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Bring Back The Kaptain

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  • #46
    Originally posted by 10DimeBry
    spark i agree with your post. The only question i have is why does the head person here continue to let a member lie,fudge,and basically make stuff up yet nothing gets done about it? I know the answer and so do you, i'd just like someone here to be honest enough and just say it!!!!

    you do not know the answer bry ... You have to understand Monte has absolutely nothing to do with CL being here .. You do not like Monte and everyone knows that ... but you are not being fair here at all ... and you know me well enough that i would say if I thought Monte was in the wrong .. If there is anyone to fault for CL being here it is yours truly .. the last time I banned him he pleaded to me to come back and he would be on is best behavior .. I asked Wayne and Monte what they both thought and they both said it was up to me .. the rest is history ..

    You know I really did not want to get involved with this due to the friendship I have on this forum with certain members ... and I know it is not right for me to Moderate that way but I can not help it ... but I do know right from wrong and this is so wrong ... damn I do not want to say what i am thinking right now .. i typed it three times and deleted it ...

    The only thing I will say to you Bry is .. do you feel it is correct for Kapt to stay away because of Chuck?? but before you answer pls read this thread carefully from start to finish ... and then I am done with this because I do not want to say anything that I may regret later ..



    • #47
      Originally posted by Spark
      I honestly don't .. maybe I am missing something ... he knows I would not lie to him .... I have told him Monte has absolutely nothing with CL being here ...

      All I know is that I gave CL a warning and he has listened to it .. and I also know I would never leave this site because of someone else ... especially a site I am so welcomed at and I enjoy

      You know friendship is one thing ... and I will always be friends with Karl no matter if he is posting or not .. but You have to come to reality that this whole situation is ridiculous .. You leave a forum because someone else causes drama??? because someone fudges their record??? because you say someone has a big ego??

      Honestly John .. does this make sense to you???

      Without a doubt it makes perfect sense. Like I said...I understand both sides of this to the best of MY knowledge...and that's limited because you, Wayne and Monte have much more knowledge of this situation then we do, and that's the way it should be. It's none of our business how Monte runs this site....nor how you or Wayne moderate it. You two are trusted enough to run this place and you do a great job.....

      I guess we go by what we can see in front of us. We see (what we preceive) as a cancer to this site, and it "SEEMS" that nothing has been or will be done about it. It got so far gone that one of the best members of this site couldn't take it anymore and decided to take time off, short term or long term...his choice. Another poster was banned a week ago because of his long term drama to this site, and I think it pales in comparison to some others that are still here...but that's a choice that was made, and I respect that. Things on the surface just seem very strange with this whole ordeal.

      Everyone has their own opinions which we're entitled to, but when push comes to shove, we just have to trust the you three will do what's best for this site. But maybe Kapt's point, and i'm just speaking for myself in what I preceive this as, not anything else, that your actions (as in you, monte, and wayne) or lack thereof.....may have I don't want to say consenquenses cause that sounds wrong...but they have reactions I guess is what I'm trying to say.

      I've chosen to ignore the choice, and by request by you...LOL...and I can do that. And let the chips fall where they may.


      • #48
        I only wanted to cast my vote for bringing back one of the pillars of this community.

        Kapt, Im another who wuold wish that you would reconsider.


        • #49
          Please I need some help.... I do not know what the problem is. Kapt was not kicked off this site... I got pissed off last month by someones post.(I not going to mention what it was) But people has the choice to post whatever they want. That is what is so great about this site and the people on this site. It is great that so many people is showing the Kapt. love and I really enjoy his post. But hell he is a adult and he can do what he wants.... I respect his protest, but lets not allow this one thing effect the spirit of this site.... That is just my piece of crap opinion....


          • #50
            Originally posted by Spark
            you do not know the answer bry ... You have to understand Monte has absolutely nothing to do with CL being here .. You do not like Monte and everyone knows that ... but you are not being fair here at all ... and you know me well enough that i would say if I thought Monte was in the wrong .. If there is anyone to fault for CL being here it is yours truly .. the last time I banned him he pleaded to me to come back and he would be on is best behavior .. I asked Wayne and Monte what they both thought and they both said it was up to me .. the rest is history ..

            You know I really did not want to get involved with this due to the friendship I have on this forum with certain members ... and I know it is not right for me to Moderate that way but I can not help it ... but I do know right from wrong and this is so wrong ... damn I do not want to say what i am thinking right now .. i typed it three times and deleted it ...

            The only thing I will say to you Bry is .. do you feel it is correct for Kapt to stay away because of Chuck?? but before you answer pls read this thread carefully from start to finish ... and then I am done with this because I do not want to say anything that I may regret later ..


