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proof that Michael Moore is a Fuckin loser!!!!!

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  • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
    here we fucking go again!!!!

    i am far from a playboy.....i have girlfriends.....sometimes for years at a time....You assume a lot....I am attracted to many types of women....

    again------get this through your ***** skull....these techniques as YOU call them....i call it not voodoo designed to get women to sleep with you....That is comical and downright cheesy!!! i have never said that.....All i know is i this......I can communicate with women....they think i am witty, funny and develop a certain level of trust and comfort with me easily.....I am easy to be around....Do not take myself as seriously as some (look in the mirror).....and the relationship goes from there...if that is a technique designed to sleep with someone you are an idiot......

    I very rarely have ugly breakups and am friends with many ex'es....I am never disrespectful.....I show them a fun time.....I never lie to them......

    So where is this playboy shit you keep referring to....All i ever said was i know what makes chicks tick.....just watch the movie swingers with vince vaughn and you will see many truths..........

    you turned this into another, "my way or the highway discussion"....

    you are a hard person to like....It is very sad that you lost a lifelong friend over politics.....It shows you value being right more than you do friendship.....That is why you should just agree to disagree instead of hammering your opinions down peoples throats....You do it in such an arrogant way.....You also dismiss peoples responses and keep talking away at things that were never said...just inferred by you.....

    You have big communication problems and if i were to predict....they will wear thin on your wife when she gets hip to it.......

    You will die a lonely broken man!!!
    If I am one way/arrogant in your way, then you are the same in mine especially when you say that you know what makes ALL women tick;that is simply not true.
    And most importantly, I find it arrogant that even though you are in your mid 40's, you feel that you can generalize about an age range about which you really do not have that much experience.
    I stated many reasons why women do change as they get older and depending on their mindset to begin with, they ARE not all the same and they do NOT all tick the same way;my wife is a prime example, and i feel that deeply religious people do feel and react differently in the way in which they are approached.
    Re: my wife, at least I have decided to settle down and see how it works out and work on the relationship, obviously something which you have said you want no part of;it is your choice of course,,but it raises serious questions in my eyes as to why you have chosen the course never to marry or settle down with one person.
    What are your reservations?
    Last edited by savage1; 06-02-2006, 05:48 PM.


    • Originally posted by savage1
      If I am one way/arrogant in your way, then you are the same in mine especially when you say that you know what makes ALL women tick;that is simply not true.
      And most importantly, I find it arrogant that even though you are in your mid 40's, you feel that you can generalize about an age range about which you really do not have that much experience.
      I stated many reasons why women do change as they get older and depending on their mindset to begin with, they ARE not all the same and they do NOT all tick the same way;my wife is a prime example, and i feel that deeply religious people do feel and react differently in the way in which they are approached.
      Re: my wife, at least I have decided to settle down and see how it works out and work on the relationship, obviously something which you have said you want no part of;it is your choice of course,,but it raises serious questions in my eyes as to why you have chosen the course never to marry or settle down with one person.
      What are your reservations?

      you are disturbed brother!!! i never said all women tick the same way......I said that women think differently than men,....thats it....If it is not true then why does madison avenue design specific ads for the same products for men and women????? hmmmmm.....because asshole they think differently...thats all i said.....I then agreed that people definitely change as they age and mature....BUT YOU DO NOT LISTEN>.......That is not the same as what i said....Women decipher and process information differently than men......You do not process shit at all....You just love to hear yourself talk....

      Do not even include your wife in these discussions anymore...You did not meet her in the real world....You bought her.....I could give 2 shits there Dr. Phil....

      What the fuck do you care if i get married for???? To even answer you would be to validate myself to and imbecile.....So you can go off on another tangent of how great you and your bible thumping wife are....blah blah blah......

      You are the definition of an instigating little twerp!!! An agitator.......A keyboard scholar!!!


      • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
        you are disturbed brother!!! i never said all women tick the same way......I said that women think differently than men,....thats it....If it is not true then why does madison avenue design specific ads for the same products for men and women????? hmmmmm.....because asshole they think differently...thats all i said.....I then agreed that people definitely change as they age and mature....BUT YOU DO NOT LISTEN>.......That is not the same as what i said....Women decipher and process information differently than men......You do not process shit at all....You just love to hear yourself talk....

        Do not even include your wife in these discussions anymore...You did not meet her in the real world....You bought her.....I could give 2 shits there Dr. Phil....

