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Well our Government really F*CKED us this time..Online Gambling Bill to pass tonight
Originally posted by thesandmangriswold said
I had heard before today that the bill dosen't prohibit internet gambling, just the transfer of money by banks etc. to and from gambling sites. Has that changed at all because if it hasen't, there isn't anything in the bill that speak to gambling itself, just the transfer of monies. If this is true, then there is nothing directed at us and we are free to keep using off shores to gamble. Of course, getting money to and from the offshore, is another story. That's the intent of the bill. If we don't have a way to pay and collect, that will keep us from using off shores.
Is this anyones understanding of this bill. That it only speaks to banks etc. and not anything else. The use of phone wires to place bets is already part of legislation from 30 or so years ago. It just hasen't been enforced. This is probally why the offshore I use, about a month ago, stopped accepting bets over the phone. Online plays only.
The logical place was to start with the banks and make it more difficult to get funds to the offshores.
The next step will be to monitor who is still gambling online(don't think with the sophisticated technology they can't do it) and the take appropriate steps with of course more arrests and scare tactics the order of the day.
Originally posted by KazDogIf you're ever out in Calif Kingfish, look me up and we'll play a few rounds.....You could teach me a short game.....I have none
I dig golfing with guys who know how to play the game
I'm sorry this is so long...
Originally posted by savage1I believe as do many that while this particular legislation does not preclude online gambling itself, that there will be more legislation to come, and that this is but the first step in an attempt to eventually outlaw all internet gambling.
The logical place was to start with the banks and make it more difficult to get funds to the offshores.
The next step will be to monitor who is still gambling online(don't think with the sophisticated technology they can't do it) and the take appropriate steps with of course more arrests and scare tactics the order of the day.
The real intention of the law is to first send a message to the banks/reduce financial outflow outside our border. And certainly the banks will just follow the law, like a memo to the banks to stop authorizing transactions to this list here. Easy, done. the republicans will then let the heat die down for awhile. Then, when the number of internet gamblers has reduced from what is a major political liability, they'll start cracking down with further legislation and start making examples of people. frist or other faith based legislator's will throw up for another sneak in vote. if you think it's all about taxes, i think you've got some of it there, but let's look at the recent political landscape. the republicans were humiliated by the Jack Abramoff scandal (that's the genesis of this current push in my opinion), and this is their way of trying to get back into the moral high ground. but as usual, as professional politicians not qualified to do anything else, they totally fucked this one up. One can also not deny the moral appeal they think will play to the christian right's base; here again I think this is another egregious miscalculation on their part. they're literally preaching to converted, and not helping anyone but some followers of Jesus feel better at night. Talk about gay marriage, flag burning, and even female reproductive rights (it's 2006 people!) are, sadly, discussed each and every day by the right mouthpieces.
I think this recent addendum to the port security bill is in part a political maneuver to offset one of the biggest-fuckup-miscalculations in history (do I even have to say it? invading the one fucking secular arab country in the world that actively hunted and tortured jihadists without our asking them to!) Now they can say at election time, "hey, no more gambling online. we're still the moral party! don't worry about how many people we've led to death in the last 4 years!"
They're so far out of touch with rest of america, including their own base in terms of focusing in on non-issues like this. They're only losing more future votes each day as moderates and independents are (were) a sizable portion of their votes at election time. I think democrats should be smelling blood in the water, as the biggest enemy the republicans have has now been revealed, and it is themselves.
On one slight positive note, this could be overturned and transformed into something good by a democrat house and president (it's coming, believe me, unless the dems run hillary), this would be a good setup to legalize US based online casinos, which would be taxed and regulated, which is the favorite thing to do of any government. This feels like a pipedream, but who knows? the money to lobby for such a thing is there, but was not being given before as the land based casinos/tracks/etc did not stand to gain much with so much international competition immune to regulation and taxation already thriving in the online world.
Well they lobbied a little for it, peripherally by Jack Abramoff, that was back in the good old days when the republicans voted against anti-online gambling legislation because they are basically whores just like every other person on this planet. Everyone has their price.