            Look joe i dont care about all this BS. You and i have talked countless times. I've steered clear of as much stuff as possible. look at what i highlighted. That is what i cannot believe. I'd honestly can say its a not true. You arent the one keeping him here. Someone else is, and it aint wayne, and it aint you.

            The truth is you are taking the fall yet again for someone else here. Joe its either that or all i've come to know and respect from you as my friend toward me is all a lie and a sham? I dont believe that, just as i dont believe you are the one who is keeping CL here @ BC. Please dont get angry, i'm not, i just want ppl to know the real deal here. Why this is how it is.

            Now as for kapt staying away, I say to each his own, if he wants to be here, fine. if not fine. I'd perfer him to be here, but thats not my call to make. its his choice. But maybe kapt is trying to make ppl realize that this site just isnt about views,clicks and banners. Maybe this site is about friends,family and ppl who are honest and truthful. Not BS liars like CL. i cant speak for kapt.
            2013 NCAA POD Record

            8-3ATS +3.80 units

            2013 NFL POD Record

            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


            • #51
              Bry I swear I do not know what you mean ... I do know a few months ago before I banned chuck the last time Monte was all for CL being here ... maybe that is what you mean ... but in the last couple of months Monte told us that he is fed up with him .... and that is the truth ...

              and Bry, you should know me well enough not to take the fall for anyone ..


              • #52
                Originally posted by TheRook
                Without a doubt it makes perfect sense. Like I said...I understand both sides of this to the best of MY knowledge...and that's limited because you, Wayne and Monte have much more knowledge of this situation then we do, and that's the way it should be. It's none of our business how Monte runs this site....nor how you or Wayne moderate it. You two are trusted enough to run this place and you do a great job.....
                they may.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                  Look joe i dont care about all this BS. You and i have talked countless times. I've steered clear of as much stuff as possible. look at what i highlighted. That is what i cannot believe. I'd honestly can say its a not true. You arent the one keeping him here. Someone else is, and it aint wayne, and it aint you.

                  The truth is you are taking the fall yet again for someone else here. Joe its either that or all i've come to know and respect from you as my friend toward me is all a lie and a sham? I dont believe that, just as i dont believe you are the one who is keeping CL here @ BC. Please dont get angry, i'm not, i just want ppl to know the real deal here. Why this is how it is.

                  Now as for kapt staying away, I say to each his own, if he wants to be here, fine. if not fine. I'd perfer him to be here, but thats not my call to make. its his choice. But maybe kapt is trying to make ppl realize that this site just isnt about views,clicks and banners. Maybe this site is about friends,family and ppl who are honest and truthful. Not BS liars like CL. i cant speak for kapt.

                  How many times does Joe have to tell you it ain't me before you believe him? Do you think i'm twisting his arm? I gave up on chuck a long time ago. In the past I was defending him when both wayne and Joe wanted him gone. After doing it over and over I gave up on chuck!

                  Again Chuck is not here, because i'm keeping him here!


                  • #54
                    BC used to thrive despite Monte's ignorance. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore. You can't have leader posting everyday like one of the guys then ban someone because that member disagreed with Monte's political opinion. Then he compound the problem when he banned me because I came to that member's defense.

                    I agree with Bry. Someone is keeping Chuck around. Who? At one time Chuck was one of my favorite and the favorite of many. He was a one hit wonder. He had one great baseball season. Going into the next season he received many accolades. He didn't do as well. He compounded the problem by chasing. Now for the last two years it's been a snowball downhill.

                    BC has lost many valuable members including Kapt and Coverboy. Say what you want about Coverboy. Were his online tactics worse than Chuck? He was an angel when compared to Chuck. All he asked was for Monte and the mods to police his threads. I can say this because I capped everyday with Neil during the past two football seasons. His contest picks were due Friday. I know who he selected every week. He's the BEST! By far! I'm not at liberty to discuss what and how much he won last season in his NFL capping contest. He did very well. He won his contest last season. Easily! He had three 5-0 weeks and many 4-1 weeks. The 2005 season he finished 2nd. Neil can flat out cap football.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by BettorsChat
                      How many times does Joe have to tell you it ain't me before you believe him? Do you think i'm twisting his arm? I gave up on chuck a long time ago. In the past I was defending him when both wayne and Joe wanted him gone. After doing it over and over I gave up on chuck!
                      Thank You Monte for posting this ... that you were defending him and you did back him up ...

                      but the truth is that I am the guy that kept him here recently and I do not know if I made a wise decision .. I always try to do what is best for the forum .. and banning someone who posts plays is not always the best thing to do ... This is giving me a stomach ache ..


