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Would You Consider This a Good Marriage?

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  • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
    ps In my haste I forgot to include Kaptain for posting the information relative to divorce statistics.
    One other quick thing i forgot to mention before I check out for a while(my wife is attending English as a Second Language and I am in charge of the baby):
    I have a good friend with whom I worked with for many years before he and I retired in 2003(he is 3 years younger than I am);he also teaches college economics.
    Get this:
    He was married to a lovely Peruvian woman who also worked with me for many years-a very bright personable lady and she and I got along great also.
    Well to make a long story short, these guys had what I thought was a great marriage, have a daughter who now attends Mt. Holyoke College.
    It turns out the marriage wasn't so great-they got divorced probably four or five years ago, the reason being that Tomy(my friend) claimed that she put her family(most of whom were now also in the States way ahead of him in priority, and that he just couldn't take it any more(I never heard her side of it);I got along great with both of them, and thats all I care about.
    Here is where it gets interesting:
    Tony while just chatting on line about something unrelated to dating accidentally stumbled upon a lady with China who was divorced and they started chatting and then chatted some more on line.
    They saw a lot in each other and fell in love.
    Tony went to China and eventually got married to her.
    She is now over here and they are doing well according to Tony.
    The lady is now attending English Class (on a beginning level) and Tony has been studying Chinese to make it easier to communicate.
    As I stated somewhere in the last few days, The Peruvian woman, knowing me very well after all of the years she worked with me and obviously understanding the Peruvian culture, is the one who steered me to Colombia;she has some married friends who are Colombian and thought that a Colombian woman would be great for me.
    Back later got to watch the baby.
    ps Tony and his Chinese bride have about a 15 or 16 year age difference.
    So you took the advice from a woman who couldnt take care of her husband first and foremost??

    No wonder todays college kids arent learning the way they should, the teachers are a bunch of screwed up pimps!!
    He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


    • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
      It's also funny how neither spoke the other language but they fell in love online, then he went to china? What, with an interpreter in tow? Fucken LOSER!
      You want me to say what !!??

      Baaa Haaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaa
      He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


      • This thread is pretty funny, Savage you are so whack. Thank god you married a woman who can hardly understand you, you'd drive a person to drink with your philosophies..

        You're gonna be 76 when your kid is 15, pretty crappy.

        What kind of guy posts his entire marriage on a gambling website and continues to come up with "philosophical" questions 3 years later about "hypothetical" situations that really are just your reality..

        You my friend are a whack job. The scary part is you sound intelligent but youre absolutely off your rocker.

        How's your wife gonna feel about changing your diapers before you go to see your son graduate college?
        Great Day To Win

        MLB 2008 (19-23-1) +3.0 units

        NBA 08-09 (10-7) + 1.59 units

        GOY (4-1)


        • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
          Not a very good answer I am afraid.
          Research and investigating in my case meant weeding out the bad apples,the insincere, etc. and spending a lot of time(4 months so doing) doing it.
          Delusional about what? Don't we judge by results? I have a great wife because I went about it the right way which did involve what I cited above.
          Would you release a GOY on a hunch or would you get the stats and trends to back it up?
          50% of marriages in the US end up in divorce-I know for a fact that marriages bewteen American men and women from Colombia or most other Latin countries is lot less.
          No offene but I would put the line at about -100000 no and +8000 yes regarding whether MY wife(not some insincere woman) would have fallen in love with you had you arrived the day before I did for a variety of reasons-lets leave it at that.
          Before you run your mouth, check out the success rate of marriages between marriages in this country and marriages where men from this country meet women in a foreign country(I alluded to this above).
          The Agency which helped me find my wife(Foreign Affair) is considered so good that it was featured on Sixty Minutes a number of years back-they match up men and wome from all over the world.
          ps-For your information the term "arranged marriage" really doesn't apply here as historically asd presently the bride and groom really had/have very little to say who they marry-I wuote;

          Arranged marriage (also called prearranged marriage) is a marriage arranged by someone other than the couple getting wedded, curtailing or avoiding the process of courtship. Such marriages had deep roots in royal and aristocratic families around the world, including Europe. Today, arranged marriage is still practiced in South Asia,[1] and the Middle East to some extent.[2] Other groups that practice this custom include the Unification Movement. It should not be confused with the phenomenon of forced marriage. Arranged marriages are usually seen in Indian and African cultures, and are usually decided by the parents or an older family member.
          Hey savage why do you care what these guys think about your situation buddy? At the end of the day its you who has to sleep, eat, and live with your wife.