As I read over this rant, I sound like the second coming of Howard Dean, so it bears mentioning at this time that I am neither republican or democrat, in fact, i can't listen to either's talk radio without wanting to barf. But I really am mad tonight at the republicans and they're taking advantage of politically charged piece of legislation (dems are so worried about looking soft on terror that they still voted for this resolution with a just a 'little' addendum that would affect the flow of untold billions of dollars and further closes down the limits to what is cosidered freedom of millions of otherwise good and patriotic americans.
You're all good people. Don't let this get you down!Last edited by BigJake; 09-30-2006, 04:18 AM."He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning."
-Danish Proverb
I am a recovering republican. I'm itching for November. I'm kickinng out every incumbant and voting libertartian. The paste six years has been the biggest disgrace in the history of this country imho. Our civil rights and priviledges are GONE for all practical purposes as this wartime administration, full of lies and hypocrisy, has sold out the American peeople and the sovereignty of our country.
Originally posted by Chuck E. CheeseWhere are you from??? Ask Spark for my email ady, and we can hook-up if you want...
if I have money in my online acct right now will I be able to cash it out by doing a direct bank transfer as I've been doing in the past???? When does this shit actually take effect? I'm just nervous because I have a lot of money in my offshore acct and I dont wanna get fucked
Originally posted by Rizif I have money in my online acct right now will I be able to cash it out by doing a direct bank transfer as I've been doing in the past???? When does this shit actually take effect? I'm just nervous because I have a lot of money in my offshore acct and I dont wanna get fuckedLast edited by BigJake; 09-30-2006, 05:19 AM."He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning."
-Danish Proverb
Please read some of the prior posts in this thread. I have stated and so have others that it will take a good deal of time before this goes into effect. Months and maybe years. You will know I'm sure well before it does. People here will be informed and let members know when it's time to cash out and who knows, it may never get put into full effect. So relax for the time being....The bill has to be signed by the president. That in itself won't happen for a few months....
Don't worry, guys. People who know history know that prohibition has never worked. And, it never will. This, will be a temporary setback at worst.
Remember who the sponsors of this legislation are. Since these guys took control of the congress, they haven't followed through on or finished anything! They're far too easily distracted and cannot concentrate long enough to pull this off, in the end.
Now, here are a couple of suggestions that I have come up with after reading the legislation.
1. Go vote!!!!!! Every chance you get! You hold no power over these clowns if you don't!
2. Don't vote for any incumbent who favors this legislation ever again. Don't vote for any office seeker, ever again, who favors this legislation.
3. Cashier's checks by regular mail will get it done both ways. Although the language is as clear as mud, the bill seems to regulate only transfers by credit card, telegraph or services like FirePay and Neteller, etc. It doesn't mention a word about mailing anything.
4. If you have a telephone line, dsl or broadband modem, you do not have to receive your internet service from an American company. Hell, just google "free internet" and you can get free broadband from Europe today! You'll have to deal with a lot of advertising but the a-holes in Washington won't be able to block you from anything!
Remember, guys, as the entire world now knows, these guys are easy and they cannot stop us!!!
Originally posted by BorgataRobStop blaming the republicans. What they need to do is regualte it.I do agree with one thing they get these bullshit laws passed but they cant get the important ones passed.They are all a bunch of whore scuimbags but the Republicans are less whores than the dems.If that makes any fucking sense.
BC is right.
The Republicans were behind this. Frist singlehandledly used his savvy to get this attached to the ports bill.
And I'm a Republican. But I'm hardly going to change my votes because of a gambling issue. Protecting the world from terrorism, lowering taxes and not feeding the welfare state are still more importnat issues to me. But the GOP is certainly whacked on this issue and it will hurt them politically more than they know (for the reasons I mentioned in my earlier post---they have no idea how many people actually care about this).
Still, as I said earlier, it will be a long time before this takes effect, if ever. The biggest threat remains the criminal charging of offshore operators (something that was going on before this bill passed).
Originally posted by swghostThis is part of why I give credit to any politician. They have more courage than I ever will regardless of what they stand for. There is always someone who disagrees so much they would kill them if they could. There are pros and cons everywhere in political points of view.
For instance people in Europe some to the US for the best medical treatment- not adequete medical treatment- because US Docs are paid the most. Then again,certain treatments are not even available here. But that is another thread.
It is a game that cannot be won-politics- and what a game it is, eh?
It works both ways though. The USA does have and come up with procedures that are better than Europe, but Europe does the same.