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FB-"BIG GAME PLAYS"...w/ indepth Write-Ups & Big Game Analysis!

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  • **TOP RATED 2ND HF PLAY ON: (3 Units)

    Chief -3 +121 (2nd HF)


    • FYI:

      -This was my NFL-2nd Set released today.

      *SUNDAY'S PLAYS (11-06):

      {NFL-2nd Set}

      **TOP RATED PLAYS ON: (3 Units)

      Zona +4.5 +102
      (Espn Play)

      **TOP RATED 7 PT TEASER PLAYS ON: (2 Units)

      Zona +11.5 & GB +10
      Zona +11.5 & Over 35.5

      *REGULAR PLAYS ON: (2 Units)

      NO +3
      GB +3 +101


      comp play (opinion only) on: Calgary -2


      • **TOP RATED 2ND HF PLAY ON: (2 Units)

        NO +3 -139 (2nd Hf)

        -Saints avg 6.3 ypr and over 100 yards as well on the ground in first half...and Bears 3 first half turnovers...NO's takes this one.

        *REGULAR 2ND HF COMP PLAY ON: (1 Units)

        Zona -.5 pt +108 (2nd Hf)


        • FYI:...."BIG MONDAY"

          MNF....Gotta love this one...I do...Lets Rock-N-Roll!


          comp play (opinion only) on: Under 48.5
          Last edited by Co-Captain; 11-07-2005, 08:42 PM.


          • FYI:

            -This was my MNF plays released on "Big Monday"

            **Special-TOP RATED MNF UNDERDOG PLAY OF THE DAY: (4 Units)

            New England +4 -103

            -Ok...I done all the research and I know you, as ,know all there possibly needs to know on this game from a stat and trend and past history standpoint...between these two teams...I mean, unless your a hermit who lives underground, how could you not hear, watch, read, or listen as information leading up to this game has been on constantly and even more continuously as each week brought us closer and closer to this Game of the Year battle between these two, that is going to be played out on the biggest stage there is in the world....MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL BABY!

            So, because of this fact...I am not going into to much detail in what we all already know....Instead, I am going to share alittle bit of myself and some insights as to how I see what is going to happen and why its going to happen...It will be short and sweet and to the everything else involving this one cannot be determined like all the other out there would like to think, the numbers guys....Nothing against them at all, as I feel numbers can at times forecast what is going to happen in the future...But, I just feel that in this case the numbers, current numbers, dont say as much as the past numbers included with the present players emotions/mental state (something numbers will never be able to determine) involving these two AFC Giants...

            Ok, and lets get those past numbers I speak of out of the way...First off, Indy with Manning is 0-7 at New England....Coach Bellichek is 7-1 vs Indy as a Patriot coach....Coach Dungy is 0-4 vs the Patriots as the Colt coach....QB Tom Brady is the Two-Time Super Bowl MVP, while Peyton has yet to even lead his team to a Super Bowl or AFC Championship for that matter...Enough said here!...Oh and btw, Indy is 0-4 ATS after a Bye since 2001 (pick this stat up)....However this is why I dont necessarily use past stats and trends as a primary means to Handicap my selections..but use them only as a secondary means to support a play already determined through fundamental and situational capping methods....Yesterday's play on Zona...we had a stats on the Seahawks that said they were currently 0-6 after a Bye week, and also something like 3-13 in their last 16 games off a Bye as well...And we know how that one turned out right...Ok lets move on..

            Now, this is what I like...Pat's have two psychological edges working in their favor in this one...First they are in the heads of the Colts..Yes in the heads of the Colts...and I do mean all the Colts, including Coach Dungy....Still, the main people involved in this one is the players themselves, and primarily QB everyone is saying that this is the Colts year to knock off the Patriots as the Patriots are very vulnerable due to all their injuries, etc...Wow, talk about adding even more pressure to the guy who hasnt yet even won there before...Does Payton need more pressure on him....I say hell no...Especially, when he went up against these Pats last year...and playing his best ever of his career, when his offense and him were Fuckin on Fire...What happened to the TD scoring machine of Peyton and the Colts when they met up with Bellicheks Genius?....Can you say two losses and just 2 TDs scored in those two games...

