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  • #46
    If you guys have ever saw Wiz's forum, it's pretty much a joke, except for the service plays that most of the losers run to see.


    • #47
      Leave the wiz out of this..he's my best friend!!!!


      • #48
        Originally posted by The Lovedoc
        Leave the wiz out of this..he's my best friend!!!!
        I thought I was..


        • #49
          I'm damned if I do and damed if i don't here...but I need to say this.

          I have a list that I send promo's too...and tehre are some people from here that are on this list because they have inquired about my service. Those are the people that got the email from me about the forum I was going to open up. There is NOT ONE PERSON from teh Super Bowl pool that got that email UNLESS they have inquired before to me via email.

          Spark is in my list that I send my games to and in an email on Wednesday night there was an email that had my intentions to open up a small forum so that I could advertise a bit more freely. In that email I specifically said that I was not looking to pull people from any site to the next, and I meant that.

          Unfortunately, Spark doens't read my emails, he just files them, and so he never knew what was going on. It was my fault for assuming he knew.

          I shut down the forum I created. I told Spark I would do that out of respect that I have for this forum and how much of misunderstanding this is in my opinion. Obviouisly it's not in the eyes of Wayne and Spark, and I accept that. I tried my best to email spark and explain that it's not what it seems, but I understand the way they see it, even if I know in my heart that's not what I was intending to do.

          I will stand here and take this like a man. I will respond to any post if you all will let me, or if you would rather me just leave, I will do that as well. I will hate that more then anyone can ever realize, but I will accept it if that's the choice.

          I'm sorry to cause this much trouble. I swear to god that wasn't the intention.



          • #50
            John, you can't be serious if you thought you were going to get any other reaction from us than you did.


            • #51
              Originally posted by wayne1218
              John, you can't be serious if you thought you were going to get any other reaction from us than you did.
              Wayne, given the facts that I know them of now...NO I understand completely.

              I assumed incorrectly that Spark knew what was going on, and that was a horrible error on my part.

              I thought I took extreame measures to be on the up and up with the contest and all that....I guess it wasn't enough.

              I never knew who Wiz was or what he did....but I'm well aware now, and understand what this is all about.


              • #52
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                John, you can't be serious if you thought you were going to get any other reaction from us than you did.

                good to see you controling yourself wayne... Lets try to keep this from not getting out of control.


                Future MOD Doc


                • #53
                  Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                  good to see you controling yourself wayne... Lets try to keep this from not getting out of control.


                  Future MOD Doc
                  Your going to get banned, you knucklehead...


                  • #54
                    How about the yahoo'ng John .. I do not want to mention names but I guarantee I have 2 or 3 people right now I can mention that has no interest in your service at all and you contacted them and told them about your forum ... That is the part I can not get past ...


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Spark
                      How about the yahoo'ng John .. I do not want to mention names but I guarantee I have 2 or 3 people right now I can mention that has no interest in your service at all and you contacted them and told them about your forum ... That is the part I can not get past ...


                      The ones I yahoo'd were people I think are friends, and thought they would accept the invitation to sign up, but I also believe, and you can ask them that I also very specifically told them that I wasn't recruiting them from here to there. I was just letting them know what I was doing.

                      If any of them took that the other way, then I was in the wrong. I talk to 6-7 people from BC on Yahoo almost every day. I never imagined that I would be doing something wrong by letting them know about it.

                      I do now.

                      And I'm sorry.


                      • #56
                        John, You have 19 members and one of them is W izardofoddz but you don't know him???


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by wayne1218
                          John, You have 19 members and one of them is W izardofoddz but you don't know him???

                          ************ is not who you think it is. I will let that person email you to let you know who it is.

                          He made that screen name as a spoof.

                          If you'd like I"ll email you who it is, and you can verify. Your call.


                          • #58
                            Big Shocker .. Lovedoc again.


                            • #59
                              hahahahah....damn right baby


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by wayne1218
                                Big Shocker .. Lovedoc again.

                                I don't know who that guy is, but I'm getting more and more details about him, and am understaning more and more your position.

