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Bring Back The Kaptain

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  • Originally posted by ChuckLazar
    Now I know why I like you guys so much!!!
    Shit Kaptain, I wanted that role!!!


    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


    • Originally posted by Lsufan



      • Originally posted by Kaptain
        The only really challenge Wisc will have pre Ohio St and Mich is Penn St........They should be 9-0 going into the Nov 3rd match with Ohio St then Michigan.....I see em 10-2 at worst, probably 11-1, and possibly 12-0.........

        I don't think the following teams are gonna beat em
        Wash St
        The Citadel
        Mich St
        Penn St---first real test
        N Ill
        Ohio St---tough game
        Michigan--toughest game


        Wisc---9 OFF, 7 Def starters return........all but one on the offensive line...Avg 30 ppg, while yielding just 12.......

        Last year, Wisconsins only loss was to Mich 13-27...they're gonna be a top ten for sure, IMO, whether they beat Mich or not....

        Still not sold on them Karl, 3 losses prolly 4. The big 10 is overated, fat and slow they are. And no one is fatter and slower than Wisconsin
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • Originally posted by Lsufan
          GOT "YOUR ROLE" FOR YA CHUCKIE!!!!!!!

          MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
          HUGE PLAYS 2-1

          NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
          0-0TOP PLAYS

          NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

          4-1 TOP PLAYS

          GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

          AS of 6/3/12


          • Originally posted by Lsufan
            GOT "YOUR ROLE" FOR YA CHUCKIE!!!!!!!

            Thanks Jimmy
            At least I don't have tits.


            • Lsu Fan In All Seriousness Thanks For Being Here Bud You Can Make A Tough Situation For People Alot Easier With Your Humor.
              MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
              HUGE PLAYS 2-1

              NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
              0-0TOP PLAYS

              NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

              4-1 TOP PLAYS

              GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

              AS of 6/3/12


              • Originally posted by tech fan
                Lsu Fan In All Seriousness Thanks For Being Here Bud You Can Make A Tough Situation For People Alot Easier With Your Humor.

                Please dont encourage that douchebag

                He is a photo shop homo
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • jc --- et al

                  Originally posted by jcindaville
                  Please dont encourage that douchebag

                  He is a photo shop homo

                  I agree with you completely, and I'm supposed to be his friend...He's like a "Red Dicked" Dog that been locked up for a year, turned loose, and then goes friggin wild

                  I knew it was just a matter of time, before the Bastage jumped on it......

                  Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                  • Originally posted by Kaptain
                    I agree with you completely, and I'm supposed to be his friend...He's like a "Red Dicked" Dog that been locked up for a year, turned loose, and then goes friggin wild

                    I knew it was just a matter of time, before the Bastage jumped on it......

                    I agree Kapt ... I honestly do not think it is right for him to belittle our fine members here at BC ... Thats terrible ....

                    awesome work Jimmy ...


                    • Papi

                      Originally posted by Spark
                      I agree Kapt ... I honestly do not think it is right for him to belittle our fine members here at BC ... Thats terrible ....

                      awesome work Jimmy ...

                      You're sounding like "Hubert Humphrey" and going with the flow......You becoming a damn Politician now

                      for Gods sake, and ours, don't encourage the bastage anymore, you "INNOCENT" by stander you.............NOT

                      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                      • Spark, How enjoyable is it knowing Jimmy can be encouraged while knowing the Photoshop will/can never be used on you?

                        Encourage, grab some popcorn, and see who and what he comes up with!


                        • Originally posted by jcindaville
                          Please dont encourage that douchebag

                          He is a photo shop homo

                          Yeah Jimmy, this has got to stop !! Its not even funny !!!
                          jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                          • Originally posted by Kaptain
                            rescinding (means to make VOID JC).........

                            I've done a lot's of reading the last few days, and I've hopefully learned a lot........I've backtracked tons of my posts, and believe you me there's plenty of em, and I've come to the conclusion, that, a lots of my comments could have been construed as arrogance, but I still don't agree with the egotism aspect......But each to his own.......One has to really know me, to know that is INDEED a FALSE interpretation....

