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Anyone else getting this notice when you open this site?

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  • Originally posted by Kaptain View Post
    answer as how to show you what I'm seeing (screen shot), I don't know how.......thanks..........but I'm not seeing what you're showing...thanks
    Kapt, on your computer click on start then go too accessories. In there is a screen capture product. I can't think of the name as my accessories folders is gone.


    • Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
      I'm using IE and I see all of that just fine Monte.
      Thanks, KB What version are you using?


      • Home page doesn't work for me.


        • Home page not working for me either. Keeps taking me to tat database error screen.


          • Something is going on again cuz I can't either. Can't click on profiles or anything either.


            • Yeah, there was a database error because it didn't have the correct permissions to write some data in a place it was moved too. I seen it and found the resolution then told the admins immeditaley with which they fixed it. Why they didn't check it when they made that data is beyond me. These are things that I have to deal with. Don't understand why they didn't make sure it was working or why they didn't know that it needed certain permissions to work.


              • this is what I get when I try to Post new thread in Members provisions/options for bold print, color, size change, type of lettering change, etc.................

                Post New Thread

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                • Originally posted by Kaptain View Post
                  this is what I get when I try to Post new thread in Members provisions/options for bold print, color, size change, type of lettering change, etc.................

                  Post New Thread

                  Forum: Members Picks

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                  Kaptain, I got my accessories folder back so now let me try to walk you through doing a screen capture.

                  When you go to post a new thread and make sure that you're using advanced posting.

                  Next click on Start at the lower left of your computer.
                  Next click on all programs
                  Next click on accessories
                  Next click on Snipping Tool
                  When the snipping tool opens it allows you to copy whatever you want on the screen. So drag it around the advance posting options or the entire page.

                  Once you've did this you will save it. I suggest saving it to your desktop.

                  Then in advanced message status click on Insert Image which is on the second row or 14th icon on the 2nd row starting from left to right.

                  Then click on the Insert Image
                  Click on using the computer
                  Find the image and upload it
                  Then go ahead and post.Capture.PNG


                  • Kaptain,

                    Take a look at these screen shots as it may make it easier for you to take a screen shot of the advanced posting so I can see what you're seeing.



                    • Kaptain, Did you try what I posted above? Do you know what version of IE that you're using?


                      • here's my IE Info

                        picture of IE11.jpg

                        Monte, as requested

                        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                        • here's what I'm getting when I try to post NEW provisions to alter....

                          BC New Post look.jpg

                          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                          • Kapt, try using Chrome ...



                            • Originally posted by Kaptain View Post
                              here's what I'm getting when I try to post NEW provisions to alter....


                              Same thing that I get. Any option to change skin? Monte do you have to use Screwoogle Chrome? Whaaaaaaaa
                              Last edited by Ldawg; 11-28-2013, 06:56 PM.


                              • I'm using FireFox and PaleMoon

                                I used to use Google, but it's resource intensive for my older computer.

                                Are you guys making sure that you click on Advanced reply or advanced Post? If so I'm thinking it's a settings issue you have on IE.