            This year, they (Colts) is not on Fire on offense just they started slow averaging just 15 ppg in their first 3 games...and then exploded for 38 pts (their highest pts scored so far on the road) in their last game vs the Texans, WOW...Oh, and I must add that their explosion came in the 2nd half, and not from start to finish...If I can remember correctly they were tied with the Texans 14-14 at half-time...To beat NE you will have to dominate them from start to finish, and this is something that is very hard to do....Why?...Because for one, you will be on the road and in very hostile keeping focus on doing this for every single down is not going to be an easy thing to do...And second, remember...the Pats defend their House with alot of pride baby.....And this year, they already had a bad awful taste when they allowed SD to come in and kick their asses all over their own field....That defeat at home, to me was something they needed to have inorder to wake them up abit and not take playing at home as an automatic win....Sometimes teams win so much at home that they start to feel invincible and get complacent....Well, I dont expect the Pats to be in that state of mind for awhile and especially not for this game...Secondly, the Pats will have the benefit of the fans, and yes they do play a big part in providing a strong HFA...and NE does have a strong HFA...If you dont think the House will be rockin then you just dont know...The Colts is all everyone has heard being talked about...and now they have to face the fact that their team is installed as an underdog as something that will only sit right with the hometown fans that are also betting fans, cause they finally get to take points on their team playing at for the rest, Forgetaboutit....They are pissed off like the Dickens and will surely show it tonight..Its going to be loud as hell for Manning and company....You can be sure of it.

            Looking back on the Colts 7-0 start to the year...I also simply cannot agree with the statements about them being able to knock off the Pats on the road....Why?...Because these Colts have not played anyone worth a shit and a nickel yet all year long...If, they did and won handily...then that would be a different story...but that is not the case here...Just go down the list of who they played and tell me if that is worth them being a 4 pt favorite in this game...I say Hell Fuckin No!....Like Teddy Brewski said to that stupid interviewer after the game.... "Commmmon Now" ....I get a kick everytime I watch that...LOL.

            Second psychological edge for the Pats..come in way of the return of one of their leader, if not their only real leader on the defense, in LB Brewski....Sure some might say that they already used that emotional card when he returned to play in last weeks game against the Bills....Well, I say thats not true...It is in this game where I see his return helping this team out the most from a physical, psychological, and also an emotional standpoint....Last week, yes he came back...but it didnt go off as much in way of being a lift, the Pats were DD favorites over the Bills, a team who is not even considered a threat to knock them off...So there was no real sense of urgency or real need for him to play....So it was like business as usual from where I was looking...

            In regards to this one though...Not so fast my friends...Why?...Cause if anytime this NE defense needed some sort of boost in play or a boost to a higher confident emotional level, it is in this game that they need it....And they will definately get it because he is back with the Pack to Attack!...Brewski's return wasnt a thing that happened to be just coincindence....His plan on getting back faster was planned out when he saw the team heading downwards and fast...Thus, his return was to be made several weeks leading up to this it is a very important, if not, the most important game that the Pats need to win this year.....I cannot even go on to tell you how important this one is for them, but will try later....But believe me this one NEEDS TO BE WON TONIGHT! ....If everything was going good, I can assure you that Brewski's return would of most likely been in the playoffs or even the Super Bowl (as no one wants to miss that one)...But for it to occurred two games before this week to get it together at practice and start all the media bullshit...and the next game to play and catch up to the speed with real game time play, while also putting behind the majority of all the media bullshit around him...inorder for his team to focus entirely on the Colts instead...This was a planned out and coordinated effort on Brewski and the Patriots part..

            Still, even with his return...most out there continue to say that it wont matter...or that one guy cant make a difference in this one or that he will not be enough to overcome Manning this year...Well, all I got to say is, they might be right...and they might be wrong....But surely dont come to me speaking like you are guaranteeing his return wont make a we all know that there is no guarantees in this game...When, I hear people saying this kind of just makes me laugh because they obviously havent been a playa in this game....Cause, I for one know that one persons return, especially a star or a leader returning can make a difference in the play of their teammates...I know, cause I was a player and I definately know what goes on in the minds of a team without a star player or more importantly one of their emotional leaders, who would usually be doing battle right along side them, but is not for some reason....And the same goes when they return..but it is sometimes extra special....Ever hear people say, that this game is 10% physical and 90% mental?....Well, NE is the defending Champs so you know the physical part is there...I say his return only will help them to utilize and bring out that mental part, which has been partially absent since their loss at Carolina and then again at Home to SD..

