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Anyone else getting this notice when you open this site?

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  • Would be nice to have a little communication of how long this shit is going to last. Go back to the old site if shit can't get fixed no quicker then this. Or at least let us know how much longer this is going to be messed up.


    • page advance please .... testo testo


      • The page counter in this thread shows 4 pages. It won't let me past page 3, though.


        • Originally posted by Kaptain View Post
          ...this will appear when posting first time....

          open up the reply, not quick reply, and you'll see the options on the second row,

          go to the right of BOLD letters B I U. second square you'll see some hash marks.......put browser gently on the first one, should show, alignment on this one, and it should stay till you change it again..........

          I did nothing with my stayed there during the transition..........

          only problem I have now, is LACK OF Smileys..
          Kaptain, I see what you're talking about so that's the only way for you to type from left to right?


          • Originally posted by Ldawg View Post

            Mornin' peeps I have no smiley's ..... and login issues. Actually my old bookmark for BC will not take me to the site. And I can only get OLD Ugly generic look for site. Prolly can change the look when we get CP function back. Good day to all. Lock and load Kapt.

            Keep chipping away Monte. gl
            Yes, the old bookmarks are screwed up. And I found out why today for the first time on some of the forums that the links in google don't work.


            • Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
              Posts not showing up in new threads. New posts not bumping threads to the top.

              Few of the issues I've noticed...
              KB Thanks and keep giving me problems that you're running into as I need all of this information.


              • Originally posted by Udog View Post
                Mine carried over, too. I think that, if you uploaded your own avatar, it will transfer.
                Maybe, but Vbulletin was supposed to make sure the Avatars were wroking, the smilies and logo. They recended on that which is BS.


                • Originally posted by Kaptain View Post
                  REPLIES not totaling up like of old............

                  I can't get into my own user cp to change ascending/descending order of posts..........

                  I know you're fighting it, just trying to keep you abreast of what some of the problems are, as KB is doing
                  Thanks Kapt and keep these things coming as the more I know what is wrong on the site the more info I can give to new people that I'm going to get to fix this mess.


                  • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                    Would be nice to have a little communication of how long this shit is going to last. Go back to the old site if shit can't get fixed no quicker then this. Or at least let us know how much longer this is going to be messed up.
                    There is no time line as I posted that I cannot update this software and I'm relying on 3rd parties to do their job. Unfortunatley, events with the site happened that I had no way of knowing would. And support with the current people is pretty much dead.


                    • Vbulletin issues

                      I'm contacting other support people to first get the site working properly. Meaning the front page, avatars, smilies, logo, banners, etc.

                      Vbulletin will not help beyond a basic install. Even though they told me that they would make sure the avatars were working, smilies and Logo. They have since recended on that as they are stating that's not in the installs that we do. Basically, they don't give a shit if it's working or not.

                      Other forums on the site are not working as the software for those forums is not compatible with the new version of Vbulletin and that company has went out of business. Today was the first time that I was told this by Vbulletin.

                      The other 3rd party which is the front page has installed the latest version to work with this site, but it's only working on the front page and not the rest of the site. I've been putting in requests over and over about fixing the problem. This place is about dead as well. Vbulletin has a front page system with this software, however I have no clue on how to use it. I've asked for links, links to videos etc, and Vbulletin won't tell me anything.

                      I've just contacted 2 places in regardes to fixing this site. I will officially be putting calles in to them tommorrow to see what they have to say.

                      And believe me I am PISSED! As this is causing problems for members of the site, potential new members etc. and Vbulletin doesn't give a shit. Like I told them today you could go beyond what you keep telling me and point me in the right direction to someone that can come in and fix it. I will get back and let you know what they say, but I'm 99% certain that they are going to say we don't recommend anyone and you have to find them on your own.


                      • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                        I'm contacting other support people to first get the site working properly. Meaning the front page, avatars, smilies, logo, banners, etc.

                        Vbulletin will not help beyond a basic install. Even though they told me that they would make sure the avatars were working, smilies and Logo. They have since recended on that as they are stating that's not in the installs that we do. Basically, they don't give a shit if it's working or not.

                        Other forums on the site are not working as the software for those forums is not compatible with the new version of Vbulletin and that company has went out of business. Today was the first time that I was told this by Vbulletin.

                        The other 3rd party which is the front page has installed the latest version to work with this site, but it's only working on the front page and not the rest of the site. I've been putting in requests over and over about fixing the problem. This place is about dead as well. Vbulletin has a front page system with this software, however I have no clue on how to use it. I've asked for links, links to videos etc, and Vbulletin won't tell me anything.

                        I've just contacted 2 places in regardes to fixing this site. I will officially be putting calles in to them tommorrow to see what they have to say.

                        And believe me I am PISSED! As this is causing problems for members of the site, potential new members etc. and Vbulletin doesn't give a shit. Like I told them today you could go beyond what you keep telling me and point me in the right direction to someone that can come in and fix it. I will get back and let you know what they say, but I'm 99% certain that they are going to say we don't recommend anyone and you have to find them on your own.
                        Thanks. That's what people are curious about.


                        • Thanks Monte! Little communication goes a long ways!


                          • Most people just want to know what's up, a little info quiets most bitching.
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                              Like I told them today you could go beyond what you keep telling me and point me in the right direction to someone that can come in and fix it.
                              Damn right! Man, these guys don't give a rat's ass about a customer.

                              Thanks for hanging with it Monte!


                              • Still moving forward will update again tommorrow