        What the fuck do you care if i get married for???? To even answer you would be to validate myself to and imbecile.....So you can go off on another tangent of how great you and your bible thumping wife are....blah blah blah......

        You are the definition of an instigating little twerp!!! An agitator.......A keyboard scholar!!!
        Call me all the names you want,and try to pretend that you know more than do;go ahead.
        I feel very confident about what I say about women,and you show your true nature by always alluding to sex both in your vulgar posts.
        The chances of my becoming a Yankee fan are greater than your truly being religious.
        You are the shallow person who cares only for himself and doesn't want to/can't fathom the thought of taking on the responsibility of a committed relationship with one person.
        You are the one more likely tol look back some day when you are older and your sexual philandering ways end and realize that you have missed out in life-no wife, no kinds, etc.
        Good luck.
        Sorry I will have to continue this later;my wife is pissed off that I have spent the whole day here and not enought time with her;some of us are not scared of facing one of life's challenges and donot take the easy way out by just playing around with no strings attached relationships.
        See you later,and I hope you get plenty of sex with whoever is the "lucky" one chosen tonight in your superficial relationships.


        • you still persist on not listening........I will get married when i am good and ready to you spineless little bastard.....You took on no responsibility.....You bailed bro!!! You did not have the nads to cut it in the big you went where they did not know you and only cared about your wallet......

          I will not defend my religion......It is none of your business.....You are a sad, gullible little man.......Your lady was a virigin....come on man!!! be serious...and if she was then why the fuck choose some little old twit from chicopee mass.....I mean really bro??? What do you have that others don't???? ding ding ding....Desperation and some money!!!

          Also i date women....real women....Not 1 nighters bro!!!

          You are still hanging on 1 weak argument....

          Just answer this...Why do you suppose she fell in love with a 60 year old guy from the US????? it certainly was not your charm......maybe your narrow minded controllng ways......

          lets just leave at this...see if some of the others will agree or not:

          1) you are the most irritating member of the board
          2) most people just let it go the whole romance thing....i think they were just being nice....but we all thought "what a desperate act"
          3) You are very narrow minded and controlling
          4) you think you are superior
          5) You paint all american women as bad, because they have brains and you would have to be judged on your merits and not your wallet
          6) you are a hypocrite
          7) you do not know how to continue to argue things that were never said
          8) you are naive....your wife was not a virgin at 40
          9) you are delusional....who in their right mind would think a so called "hot younger women" would fall in love with a 60+ guy other than for her own gain???? well you do
          10) i think you suffer from napoleans complex judging by your controlling ways and insistence on being right even if it means losing a lfelong friend but winning an argument....(that is real smart)...i think the complex may be beneath the beltline also.....

          i wish you luck......for a man who talks about religion and honesty.....he sure is not being honest with himself....

          If others would like to add i would like to hear about it or maybe i am the dick here.....

          I usually am an agreeable and level headed guy, but his shooting down my religious views got to be a little too much to stomach


          • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
            you still persist on not listening........I will get married when i am good and ready to you spineless little bastard.....You took on no responsibility.....You bailed bro!!! You did not have the nads to cut it in the big you went where they did not know you and only cared about your wallet......

            I will not defend my religion......It is none of your business.....You are a sad, gullible little man.......Your lady was a virigin....come on man!!! be serious...and if she was then why the fuck choose some little old twit from chicopee mass.....I mean really bro??? What do you have that others don't???? ding ding ding....Desperation and some money!!!

            Also i date women....real women....Not 1 nighters bro!!!

            You are still hanging on 1 weak argument....

            Just answer this...Why do you suppose she fell in love with a 60 year old guy from the US????? it certainly was not your charm......maybe your narrow minded controllng ways......

            lets just leave at this...see if some of the others will agree or not:

            1) you are the most irritating member of the board
            2) most people just let it go the whole romance thing....i think they were just being nice....but we all thought "what a desperate act"
            3) You are very narrow minded and controlling
            4) you think you are superior
            5) You paint all american women as bad, because they have brains and you would have to be judged on your merits and not your wallet
            6) you are a hypocrite
            7) you do not know how to continue to argue things that were never said
            8) you are naive....your wife was not a virgin at 40
            9) you are delusional....who in their right mind would think a so called "hot younger women" would fall in love with a 60+ guy other than for her own gain???? well you do
            10) i think you suffer from napoleans complex judging by your controlling ways and insistence on being right even if it means losing a lfelong friend but winning an argument....(that is real smart)...i think the complex may be beneath the beltline also.....

            i wish you luck......for a man who talks about religion and honesty.....he sure is not being honest with himself....

