. That he wasn't promoting the site and had no intentions of taking anyone from BC. He was only hoping to promote his offshore "Said his service gets a kickback from it" and get some kick back without promoting on this site. Which in my eyes is a lot of respect for BC. I could be wrong but That was smart thinking on his part.

                    And no I'm not looking for a fight or promoting Rook or have any invested interest in it either. Just know he is a good guy and can't really say that about any other service I have ever talked to. :christmas
                    1 of 1 Morons


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Homer
                      Doc you are a tool.

                      I for one got Rooks email. He told me through email and also Yahoo. That he wasn't promoting the site and had no intentions of taking anyone from BC. He was only hoping to promote his offshore "Said his service gets a kickback from it" and get some kick back without promoting on this site. Which in my eyes is a lot of respect for BC. I could be wrong but That was smart thinking on his part.

                      And no I'm not looking for a fight or promoting Rook or have any invested interest in it either. Just know he is a good guy and can't really say that about any other service I have ever talked to. :christmas


                      thanks for that. I think this matter is done and hopefully over with. I have I think in my eyes worked it out with the one that needed to hear it.

                      I'm sorry for the drama. It wasn't my intention. I hated to have to read all this yesterday and put some good people through some agravating times.

                      All I want is to get on with the day, and continue to make the forum and myself some money. There is a great group of guys here, ones I wouldnt' trade for the world.


                      • #71
                        For the record, I first and formost have liked John since i got to know him. And i really hate services, so for me that is a big thing. I wish that i would have had no knowledge of any of this, but i did.
                        John, i was one of the members that said something to Spark, and for that i felt very bad and if it cost us a friendship then for that i am sorry.
                        I first emailed another member to ask if they new anything, and they didnt. I wanted desperately to get someones opinion on this, cause i didnt wanted to betray any of the heavy's at BC. Especially Spark, i have a lot of admiration for him, and Monte this is your site, if Spark goes I go.(i know you dont care about me and thats understood).
                        As i told Spark in several emails, i hated being put in that situation, of betraying Rook or not coming clean with Spark.
                        Rook didnt have my email from the superbowl pool, he has had for a long time, hell he has mobile #.
                        He stated in his email that he was not recruiting, that if i wanted i could stop by his new forumn from time to time.
                        If you want the email Spark i will forward it to you. I think Rook has expressed pretty plainly that he was not trying to harm BC. I REALLY hate that this went the way it did.
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by jcindaville
                          For the record, I first and formost have liked John since i got to know him. And i really hate services, so for me that is a big thing. I wish that i would have had no knowledge of any of this, but i did.
                          John, i was one of the members that said something to Spark, and for that i felt very bad and if it cost us a friendship then for that i am sorry.
                          I first emailed another member to ask if they new anything, and they didnt. I wanted desperately to get someones opinion on this, cause i didnt wanted to betray any of the heavy's at BC. Especially Spark, i have a lot of admiration for him, and Monte this is your site, if Spark goes I go.(i know you dont care about me and thats understood).
                          As i told Spark in several emails, i hated being put in that situation, of betraying Rook or not coming clean with Spark.
                          Rook didnt have my email from the superbowl pool, he has had for a long time, hell he has mobile #.
                          He stated in his email that he was not recruiting, that if i wanted i could stop by his new forumn from time to time.
                          If you want the email Spark i will forward it to you. I think Rook has expressed pretty plainly that he was not trying to harm BC. I REALLY hate that this went the way it did.


                          I had a feeling that you were the one that had said something based on your email that you sent me.

                          I owe you an apology if anything I said made you uncomfortable or felt like I was anything but on the up and up.

                          You are a friend of mine and always will be John. Nothing is going to change that. I have a lot of respect for you because you've been nothing but good to me.

                          Water under the bridge.


                          • #73
                            That's cool John. You satisfy the "One" you need to but memories here are very short at times and i certainly won't forget who finally after alot of time and thought o.k.'d you to go crazy in all sports discussion. Did we forget or just have a mental block.

                            Trust is earned and not easily given on my part and Spark along with yourself broke down my barrier about posting there since zero other services are allowed.

                            There are obviously ALOT of one way streets in your town my friend and there will NEVER be another one that posts there again no matter how "Nicely" they present themself.


                            • #74
                              People truly don't understand the world Monte is in with these sites. Lawsuits and backstabbing are something he has dealt with 100 times. He has been physically threatened by many who want him or his site gone and it is a major cut throat business. It's funny to me how people take Monte and this site for granted to back up a guy who runs a service and tried to do with emails what others used to do here through PM's all the time. And that's undercut him. It really does amaze me! He was friendly, wished people luck, and was a "Buddy" to some but it doesn't change or mask the above and an IM hello or email with some picks doesn't always mean you "Know" someone in this internet world.

                              For any wondering why Joe and I are on him like we are, the above should explain it because someone also needs to have Monte's back to keep this site up and running and right now, we are it!


                              • #75
                                I was going to make a post that for the life of me I do not understand how anyone can say that e-mailing members or telling them via Yahoo that I am opeing a site is ok??

                                Wayne as usual you put it perfectly ... Thanks
                                Last edited by Spark; 02-20-2006, 03:59 PM.