            Shit, I need to cut this shit short...damn you can tell how involved I get in my capping as I can just go on and on...But hopefully you guys can understand what I am trying to it is hard sometimes to get whats in your head out on paper and also in a way that can be understood as well...I hope I am doing a effective job at doing this, as this is a rather different Write-Up then what I normally do..

            Anyways, this is the bottom line in this one for me....The Pats still got the main pieces in place here...And that is the Killer B's....Just like other dynasties in other sports had their players and coaches in, in Basketball you had the Killer J' Jordan, Jippen, and Coach Jackson....In Baseball you have the Killer R's in Rodrigues, Rivera, and Coach Rorrey.....And in Football you again have the Killer B's (sorry Houston, but your no Dynasty) in NE's Brady, Brewski, and Coach Bellichek...And that is most times all you need...Great players make others around them way better....But put a Genius in charge of leading them and providing them with the strategy that only Genius's can come up with...and you become a dynasty like the Pats have become...To many people are acting to fast to discredit this team this year ..and I say that is simply not smart to do...These are the defending Champs, not a team that use to be Champs several years ago...So until someone else take the Title, they should still be given that respect in my eyes...And, in this one with Peyton and the Colts, until they or him proves that they can win at NE, I will not jump on his ship...and especially not in this game...with these other things as well, working to motivate this NE team tonight..

            -NE is in a must win situation...They are 4-3 and cannot afford to lose more games or they just might not make the playoffs...There is definately a sense of urgency for the Pats...and especially since they know with the Colts being 7-0, and most likely winning HF throughout the playoffs....they will need to win again inorder to have another edge against them should they have to play them again....Or need to win just incase the Colts fall down several more times this year, opening up home field again for the playoffs.

            -In big games like this one is..the Pats can gain alot of confidence in the fact that they have on their side QB Brady, who is Mr Clutch...Brady is the best clutch QB in the game today and has proven this many many times over...Manning has not...And inregards to playing the Pats, he is Mr Flop...Does a year all of a sudden make Mr Clutch a Mr Flop or a Mr Flop a Mr Clutch....I say hell Brady still operates the #2 passing attack in the NFL and he will be at Home for this one....Manning, although has talent around him, has not yet proven himself or even won at NE yet...So, until he does, he will always be Mr Flop inregards to this game played in this House.

            -NE has the Genius in their corner, who no one is going to even have to doubt his abilities for coming up with a successful gameplan to once again get his team to victory in Big games, like he has proven to do so many times before...Remember, before this NE team became household names...they were a bunch of no-name players..and it was Bellichek "the Genius", who used his wisdom to make them into World Champions...Teddy who?..Brady who?..Exactly..

            -Oh and lastly...we all forget about the kickers...and seem to only remember them when they fuck up and miss a freakin chip shot that would of help us to cover the spread...Kickers are the butt of jokes most times in football...and deservingly so...LOL...However, if there is one guy who is not the butt of anyones jokes but rather who people refer to as Tom Brady of FG Kickers as he is also Mr's Kicker Adam Venerteri...In tonights game I expect him to have a big impact on I see both defenses coming up with big stops...But, this guy gives NE an added advantage because he is a scoring weapon who all money..

            Many people including cappers keep forgetting or fail to understand that in football there is 3 parts...Offense, Defense, and Special Teams play...I dont, I just dont like to most times talk about the other 3rd as I have to many bad memories that still causes me to have bad nightmares....and its all because of those guys with that stupid one bar facemask and their different color, Kevin Butler..Fuck You Kevin you Asshole! ...Flashback to that game against Minny which I had the Bears at +3.5 and all Butler had to do was kick a chip shot to secure the win in a tied up game...but noooo, the fuck misses an easy one sending it to OT....To which I said to myself...self, dont worry cause you have +3.5 and if anything you will win by a .5 pt in OT...Well, guess what happened...Minny's WR Carter catches a pass shakes off a defender and goes 80 freakin yards for a TD in OT...all because this asshole missed a chip shot inside the 20....