          Personally I see nothing wrong with it. If I had to pick between my bitch of a girlfriend versus someone who respects and values you me Id pick the one who is cool and keeps things simple. All of these commenting on your situation ask them how many of them are happy in their marriage or relationship right now? How many of their girls respect them as a man?Life is about choices and im sure because you pick a foreign bride it doesnt guarantee hapiness but I can almost assure most people that if you get married to an american woman you have a 50 percent chance or higher of being divorced.

          Be happy buddy and dont worry about if she married because you have few dollars in the bank.

          I would bet someone from here would do the same, and have no problem doing it.
          Last edited by musclemann; 08-19-2009, 07:42 PM.


          • Originally posted by musclemann View Post
            Hey savage why do you care what these guys think about your situation buddy? At the end of the day its you who has to sleep, eat, and live with your wife.

            Personally I see nothing wrong with it. If I had to pick between my bitch of a girlfriend versus someone who respects and values you me Id pick the one who is cool and keeps things simple. All of these commenting on your situation ask them how many of them are happy in their marriage or relationship right now? How many of their girls respect them as a man?Life is about choices and im sure because you pick a foreign bride it doesnt guarantee hapiness but I can almost assure most people that if you get married to an american woman you have a 50 percent chance or higher of being divorced.

            Be happy buddy and dont worry about if she married because you have few dollars in the bank.

            I would bet someone from here would do the same, and have no problem doing it.
            Very valid points MM...I guess he asked the Q and people in flocks responded. But you are right why should he care?


            • Have to agree with BigWeiner on this not even being a Marriage at all. But, everyone pays for love in some way or another.

              I just wonder if Mrs. Savage has been online to read all this! LOL

              8th Pol - you are one funny bastard.
              NBA is a joke


              • Savage just may be reflectiing...we all go through shit---not thinking and then one day FUCKING BAM--you start questioning shit! I believe Savage is overanalytical...and yes I do have a degree in Psychology!! Call me Dr. Bryce for now on please!


                • Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                  Hey savage why do you care what these guys think about your situation buddy? At the end of the day its you who has to sleep, eat, and live with your wife.

                  Personally I see nothing wrong with it. If I had to pick between my bitch of a girlfriend versus someone who respects and values you me Id pick the one who is cool and keeps things simple. All of these commenting on your situation ask them how many of them are happy in their marriage or relationship right now? How many of their girls respect them as a man?Life is about choices and im sure because you pick a foreign bride it doesnt guarantee hapiness but I can almost assure most people that if you get married to an american woman you have a 50 percent chance or higher of being divorced.

                  Be happy buddy and dont worry about if she married because you have few dollars in the bank.

                  I would bet someone from here would do the same, and have no problem doing it.

                  I have a GREAT wife that treats me like gold and i am neither rich or hung. Maybe you need to find a better one if you are that miserable.


                  • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                    I have a GREAT wife that treats me like gold and i am neither rich or hung. Maybe you need to find a better one if you are that miserable.

                    I also don't have to pay her family $200 a month to keep her and she doesn't need classes to understand me. To each their own but falling in love? Please!


                    • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                      I have a GREAT wife that treats me like gold and i am neither rich or hung. Maybe you need to find a better one if you are that miserable.

                      JC tells me you are hung like a chihuahua.
                      NBA is a joke


                      • Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                        I have a GREAT wife that treats me like gold and i am neither rich or hung. Maybe you need to find a better one if you are that miserable.

                        although im not married I use the stats that produce that over 65 percent of married couples arent happy and over 50 percent of marriages end in divorce.

                        I dont need a woman to validate who I am as a man nor do I need to pronounce to the rest of the world that I have a great marriage. Im happy for you and hopefully yours will not follow a never ending trend.


                        • Originally posted by robby_morini View Post
                          Respectfully request this thread be closed.
                          "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                          • Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
                            I second or third that!!!

                            Or I may need to get in line.


                            • Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                              although im not married I use the stats that produce that over 65 percent of married couples arent happy and over 50 percent of marriages end in divorce.

                              I dont need a woman to validate who I am as a man nor do I need to pronounce to the rest of the world that I have a great marriage. Im happy for you and hopefully yours will not follow a never ending trend.

                              Long as you have Wayne's back, its all good

                              Whats up MM!
                              NBA is a joke


                              • Originally posted by bryce View Post
                                I second or third that!!!

                                Or I may need to get in line.
                                Please, close this MODS. Or give me a reason it is not yet.
                                "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"

