Originally posted by CheechB03
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proof that Michael Moore is a Fuckin loser!!!!!
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Originally posted by THENDYhIS FIRST FILM ABOUT THE CAR INDUSTRY HAD SOME MERIT. THAN HE DEVELOPED A POLITICAL AGENDA AND FEEDS HIS FOLLOWERS WITH WHAT THEY ARE WILLING TOO PAY FOR AND WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR. HES a fat ass clown and this news story confirms nothing! Hes been a CLOWN for years.Circumstances do not make the man; they reveal him.
FACT: on 9/11 there was total chaos. Not until the 2nd plane hit did they realize it was a terrorist attack.
What the fuck did you expect Bush to do 1200 miles away from the WTC???? Hop on a plane and fly directly to Afgan to take out Bid Laden.
What did Clinton do after we were attacked time and time again???? NOTHING! You want to criticize Bush for doing nothing minutes after 9/11 while Clinton did NOTHING for years. Criticize Bush with real issues. Not BS made up shit.
Savage are FUCKING DISGRACE to your country.
Originally posted by bdr60613It is impossible --- and I mean this literally, IMPOSSIBLE --- for conservatives to respond to anything bad about one of their heroes without bringing up Bill Clinton.
You could have said this in 1998 or today.
Hey Gris, remember the late 90's? Maybe its beyond you. I don't know, you seem so sure of yourself. That moral high ground you think you are on obviously eludes you. Stop being so naive.
Originally posted by savage1It is not childish at all pal;you rebut with namecalling and nothing else because I brought up a valid point for which you have no answer.
Originally posted by CheechB03scientifically accurate? Are you kidding me? You don't think for a second when CBS does a poll they don't skew the results. This coming from a guy that thinks Everything is a conspiracy.
You believe what you want to believe and disbelieve what's convenient.Circumstances do not make the man; they reveal him.
FACT: on 9/11 there was total chaos. Not until the 2nd plane hit did they realize it was a terrorist attack.
What the fuck did you expect Bush to do 1200 miles away from the WTC???? Hop on a plane and fly directly to Afgan to take out Bid Laden.
What did Clinton do after we were attacked time and time again???? NOTHING! You want to criticize Bush for doing nothing minutes after 9/11 while Clinton did NOTHING for years. Criticize Bush with real issues. Not BS made up shit.
Savage are FUCKING DISGRACE to your country.
Using 4 letter words and name calling only shows you don't have the confidence to let your words stand by themselves.
Originally posted by te14Guys, we can debate the issues without resorting to this.^
Originally posted by CheechB03I responded to your INVALID point. I didn't create BS meaningless threads about his 90% rating.
Originally posted by CheechB03NOPE! Not when the guy is a total clueless MORON.
You know we agree on this issue but it doesn't help our argument to call them a disgrace.
And let's get this straight once and for all: I don't simply drink the Bush koolaid. I have major issues with the way this government is being run. From taxes to the immigrant issue to the way these elected leaders act like they are above the law, I don't always toe the company line. But in stating my belief in the right and wrong direction for this country, my conservatism comes out.
Originally posted by savage1More name calling because someone doesn't share your point of view about the compentency(actually the incompetency) of the guy who sits at the top.
Using 4 letter words and name calling only shows you don't have the confidence to let your words stand by themselves.
I've used many words and many posts. Now I choose to mix in some 4 letter words. Do you think I give a rats ass that you question my confidense. Trust me! I don't.
This coming from a guy who had to travel outside the country and PAY to wed a woman. You question my confidence? That's laughable.
Originally posted by CheechB03Not when we have a 60+ year old COWARD doubt the word of a soldier who served his country. A soldier who paid the ultimate price so asshole LIBERALS like Savage live a free life.
Originally posted by te14You know we agree on this issue but it doesn't help our argument to call them a disgrace.