            Sorry about,...tonight I have to go with the defending Champs who has Mr Clutch at QB, Mr Clutch at Kicker, Mr Emotional Leader on defense, and "The Genius" on the sidelines running the show...and they are also at Home and also and Underdog as well....There is a big reason why the MNF Home Underdog Trend was the most successful betting trend of all time...that beat Vegas at over 73% clip....A big reason....Only one thing though...none of those Home Underdog wins came with the Home Team being the defending World Champs, who I have to add also had a two time Super Bowl MVP QB, or a Head Coach who everyone in the world labeled as "A Genius"....This one does and thus to me makes it even more solid a play to back this Monday Night Home Underdog....

            Last of the last bottom that if this one was to be played in the RCA Dome then definately I would lay the points with the Colts....But its not and Peyton has not beaten the Pats yet to give me any reason to side with him tonight, even with all the injuries the Pats have...As far as I am concerned, until he proves first to be able to do that, I cannot side with him...and especially coming into this one as the favored....To me that is simply another added motivation and a big disrespecting way for this wounded Champions, who are in a sense of urgency and will be playing with a fear of loss mentality, to be even that much more motivated tonight...A wounded animal is very dangerous...How dangerous do you feel a wounded Champion, being disrepectedly labeled as an underdog at Home..and continuously shoved into the grave and doing so when it is only mid-season?....Oh Boy, we will definately find out tonight.....Go Patriots!

            **TOP RATED 7 PT TEASER PLAY ON: (3 Units)

            NE +11 & Under 55.5

            -Reason for the Under is due to the fact that Bellichek knows that the Colts have a high scoring offense and I dont think he is dumb to get this into a shootout...That is not his style...The Colts on the other hand would probably love it as they know they have some mismatches to exploit....But Bellichek knows that he must dictate the tempo of this game and I see him doing it with the short passing game mixed up with the running game to do this...Short passing game will also keep Brady less pressured as the Colts do lead the NFL in sacks so far this year...So it will also help to keep those rushers in check and when that happens chains should be moving often, thus more time should be running as well....

            NE +11 & WV -7

            *REGULAR PLAY ON: (1 Unit)

            NE ML +187

            -GL to us tonight and LETS GO GET EM! ....ALOHA CC.

            Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

            comp play (opinion only) on: Rockets -7
            Last edited by Co-Captain; 11-07-2005, 09:32 PM.


            • FYI:

              -This was my plays released on "Super Tuesday"

              *REGULAR PLAY ON: (2 units)

              Marshall +7

              Both of these teams have solid defensives and but the edge on offense goes to S Miss because of QB Almond....However, the Golden Eagles has struggled on the road offensively this year...and wont find things going to easy vs this Herd defense that is sure to be pumped up tonight on national tv...and also their bowl hopes are still alive after that win over Tulane..

              This will be SMiss 3rd straight road game...and to make things worst, they still have another road game scheduled for this Sunday vs Houston...So they definately will have had their minds, clocks, and pressure on them this week for sure..and especially coming off of a big game vs ACC opponent NCST where they blew the game and lost outright...Not sure if were all there, as they got ready for this game tonight...But surely have to expect that Marshall was after they put together that come from behind win over Tulane...Sometimes a heartbreaking loss is all that is needed for a home underdog to steal one from the visiting they come in unprepared for this excited and motivated home dog with a solid defense to boot..

              Speaking of defenses though...SMiss and Marshall come into this one ranked 3rd and 4th in the conference in Scoring Defense with a mere .04 pts separating the two...But, as far as total yards per a game given up...Marshall avg's allowing just 332 ypg to SMiss's 404.6 ypg, although playing one more game than the Golden Eagles have...Against the pass is where the strength of this Herd team is as they allow just 190.4 ypg through the air...ranking 3rd...While SMiss's weakness this year has been at stopping opponents passing attack, as they allow 59% completion and 248.7 ypg....One thing here is that although Marshall's weakness on offense is their passing attack...they still have been able to complete 55.1% of their passes for an average of 218.8 ypg...and this is just roughly 11 yards less than what SMiss's passing attack averages a game at 229.6 ypg...not to mention, that SMiss also only avg's 54% completion as well...With the weakness being in SMiss secondary...and the strenght of the Herds defense being in their secondary...I see Marshall getting more of an opportunity to create alot of pressure on this SMiss team should the Herd get things rolling on offense...And that is what I see them being able to do..