                            With that said, I feel it's over....All the darama and BS re this subject is enough......Those that agree with the egotistical take on me, it's your prerogative (means ones privilege or choice JC)..........Those that disagreed and basicly took up for me, and tried to explain/justify as to what my character really is all about, I thank you.......

                            I absolutely love this forum, and enjoy putting out games, and my opinion regarding sports events.......There will be no more input from me regarding anything other than sports, as to my opinion is my own, and they can be easily misconstrued, leading to even more debates/arguments.......

                            I've had several phone calls, numerous e-mails, asking me to come back, cause, the positives outweigh the negatives....After full overview of my posts, and re evaluation of my own personality, I agree.........

                            Monte says to use the "Ignore" list....I'll do it in a different fashion........I'll read all the posts, like I always do, and use my own INTERNAL "IGNORE" LIST....."....cause like to see where others people stand on different issues.......

                            kb----Kaz----Garth-----all others, you are entitled to your opinions, it whats America is about.....I'm not gonna endeavor (means to try JC), to change your outlook on I look at it realiastly, it has no bearing on my "True Life" long as my Wife and 6 Sons love and respect me as they do, consider myself luckier than most.......

                            KAZ---I used the Photography issue as a comparison to not questioning a profession, and you replied, I don't know anything about you, or what you do for a living.....Well I know this much........You're a Professor at a West Coast College.....enough said.......I commend (means applaud JC) you for the time and years of hard work it took for you to get you see, I'm not totally in the dark..........

                            JC---you notice I can't even come back in, the first post no less, and shoot a pun at ya......I know I can, cause you can take it, and understand who made it, and why........You're a good man.......

                            Wayne says I'm hard-headed, Papi says I'm stubborn.....well, they could both be right......I a degree...where that degree starts and stops, I don't know, and don't really care........all I'm saying is this.....I like the Forum, and the Majority of it's members........The few on the other side of that like/dis like fence, I'm gonna Ignore, post my plays, shoot darts (humorous ones), only at those that I know can handle it....

                            PAPI and I said years ago, lay out the Rope, and some one will be Dumb enough to hang themselves........We also said Ignore the derogatory/detrimental comments from others, and that's where I let it get to me.....I didn't.......

                            I also know my Boy LSU Jimmy will jump on this, and call me a DRAMA QUEEN, well, I expect no less from him....He's my podna, uncontralable, but my PODNA........

                            I'll stay in my Threads, go to and maybe Post something in others sports related threads, and that's it....I see where I erred, and I'm gonna try and correct it.........I ask some of you others, to re evaluate your selves also........

                            Enough of this, and please refrain (means hold back JC), from the BS, about, Glad you're back Kapt., missed you Kapt., or the other side of the fence on this belief, Were you gone????, Place was fine without ya, who cares, and who gives a fuck commment, this is behind me after this post, and hopefull behind you as well.....Those are some of my reasons for deciding to come back, and the MAIN/Heart and Soul reason, I'll keep to myself...........

                            Let's go about doing what this Forum is all about.....Winners, friends, sharing, and being one big Family, and at the same time, praying we don't have to listen to them do we ?????, at a family re union

                            In simplicity...............LOCK and LOAD ........
                            Kapt, I know you didn't want alot of replys to this, but wanted to say this.

                            I agreed with a lot of the posters in this thread, none more then MCP who wanted you to come back. I agreed with KB, Wayne, TTT (on quite a few), Frank, Saprk, etc..

                            It is hard to get a "take" on people over the internet, and things about the way a person carries themselves can be mis understood.

                            But one thing that cannot be misunderstood after your post above is that you are a good man. Good Luck on all your plays

                            Oh a few other things......

                            Glad your back, you were missed, although were you really gone, well either way who cares or gives a fuck, you are back.

                            There, I think I covered them all.
                            2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                            21 - 20 - 0

                            2012 - 2013 NFL

                            14 - 10 - 1


                            • Is the Kaptain back????


                              • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                                Is the Kaptain back????

                                Are you a cocksucker.........yes to both
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