            If others would like to add i would like to hear about it or maybe i am the dick here.....

            I usually am an agreeable and level headed guy, but his shooting down my religious views got to be a little too much to stomach
            Again, i never hot down your religious views-I pointed out that they were not cinsistent with the word devout.
            I am not going to lower myself to your level about many things especially with your immature sexual innuendos.
            Regarding virginity however i must point out I had sex with her on the wedding night;I guess the bleeding,etc indicates that you know more than I do about whether she was a virgin or not.
            Just the fact that you make a sweeping generalizatiop of my wife diminishes your credibility.
            You at age 45 no NOTHING about Evangelical Christian women, women from Colombia and for my mind nothing about what constitutes a quality woman using the VALUES of your own religion as a criterion.
            I won't resort to really vile namecalling as you do, but really feel you are the one who thinks he has all of the answers about ALL women.
            The fact that i just proved you wrong about my wife calls into your question your "expertise" of many matters.
            See ya!


            • ha ha!!! i am not 45 idiot.....

              anyways....keep lying to yourself that you are special......

              i mean think about this:

              what type of guy talks this way...bragging about his whole experience in colombia.....bragging about her being a virgin....bragging....bragging bragging.....

              i will tell you what kind of guy....An insecure one who needs everyone to tell him he did the right thing and how great he is......

              I mean think about it.....You are on here telling me you made your wife bleed......Taking a page from your book, "why don't you show her that line"? i think she would be proud that some other guy (me) got under your skin so much that you had to prove this to me.....that you defame your wife.....

              To me this whole thing was comical and i did it to drive you nuts and it has......You are wrapped so tight dude and have major problems......I sincerely hope you can enjoy your life without having to commentate about it for validation.....

              That is fulfillment......Not bragging

              Most of the shit was designed to get a response....I think you are an imbecile....but i hold no grudges.......

              Your argument style is that of a 2nd grader and i showed how easy you are manipulated.....

              i am off


              • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                ha ha!!! i am not 45 idiot.....

                anyways....keep lying to yourself that you are special......

                i mean think about this:

                what type of guy talks this way...bragging about his whole experience in colombia.....bragging about her being a virgin....bragging....bragging bragging.....

                i will tell you what kind of guy....An insecure one who needs everyone to tell him he did the right thing and how great he is......

                I mean think about it.....You are on here telling me you made your wife bleed......Taking a page from your book, "why don't you show her that line"? i think she would be proud that some other guy (me) got under your skin so much that you had to prove this to me.....that you defame your wife.....

                To me this whole thing was comical and i did it to drive you nuts and it has......You are wrapped so tight dude and have major problems......I sincerely hope you can enjoy your life without having to commentate about it for validation.....

                That is fulfillment......Not bragging

                Most of the shit was designed to get a response....I think you are an imbecile....but i hold no grudges.......

                Your argument style is that of a 2nd grader and i showed how easy you are manipulated.....

                i am off
                You can say in retrospect that you did everything to get a rise out of me.
                I believe it because I made some points especially about my wife's virginity;since I made a fool out of you; you are now trying to say that you said it to get a arise out of me.
                I already proved you wrong about the "devout' word and thank god, you had the sense to in effect admit I was right.
                Or am i wrong on that count also, and you didn't mean to say you were devout in the first place.
                If my argumentative style is of the second grade, then your namecalling about "coming over to have sex with my wife" is beneath contempt and speaks volumes about you, your juvenile mindset and contemptible, unfortunate and VERY INFANTILE way of expresing yourself.
                You my friend are the one who thinks he all the answers about all women, and frankly you know a lot about a SELECT part of the population and short term relationships and not much more.
                Sorry if you are not 45, but I am sure I am reasonably close.
                You said my wife was 40, when she is only 36.
                I made plenty of points to which you had no answer.
                I leave with you with that.


                • Originally posted by CheechB03
                  The bible has no relevance TODAY. It was written 1000s of years ago. It has no bearing how life is lived today. Proof that the bible and other religous writing have no relevance look at the Muslim religion.