              Both teams are close to being equal in their rush attack...And they are two of the best in the conf against the run as well...SMiss is ranked 1st with Marshall coming in a close 2nd against the run....However, the Thundering Herd is ranked 1st in ypr allowing just 3.7 ypr...1st in rushing yards allowed per game, at 141.6....and 1st in least TDs allowed via the run, only allowing 8 so far this year....This is where I see the Herds defense coming up big they should be able to shut down the Golden Eagles running game, which is 2nd to last in the conf and also tied for least rushing TD's as well...When this happens, I expect the pressure to come full on at stopping QB Almond as now he will be playing right into the strength of this Herd defense...And I dont expect them to let Almond beat them, like he was able to do at UAB...
              I always love a solid home dog who plays with alot of pride and comes in with a solid defense as well....And, this is exactly what the Herd has and does....GO MARSHALL!

              *REGULAR 7 PT TEASER PLAY ON: (2 Units)

              Marshall +14 & Under 54

              Contact Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

              comp play on: Detroit -2


              • *REGULAR 2ND HF COMP PLAY ON: (1 Unit)

                Marshall +2.5 -105 (2nd HF)

                One turnover and one long pass keeps this game from being tied...I'll take the points in the 2nd HF, as the Herd get reminded again that they need to win this game to go bowling..

                Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM


                • Originally posted by Co-Captain

                  -This was my plays released on "Super Tuesday"

                  *REGULAR PLAY ON: (2 units)

                  Marshall +7 (EZ Winner!)

                  Both of these teams have solid defensives and but the edge on offense goes to S Miss because of QB Almond....However, the Golden Eagles has struggled on the road offensively this year...and wont find things going to easy vs this Herd defense that is sure to be pumped up tonight on national tv...and also their bowl hopes are still alive after that win over Tulane..

                  This will be SMiss 3rd straight road game...and to make things worst, they still have another road game scheduled for this Sunday vs Houston...So they definately will have had their minds, clocks, and pressure on them this week for sure..and especially coming off of a big game vs ACC opponent NCST where they blew the game and lost outright...Not sure if were all there, as they got ready for this game tonight...But surely have to expect that Marshall was after they put together that come from behind win over Tulane...Sometimes a heartbreaking loss is all that is needed for a home underdog to steal one from the visiting they come in unprepared for this excited and motivated home dog with a solid defense to boot..

                  Speaking of defenses though...SMiss and Marshall come into this one ranked 3rd and 4th in the conference in Scoring Defense with a mere .04 pts separating the two...But, as far as total yards per a game given up...Marshall avg's allowing just 332 ypg to SMiss's 404.6 ypg, although playing one more game than the Golden Eagles have...Against the pass is where the strength of this Herd team is as they allow just 190.4 ypg through the air...ranking 3rd...While SMiss's weakness this year has been at stopping opponents passing attack, as they allow 59% completion and 248.7 ypg....One thing here is that although Marshall's weakness on offense is their passing attack...they still have been able to complete 55.1% of their passes for an average of 218.8 ypg...and this is just roughly 11 yards less than what SMiss's passing attack averages a game at 229.6 ypg...not to mention, that SMiss also only avg's 54% completion as well...With the weakness being in SMiss secondary...and the strenght of the Herds defense being in their secondary...I see Marshall getting more of an opportunity to create alot of pressure on this SMiss team should the Herd get things rolling on offense...And that is what I see them being able to do..

                  Both teams are close to being equal in their rush attack...And they are two of the best in the conf against the run as well...SMiss is ranked 1st with Marshall coming in a close 2nd against the run....However, the Thundering Herd is ranked 1st in ypr allowing just 3.7 ypr...1st in rushing yards allowed per game, at 141.6....and 1st in least TDs allowed via the run, only allowing 8 so far this year....This is where I see the Herds defense coming up big they should be able to shut down the Golden Eagles running game, which is 2nd to last in the conf and also tied for least rushing TD's as well...When this happens, I expect the pressure to come full on at stopping QB Almond as now he will be playing right into the strength of this Herd defense...And I dont expect them to let Almond beat them, like he was able to do at UAB...
                  I always love a solid home dog who plays with alot of pride and comes in with a solid defense as well....And, this is exactly what the Herd has and does....GO MARSHALL!