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by frankb03
                        BC used to thrive despite Monte's ignorance. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore. You can't have leader posting everyday like one of the guys then ban someone because that member disagreed with Monte's political opinion. Then he compound the problem when he banned me because I came to that member's defense.

                        I agree with Bry. Someone is keeping Chuck around. Who? At one time Chuck was one of my favorite and the favorite of many. He was a one hit wonder. He had one great baseball season. Going into the next season he received many accolades. He didn't do as well. He compounded the problem by chasing. Now for the last two years it's been a snowball downhill.

                        BC has lost many valuable members including Kapt and Coverboy. Say what you want about Coverboy. Were his online tactics worse than Chuck? He was an angel when compared to Chuck. All he asked was for Monte and the mods to police his threads. I can say this because I capped everyday with Neil during the past two football seasons. His contest picks were due Friday. I know who he selected every week. He's the BEST! By far! I'm not at liberty to discuss what and how much he won last season in his NFL capping contest. He did very well. He won his contest last season. Easily! He had three 5-0 weeks and many 4-1 weeks. The 2005 season he finished 2nd. Neil can flat out cap football.
                        I didn't ban anyone for not agreeing with my political views. If that was the case then I could have banned numerous others. When theres fire theres frank.


                        • #57
                          There's no doubt Coverboy and Kapt can cap games. But imo, those 2 guys have bigger egos than CL. The arrogance that rolls off their tongues is sickening at times, and for them to leave the site cause of Lazar is just absoulutely childish. Yes, Lazar has been given more rope than a lot of other posters, but I don't think anyone is keeping him around on purpose like you all think. He was given this last ultimatum and he hasn't broken the rules again. Will he?? Only time will tell. I don't think it's fair for any member to point the blame at Spark or Monte here. Everyone is saying they know CL's antics by now. Then why continue to get caught up in his bs? As a mature adult, I would think that one would avoid him instead of going into his threads and leaving comments that just continue to stir the pot. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but that's the way I feel. Those who argue with Chuck are just as much as a child as he is sometimes. And no, I can't back up my opinion with a doctorate degree of any kind, but if everyone needed that to back up your opinions, the world would be a pretty quiet place.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by kbsooner21
                            There's no doubt Coverboy and Kapt can cap games. But imo, those 2 guys have bigger egos than CL. The arrogance that rolls off their tongues is sickening at times, and for them to leave the site cause of Lazar is just absoulutely childish. Yes, Lazar has been given more rope than a lot of other posters, but I don't think anyone is keeping him around on purpose like you all think. He was given this last ultimatum and he hasn't broken the rules again. Will he?? Only time will tell. I don't think it's fair for any member to point the blame at Spark or Monte here. Everyone is saying they know CL's antics by now. Then why continue to get caught up in his bs? As a mature adult, I would think that one would avoid him instead of going into his threads and leaving
                            comments that just continue to stir the pot. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but that's the way I feel. Those who argue with Chuck are just as much as a child as he is sometimes. And no, I can't back up my opinion with a doctorate degree of any kind, but if everyone needed that to back up your opinions, the world would be a pretty quiet place.
                            Holy shit bro, I agree with you 1000%. You are completely right on the money here. For once I can't even add anything to this. Great post, you are exactly right!

                            Joe, Monte and Wayne have said exactly what they are doing over and over again. I believe every word of it.

                            Anyone who stirs the pot with Chuck is just as responsible for the drama as he is. And I'm NOT defending him here. If Chuck was a man, he'd leave the site for the good of it all.

                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by KazDog
                              Anyone who stirs the pot with Chuck is just as responsible for the drama as he is. And I'm NOT defending him here. If Chuck was a man, he'd leave the site for the good of it all.


                              Agreed totally


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by kbsooner21
                                There's no doubt Coverboy and Kapt can cap games. But imo, those 2 guys have bigger egos than CL. The arrogance that rolls off their tongues is sickening at times, and for them to leave the site cause of Lazar is just absoulutely childish. Yes, Lazar has been given more rope than a lot of other posters, but I don't think anyone is keeping him around on purpose like you all think. He was given this last ultimatum and he hasn't broken the rules again. Will he?? Only time will tell. I don't think it's fair for any member to point the blame at Spark or Monte here. Everyone is saying they know CL's antics by now. Then why continue to get caught up in his bs? As a mature adult, I would think that one would avoid him instead of going into his threads and leaving comments that just continue to stir the pot. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but that's the way I feel. Those who argue with Chuck are just as much as a child as he is sometimes. And no, I can't back up my opinion with a doctorate degree of any kind, but if everyone needed that to back up your opinions, the world would be a pretty quiet place.

                                you soon will have your doctorate from trailerpark U
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

