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Referee Hochuli Responds to Hate E-Mail

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  • Referee Hochuli Responds to Hate E-Mail

    Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:30 am EDT

    Ed Hochuli is very frowny after the disaster in Denver
    By MJD
    According to NFL supervisor of officials Mike Pereira, Ed Hochuli is "devastated" at what went down in Denver on Sunday. If you missed it, Hochuli made an inexplicable mental gaffe--I won't call it a "blown call" or "missed call" because I think it goes a little beyond that--that almost directly cost the Chargers a loss against the Broncos.

    From Kevin Acee of the San Diego Union Tribune:

    No one, it appears, is taking the mistake and its ramifications harder than Hochuli.

    "He's devastated," said Mike Pereira, the NFL's supervisor of officials. "... I was talking to Ed within 10 minutes after the game was over, and he was sick. He's still sick (yesterday).

    "Everybody works so hard and wants to be perfect in a game you're not likely to ever be perfect. I've talked to him three times. He's really struggling with the fact he made such a bad call."

    Hochuli's also manning up and taking his e-mail lumps. His e-mail address isn't hard to find with a simple Yahoo! search, and he's been bombarded with hate mail. And still, he's replying to everyone. Someone relayed the following reply from Hochuli to a message board at the San Diego Union Tribute.

    I'm getting hundreds of emails – hate mail – but I'm responding to it all. People deserve a response.

    You can rest assured that nothing anyone can say can make me feel worse than I already feel about my mistake on the fumble play. You have no idea ...

    Affecting the outcome of a game is a devastating feeling. Officials strive for perfection – I failed miserably. Although it does no good to say it, I am very, very sorry.

    Ed Hochuli

    No one was more upset about the call than me, I promise you. I was driving to a friend's house after the game, and had to stop at a local convenience store so I could throw a child-like fit and kick inanimate objects. I said things about Ed Hochuli in the hours after the loss that could've gotten me arrested. Eventually, my grief took the form of a letter from Ed's dog.

    But knowing now that Hochuli feels so bad about it, it sort of takes some of the venom out of me. It's hard to hate a guy who knows he screwed up and feels bad about it.

    It's just so hard to understand why he blew that whistle. A ball went flying backwards out of the quarterback's hand. In what way would that lead anyone to believe that a play should be blown dead? Why would it even occur to him to blow the whistle?

    It's not like Hochuli missed a hold, or botched a pass interference call. I rarely complain about mistakes like that. There are so many shades of gray on every play, and there's so much to see. Judgment calls will be blown, and that, I've learned to live with.

    This was different, though. Hochuli wasn't making a judgment. There's no way he could look at what Jay Cutler did from any angle and conclude that he threw a forward pass, any more than you could watch Ryan Seacrest wax his chest and then conclude that mashed potatoes are delicious. It just couldn't happen.

    Anyway, the man feels bad about it, he's been punished, and I think I can start to let it go now. Hopefully someday, I'll once again be able to look at Ed Hochuli and see a fine official with great pecs, instead of the guy who handed Denver a win.

  • #2
    Cant the NFL change the damn rule so that the whistle doesnt matter?!?! If they get rid of the whistle rule the right call would have been made through video replay would it have not?!??!?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chado1
      Cant the NFL change the damn rule so that the whistle doesnt matter?!?! If they get rid of the whistle rule the right call would have been made through video replay would it have not?!??!?
      They're looking into this. Wouldn't be surprised if the league modifies this rule in the offseason. I've seen this inadvertent whistle happen before but never on a play this big.


      • #4
        Even though Hochuli fucked up and admitted he fucked up IMO his biggest mistake was letting Denver keep possession. After the review he should have awarded the ball to SD. He should have denied blowing the whistle or some similar BS. Then face the repercussions from the league.


        • #5
          it was a fix


          • #6
            Originally posted by frankb03
            Even though Hochuli fucked up and admitted he fucked up IMO his biggest mistake was letting Denver keep possession. After the review he should have awarded the ball to SD. He should have denied blowing the whistle or some similar BS. Then face the repercussions from the league.
            I was watching this at the MGM Sportsbook in Vegas. Half the room erupted in joy, the other looked like they wanted to riot. Insane scene...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chado1
              Cant the NFL change the damn rule so that the whistle doesnt matter?!?! If they get rid of the whistle rule the right call would have been made through video replay would it have not?!??!?
              I agree but why wait till the off-season? Make the changes mid-season like baseball did wwhen they allowed video replay.

              It's a multi-billion dollar business change the rule NOW!


              • #8
                First and foremost...he admitted his mistake. He's human. Get over it people.

                The thing I don't get is this......if the reason that it's not San Diego's ball is because the whistle blew and the play was ruled an incomplete pass...then why was the ball put on the 10 yard line instead of what...the two yard line where the origional line of scrimmage was? That's the most confusing part to me.

                OK...rules state the play is dead once the whistle is blown, I get that...but if that's the case and the call is incomplete...the ball should have been back on the two.

                Did anyone else not notice that?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Chado1
                  Cant the NFL change the damn rule so that the whistle doesnt matter?!?! If they get rid of the whistle rule the right call would have been made through video replay would it have not?!??!?
                  The rule should read that a pass that might have slipped out of a QBs hand or doesn't cross the line of scrimmage they shouldn't blow the whistle until the play is over. Let them finish out the play.

                  NFL please don't give the fans the BS they're trying to prevent injury. How often does a player get hurt in a scrum?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TheRook
                    First and foremost...he admitted his mistake. He's human. Get over it people.

                    The thing I don't get is this......if the reason that it's not San Diego's ball is because the whistle blew and the play was ruled an incomplete pass...then why was the ball put on the 10 yard line instead of what...the two yard line where the origional line of scrimmage was? That's the most confusing part to me.

                    OK...rules state the play is dead once the whistle is blown, I get that...but if that's the case and the call is incomplete...the ball should have been back on the two.

                    Did anyone else not notice that?
                    Was you this easy on your boy Bart


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TheRook
                      The thing I don't get is this......if the reason that it's not San Diego's ball is because the whistle blew and the play was ruled an incomplete pass...then why was the ball put on the 10 yard line instead of what...the two yard line where the origional line of scrimmage was? That's the most confusing part to me.
                      The play was ruled down by contact on the 10. It wasn't ruled an incomplete pass.

                      He admitted it was a mistake. It was a fumble. Then the play was blown dead when he thought it was an incomplete pass.
                      Last edited by frankb03; 09-17-2008, 02:51 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TheRook
                        First and foremost...he admitted his mistake. He's human. Get over it people.

                        The thing I don't get is this......if the reason that it's not San Diego's ball is because the whistle blew and the play was ruled an incomplete pass...then why was the ball put on the 10 yard line instead of what...the two yard line where the origional line of scrimmage was? That's the most confusing part to me.

                        OK...rules state the play is dead once the whistle is blown, I get that...but if that's the case and the call is incomplete...the ball should have been back on the two.

                        Did anyone else not notice that?
                        This is the exact same thing I said to my buddy while watching the game live on Sunday. I dont get that either John
                        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by frankb03
                          The play was ruled down by contact on the 10. It wasn't ruled an incomplete pass.
                          SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                          • #14
                            The guy lives here in San Diego. I thnk he is not going shopping any time soon.


                            • #15
                              He had Denver, plain and simple