                  *REGULAR 7 PT TEASER PLAY ON: (2 Units)

                  Marshall +14 & Under 54 (EZ Winner!)

                  *REGULAR 2ND HF COMP PLAY ON: (1 Unit)

                  Marshall +2.5 -105 (2nd HF) (EZ Winner!)


                  Now that is what those on board with me is used to...A 3-0 $weep to start WEEK # 11 on the Gridiron.... November's "Turkey Shoot" -Plays Package is still available at a very sweet "Special Rate" for all those still interested in coming on board this $$$ Train....Dont miss out!

                  BTW...CBB Plays are also included in this month's packages as well...Awesome!

                  Till then next time, Best of Luck to everyone...and LETS GO GET EM! ....ALOHA CC.

                  Contact Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

                  comp play (opinion only) on: NC -2.5


                  • FYI:

                    -This was my plays I released on "Wild Weds"

                    *WEDNESDAY'S PLAYS (11-09):

                    {CFB- PLAYS}

                    **TOP RATED 7 PT TEASER PLAY ON: (2 & 3 Units)

                    WV -7 & Over 39.5 (2 Units)

                    WV -7 & Fresno St -1.5 (3 Units)

                    {NBA- PLAYS}

                    *NBA REGULAR PLAYS ON: (2 Units)

                    NY Knicks -1.5

                    Golden St +6

                    Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

                    comp play on: NY Knicks


                    • Some Info on WV play:

                      WV comes into this game with a huge advantage at the line of scrimmage, both on offense and as well on defense....Thus, whoever wins this battle usually is the one who wins the game...I simply dont see the Bearcats defense, who only return 2 starters from last years solid unt, to be able to stop this Mountaineer's Ground Em and Pound Em offense...The Bearcats may have held Syracuse to only 52 yards rushing on 40 carries last week, but that wont happen against WV, who will come at them possessing the nations 9th best running attack, that averages 229.3 ypg rushing....

                      The Bearcats defense was solid last season, but this year they had to replace 8 starters which left some major holes on the front seven...Also, the LBing corp had no experience prior to this 8 of the Bearcats top tacklers from last season, have departed....This is simply a mismatch here as WV will be running behind a good veteran OL...and trying to stop an offense scheme that revolves around run, run, and more running is not going to be easy to do....The Mountaineers starting RB Slaton may be out for this one....but he absence shouldnt be a WV uses several rotating backs last week to compile that 228 yards against the Huskies....Before Slaton went out in the 1st half of that game, he rushed for 71 yards...The rest came from not only those rotating backs...but also from QB White, who is also the Mountaineers 2nd leading rusher as well...

                      Side Note: In last weeks game vs Uconn,....WV had 4 different players who had burst of 10 yards or more rushing in the 1st Q.

                      I simply cannot see this Bearcat defense being able to slow down or control this WV running game from pounding the shit out of them like they did to Uconn in their last game played...

                      The Bearcats where their real weakness and inconsistancy Red shirt Fr QB Grutza is only averaging 52% completions...and has only thrown 8 TDs to 9 Ints, while averaging 153 ypg passing...Not Enough!

                      If the Bearcats can establish the run tonight, they wont have a chance to get things done through the air also...Why?....Cause this is where the strength of this WV defense lies as they return a solid secondary...with threeAll-Big East candidates in FS Jahmile Addae, S Mike Lorello and CB Anthony Mims...Still getting back to the Bearcats running game...which did rush for 182 rushing yards two weeks ago in their win at Syracuse and rank fifth in the Big East with 155.2 yards per game....However, there is a big problem for the Bearcats and that is the Mountaineers are the conf bests in run defense allowing just 94.9 ypg...In addition to this, WV is also ranked 2nd in total defense allowing only 269 total yards a game....The Bearcats defense, meanwhile is last in the league in total yards allowed per game....Not Good!

                      The Bearcats wont find success running and when that happens, they will try moving it through the air...and this is when the WV defense may not even have to do much as Fr QB Grutza has been mistake-prone all year...Plus with an OL that needed to replace all but starter this year...the pressure that he is facing has contributed to alot of it....

                      Side Note: Cincinnati has committed 18 turnovers thus far....WV's defense has recorded 25 sacks in eight games so far this year..

                      Bottom line for me in this that this is simply a rebuilding year for the Bearcats as they lost 25 seniors from last seasons team and dont have enough youngsters, like WV, who are able to step in and play like they are seniors...WV is already 3-0 on the road this year...winning at Syracuse by 8 pts, Maryland by 12 pts, and Rutgers by 13...and I dont see anything being possessed by this Cincy team that gives them any edge except for the fact that they are at Home, where they are 3-1 this year....Tonight it wont matter against this Mountaineer team that will basically pound them on offense and shut them down on defense as well.

                      Dont expect the Mountaineers to come out flat or lack any motivation this is a young team that is excited about playing and the success they are having....Plus, Coach Rodriguez is a coach who has a proven track record of getting his squad emotionally up for a game, especially one which he is seeking Revenge against...Cincy wasnt on the schedule last season, but he still remembers how Cincy was the only Big East conf opponent to beat them in their House in 2003...So today is time to return the favor, which his Mountaineers will surely do it in a big way.....GO WV!

                      *please disregard any typos or grammatical errors as I had no time to edit this Write-Up...Thxs.

                      Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

                      comp play on: GS


                      • *REGULAR 2ND HF COMP PLAY ON: (1 Units)

                        WV/Cinn OVER 21 (2nd HF)

                        -Cincy behind by 21 I expect them to start putting it up alot more this half..and that is a good thing as Fr QB Grutza is only averaging 52% completions...and has only thrown 8 TDs to 9 Ints, while averaging 153 ypg passing...Tonight he has only thrown for 55 yards but is hitting 73.3% of his passes...and has been sacked twice...With his average as high as it is in the 1st half..only tells me bad things are a coming in the 2nd...I expect several sacks and 1 to 2 ints as well this half...And when that happens, WV will put this one out of reach.

                        Side Note: Cincinnati has committed 18 turnovers thus far....WV's defense has recorded 25 sacks in eight games so far this year..

                        -Tonight Cincy 1 fumble and WV 2 sacks recorded in the 1st half.

                        Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*COM


                        • *REGULAR COMP PLAY ON: (2 Units)

                          NY/Portland Over 88.5 (2nd Hf)

                          -NY shooting almost 50% in the first half...and around their avg in pts...Portland only 32% shooting in the first...FT% at 50%...and 1-10 from behing the arc...Not a good first half...Looking for the 2nd to be abit high scoring as Portland pushes the temp.


                          • *REGULAR NBA COMP PLAY ON: (2 Units)

                            Denver -3 (2nd HF)

                            -Remember this one being played in that high altitude of Denver so should kick in tHe 2nd half as Denver goes on a run...which is something the Kings are not continuing....Denver hitting 53% of their shots in the 1st half led by Carmelo....I like Denver in this half to extent that 4 pt half-time lead and win by DD's.

                            Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM


                            • FYI:

                              -One of my Hoops plays I released today on Thursday


                              **TOP RATED PLAY ON: (3 Units)

                              Portland -6

                              -Portland returns alot more balance to their team then does the GS lost two of their more productive players from last season...and now must rely early on 5' 9" G Nesbitt, who avg'd 20.2 ppg last season...Nesbitt will surley feel the pressure on his shoulder until someone can help him with the scoring...The Pilots, on the other hand, return their entire backcourt from last season and that gives them a decided edge..especially since they have added more solid players downlow to compliment them...something that was missing last season....

                              Portland has had a history of starting out they are 17-4 ATS since 1992...and 5-2 ATS the past 3 seasons....GS, meanwhile has they are 2-8 ATS since 1992...and 0-5 ATS the past 3 seasons....

                              Also, last season these two also met early in the season and the Pilots came away with a 15 pt win....I dont anything that tells me to not to expect another solid win over the Eagles today...

                              Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

                              comp play on: WC +6


                              • *REGULAR PLAY ON: (1 Unit)

                                La Clippers -4

                                -Brand is rolling and so are the Clips....the Hawks are continuing their annual early slide..and it is obvious that both teams continue to go in opposite directions...Clip won the last two at Atlanta, as well as, the last 5 against the Hawks...a team they lost 3 straight previous to this span..

                                comp play on: WC +6

